Chapter-4 Axels sister

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(Next day at lunch) (Adams POV) Yesterday night was awesome; I had a really cool time at Brandon’s party last night, that party rocked. And I and Axel are practically like best friends, he is such a cool dude, I know he just wanted to be friends with me because I live in a big mansion, but guess what, there is more to that guy and we get along pretty well It was lunch and I took my food and was walking to my table, I saw Axel and some other dudes coming behind me But suddenly someone bumped into me, and both our food trays fell making all the food fall over me and I was soaked in soup, I cleared my eyes to see who it was, it was Alex, she looked shocked and scared, but didn’t even dare to apologize, although her eyes gave out that she was sorry “Why do we keep meeting like this?” I asked as I tasted soup in my mouth, it needs a little more salt.. She didn’t open her mouth she just stood there “What happened? Who did this to you” Axel asked looking at me, I didn’t answer I knew Axel hated that girl, if I gave her in, he may kill that poor thing “You b****, do you know what you have done? I swear you are going to suffer” Axel told as he pulled Alex and pushed her against the wall. The whole hall went silent and looked at us, axel pulled his hand and was about punch her in the face, I couldn’t let that happen, I won’t let that happen “No stop” I said, Axel looked at me giving a surprised look “But, dude, this –“he started but I stopped him halfway “It was my fault, I didn’t watch where I was going” I told but he still punched her, what was this dude? “DUDE, STOP IT” I told again but he didn’t seems to let her go “Let her go” no response, he looked at her his fearful eyes locked with hers, but her eyes seemed scared and hurt “LET HER GO” I told again, he was about punch her again when I came in between them and screamed “LET HER GO AXEL, LET HER GO, NOW” he slowly removed his hands and walked to his table, without even looking at me, Alex ran out of the hall, what was with these 2? Lunch was pretty much awkward, I and Axel didn’t speak, not even a single word, and this morning Austin and Brandon was trying to get us both to shut up, it hurt me the fact that my new best friend is not talking to me, but what he did was wrong, very wrong, how can he just punch an innocent girl , she didn’t even show up for lunch, she must have starved, I should go see her and apologize for what Alex did, yeah, I probably should…. I searched for her all-around school, asking people whether they have seen her was hopeless, most of them hated her and most didn’t even know her, for telling the truth I don’t even know her last name When I was about to give up my search, I saw the Blondie who sat with her at lunch yesterday, she may know where she is, so I decided to ask her “Hey, umm have you seen Alex?” I asked “Alex who? I know many Alex’s, I have cousin named Alex, he is not very nice but I guess he is ok, I mean he lost his eye in a car accident and, that was really bad, hey, so now I can call him a pirate,-“she was speaking super-fast and she was speaking to me like I was her best friend, this girl was hyper “The Alex you sat with at lunch yesterday” I said cutting her off “Oh, my best buddies Alex, she so nice. She doesn’t speak much but she is a great listener, I love her-“ “HAVE YOU SEEN HER?”I kind of yelled losing my patience “Yeah, I saw her going to the clinic, you don’t need to yell at me for that, you are really mean” she told “Thanks” I said and ran to the clinic, umm where was the clinic? Luckily I didn’t have to search a lot for the clinic; it was right in front of me I got in when I heard “Look, Ally you have to do something about this, normal 15 years olds don’t get punched in the face, what happened yesterday? Why didn’t you come to me after he hit you? I heard everything from Clarisse ” I heard a voice say from inside, I walked in and saw Alex laying in a bed in the corner, as she saw me she sat up on the bed, the part where Axel punched was a little red, she must have come to the clinic for that, I stood there looking at her awkwardly “How may I help you young man? And don’t you knock before coming in?” A lady asked “Oh I am sorry, I don’t need anything, ii just came to…. Umm I came to, I, I” I couldn’t get the words out how was I supposed to say this to her “You came to?” the lady asked again “I came to say sorry, on behalf of my friend Axel, he just gets angry easily, I am sorry, I mean he is sorry, I am sure he didn’t mean it” I said But their expression’s was nothing that I expected of, the lady started to laugh hysterically, like I was a clown doing tricks, and Alex also gave out a small giggle and kept smiling l, I have never seen her smile, she looked so beautiful, just like an angel, but that was not the point, why were they laughing at me, I just apologized, my mom taught me apologizing was a good thing, isn’t it? “What is so funny?” I asked hurt But before I could get answer, Alex stood up looked at her watch, she pulled out a box from her bag and gave it to the lady, the lady looked at the box and she kind of started to cry, why did she cry? “You remembered, you did, even my stupid boyfriend forgot, but you did, I love you “ she said in between her small cries of happiness, and hugged her, I could see Alex was not found of hugging her very much, if the lady keeps hugging her like that I am sure Alex will die of not breathing. Then I looked at the box on top of it, it was written HAPPY BIRTHDAY PATRICIA, MAY GOD BLESS YOU in a beautiful handwriting she then let go and said “You are an angel, any mother would die to have you” when the lady said this, I saw Alex’s face getting a little sad but she covered it up with a fake smile Alex then pointed at her watch, waved at the lady, and walked past me taking her bag The lady then eagerly opened the box, like it was some treasure, it contained earrings and a letter, she kept the earing back in her box and started to read the letter completely ignoring me, I cleared my through very loudly “Oh, umm where were we again? “She asked “What was so funny?” I asked again “Oh yeah, do you know what is Alex’s last name” “Umm no” “Read the very last part of the letter” she said as she handed me the letter With lots of love Alex Blates “Blates” I said as I handed her the letter, I have heard that name somewhere, I don’t actually remember “And what is the last name of your friend, Axle” “Axel Blates, OH MY GOD ALEX IS AXELS COUSIN” I thought out loud “You are not very bright, are you? Alex is Axel’s sister” she said I was shocked I couldn’t believe what I just heard no way, no freaking way “And you just apologized for a guy, who has been bulling and hating her from the day she was born, he is the reason that poor thing is mute” Wait. WHAT? Alex is mute? No wonder she never reply to me or talk to me, oh god I am such a jerk, that day at English, why?, why? , why? I judged a book by its cover, I judged a beautiful, pretty, sweet ,nice book by its cover, I am the world larges idiot “B-b-but Alex and A-Axel look nothing alike, I-I mean t-the both are so different,” I stammered out, all this was a huge shock for me “Believe it or not, Alex and axel are siblings, the both have the same mother and father, the same blood runs in them” the lady said “Why does Axel hate Alex then?” I asked “I really don’t know, their mom died giving birth to Alex and guess Axel loved his mom, so he kind of blames his sister for his moms death” she said coolly “But that is so unfair, it’s not her fault” I said a little angry at Axel now, how dare he just blames his sister for someone’s death, how could he bully his own blood “I know, and the much worse part is Alex still loves him, he might have even tried to kill her” she said letting a tear fall from her eye “I am so sorry it’s just I get so emotional sometimes” she said as she wiped her tears away with a handkerchief “So how long has it been since she’s mute?” I asked a little curiously “I don’t know, since she is 4 or 5 I guess, nobody has never heard her voice. Even when she is being hit by her brother, she keeps it all quite and won’t even let out a small wail” she said as she started to cry “Oh, I probably have to go now so see you later” I said little sad too “Wait, why did you want to know all this, no one has ever cared about that poor thing for all these years. Why you? Why now?” she asked wiping her tears away “I-I-I don’t know” I said “I think you like her” she said as I blushed a little, what? I don’t like her or do I? Ok maybe I do like her, big deal… I didn’t say anything and went outside; the only thing I thought about was Alex, she is my best friend Axles sister and he treats her like s***, how could he? She is mute, she hasn’t talked in a very long time, and whenever I thought about her I wanted to hear her voice, I wanted to listen to what she says/ is it too much to ask? Maybe it is….
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