Chapter-6 the bet

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. (Alex’s POV) Adam has been acting too friendly around me, the bullying has slowed down since he came, he kind of saves me from my brother, he keeps talking to me all the time and it is annoying, he is trying very hard to get me to talk, nobody has ever did that, he walks around with a piece of paper and pen so I will write and communicate with him, he even learned the sign language for me, but too bad I don’t know sign language, I am too lazy to learn all that. Doesn’t he know what he has? He is popular, chicks will follow him everywhere, and he will lose it all if he becomes friends with me. He is so sweet and nice but I won’t make his life a hell too because of me, he deserves better, way much better than me. And I also think this is one of Axel’s tricks to get me to talk so he can bully me even more, but I thought he gave up on those years ago, he tried to make me scream so, he scared me, freaked me out, burned my skin and did many, many more things so I would at least cry, but I stood strong through all that, I promised myself I would never cry in front of him, and I never did Today biology was fun, Adam switched partners with my partner Jessica Delco, and she is a very smart and sweet person. Anyway he asked me like millions of, weird, funny, nerdy, fictional, and many more questions to get me to talk to him, he have been doing that for the past 3 weeks, but I kept my mouth shut. But finally he lost patience and yelled at me so I decided to write a small simple note telling him to leave me alone, but I couldn’t because the bell rang It was English, oh no I got in and got greeted by the usual names My gaze fell on my brother he was looking at me suspiciously, I didn’t do anything, and I swear I didn’t I took my usual chair, where no one sat but someone came and sat next to me, ADAMMMMMM!!! WHY CANT YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE FOR ONE F******* SECOND “Hey Alex” he told casually, it was the 100000000000 time he was saying that to me today So many eyes fell on us, so I decided to cover my face by a book He asked me few more stupid questions; I gave him no response at all “so umm today at biology you were about to write something and the bell rang” he started I knew where he was going with this, didn’t the bell just ring where was Goateed? “can you write that now please Alex?” he said showing me his puppy dog eyes and kept a piece of paper and a pen at my table, he was so sweet, but annoying I looked at the paper, what should I write? I should ask him to stop annoying, but how will I write it? Will he leave me after reading this? I kind of liked his company I thought about it for about 7 or 8 minutes, hoping that goateed will come and I wouldn’t have to write, but I have I know I will have to I finally took the pen and started writing You are very nice and stuff, but you are annoying me so please leave me alone, I am saying this for your own good… I looked at the paper for about 20 seconds, it was ok I guess, he looked super happy by the fact I wrote. My very first note to my……umm my friend I guess, yeah my very first note to the only friend I ever had. This is it , no more Adam, he probably would leave me and start bullying me after this, I liked his presence it made me feel loved, bye Adam I told in my mind as I handed the paper to him I looked at his face as he read the paper, he seemed happy, excited, I guess he always wanted to leave me. But suddenly there came a very loud “YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and then he kissed the paper I gave him, I blushed, and my cheeks were probably like tomato by now The whole class went silent and looked at us; I kept my head down not even daring to look up, but then I heard Adam say “Sorry, my fault, got a little too excited, you can go back to whatever you were doing then” he said in a very excited tone Then he poked my arm I looked up he was still holding that note as he told me in a whisper “This is so cool; you finally wrote I am so happy. Oh and there is no way I will ever leave, whatever you say, and we are going to be best friends from now” he told I was shocked but happy; he won’t leave me that’s so sweet on one side, but on the other that is just ANNOYING , I put my head back in my book and smiled to myself, I liked him…. (Lunch) (Axels POV) Today , English was just awkward, Adam and Alex really got something going between them, I swear they do, a guy don’t scream’ yes’ in the middle of a class for no reason I came and sat next to Adam, who was sitting there and day dreaming “Hey” I said but he still was in his dream world. so I pushed him and he almost fell of his chair, he looks happy ever since English “What was that for?” he asked as he sat straight “Just to get you back to reality” I said as we both laughed We talked about soccer for about 15 or 16 minutes then I slowly changed the subject “So why did you scream in English earlier” I asked as many of my friends heads turned in our direction “Oh I screamed? Nah it was nothing” he said, but then I remembered there was a note in his hand “Really?” “Yeah” “Are you sure?” “I am sure” “You leave me no choice, GUYS SEARCH HIM” I said as Austin, jasper, and 2 others got up from their seat and picked Adam up. And started searching him like they were security in a airport “Whoa, wait, wait-“he started “FOUND IT” declared jasper; he was really good at these stuff He got the note and gave it to me “That’s mine” said Adam Right now the whole table’s attention was on us, so I read it aloud “You are very nice and stuff, but you are annoying me so please leave me alone, I am saying this for your own good” I finished reading as we heard some ’ohhh “Who wrote this” I asked him curiously “You don’t want to know” he said “YES we do” came from the table “Yeah, come on tell us dude” I asked “Your sister” he said as I and some of the people in the table kind of choked, did he just say my sister? Alex? Why? I cleared my voice and asked as the whole table sat in silence “Excuse me, who?” “Your sister I have been trying to get her to talk to me” “WHY?” I asked furiously “Cool down bro, I just wanted to hear her talk” he said as I cooled down a little bit “Then you better quit bro, we have all tried for about 3 years, we tried scaring, freaking her out, hitting, punching done it all, and not even a small squeak” told jasper “Yeah” came many supporting voices from here and there “I won’t because I know it is going to work, you guys tried for 3 years in you ways and got no result, I have only tried 3 weeks in my way and I have already got a note” Adam said They began conversation on getting Alex to talk , but I stopped them all “Adam cool, you wanna bet on it, if she ever stands up for herself and speak to me and my friends in about what do you say 3 months, you win, if not ,I win? I asked and there came many ‘ohhhhh’ “Sure, what’s the price? “He asked “Ten thousand bucks” I said coolly, this will be fun, and he is never going to get her to talk “Umm that’s it? That my allowance for a week? I want something more, umm let’s say your sister” said Adam “What do you mean?” “I want your sister, I want her body” he said as my heart kind of stopped for a moment NO AXEL, JUST NO, SHE IS YOUR SISTER, YOU ARE NOT SELLING HER ON A BET told my conscience Yes I will do whatever I want I hate her. I hate her “Sure, but why do you want my permission, I mean she is free I wouldn’t care what you do to her “ I said a little nervous Adam looked shocked by my answer “Oh umm I don’t know, you are her only relative I know of, and she is under 18. Oh and nothing will ever affect our friendship?” he said “Okay, but what if she don’t speak what will I get?” I asked “30 thousand bucks and a new car of your wish” he said coolly “Deal” “Deal” (Adams POV) I can’t believe he just bet on his sister, what a jerk, I was joking about the sister part hoping he would say no, I would have made her talk any way, I like her, but he he is such a a******, how dare he? That’s when I made one more bet with myself, that I would prove to Axel that what great of a sister he has, how lucky he is for having her as his sister and how unlucky she is for having him as his brother….
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