Episode 5

1022 Words
When will this nightmare end? The pain was unbearable, it felt like my heart was tearing apart. I wanted this all to be a bad dream I could wake up from, but the cheering from the crowd around acted as a rude awakening. "What is this?'' I let out, my voice already breaking. What was this pain? How could a few words from him make me feel like my world was coming to an end? "This is just the beginning.'' Professor Declan whispered to me. My vision was blurry, I could see ahead. A bright light showed at the corner of my eyes. I thought I was dying. What must I do? "I heard the professor say, 'Take her to the quarters,' and before I knew it, someone lifted me off the ground." I had clutched myself into a ball. I could stand to move. Pins and needles felt like they were impaling my body. I groaned in pain as someone carried me away from the angry crowds. Was this what death feels like? "Let's put her in the back seat,'' one of the men holding my legs said. It felt like the more I was away from Professor Declan, the better my body felt. My vision was coming back to me. I no longer felt drugged. I noticed the black Sedan packed a few steps away from us. I continued to play dead. One of them opened the back door of the car and pushed my limp, shaky body inside. I could hear them chattering among themselves. Laughing at my suffering. I knew where I was now. The second they closed the door and doubled back to the front seat, I made my move. I jolted forward, kicking the car door open before running out. I ran into the forest a few steps from where the car had been parked without looking back. I heard the men screaming behind me. Heavy footsteps followed me like a shadow. But the trees were like beasts and the bushes were my allies. I ran, pushing every bush aside and supporting myself against the tall trees to catch my breath. It sounded like a frenzy out there. Were they looking for me? Why couldn't they let me be? I tried climbing up a tree, but it did me no good. I was useless. I was dizzy and tired. I don't remember the last time I had a proper meal, or showered. When was the last time I had a blanket to protect myself from the cold? I felt like I was going mad. Was my asthma coming back? I kept running when I heard sadistic laughter in a distance. I let out a scream the minute I felt that soul-crushing pain in my chest. Pain that I now only associate with the professor. "I'm going to catch you Elena.'' He taunted, his voice now closer than ever. "You can't run from me.'' Using the pain of my tormented body, I ran… Against my better judgment, not caring about where I was going or who would save me, I kept running. A few moments passed before I heard the roaring of a beast somewhere within the forest. Was that a bear? My lips were trying as I slomped against a big mahogany tree, my legs were giving out. More growls came from some animals somewhere, but I didn't know where. I felt scared. What could I do? I regained my balance. I turned around, only to encounter a solid man's body. He smiled at me with a hairy face, beastly ears, and a set of fangs. Instincts took over me. I raised my knee hard, hitting his crotch as he fell in pain. I continued to run, this time, losing hope. But then I heard it, the sound of splashing water falling heavily. Was that the river. One of the sites I explored when I first came to this town one year ago were the waterfalls. They were a few clicks north of the main road. That was it, I could make it. I could run from him, right? "Elena!!'' That voice wasn't just the voice of a man, and it's power was like the spell of a fairytale witch. It felt like I was under a spell. His voice arrested me. I turned, I looked at him, standing over the big tree, fangs flashing over his face and a different eye color. Red eyes that glowed in the slight darkness of the surrounding bush. His fingers had elongated nails that looked like animal claws. There was hair at the side of his face. But, not the kind that made him a beast. It just marked him as different from the one I'd seen earlier. "You cannot run from me, Elena. I know your scent.'' What did that even mean? It was then that it clicked. A werewolf. I thought those didn't exist. But I saw him turn into a wolf. And now he claws and fangs like those of a vampire. His eyes are changing color, and him rejecting me feels worse than a heart attack. My professor... My professor is a werewolf! I turned, and I sprinted, using all the energy and adrenaline I had left. I made my last attempt at what felt like salvation. I was almost over the edge of the small cliff that could lead me to tumble down the waterfall. That was better. But when I closed my eyes and jumped, I felt free for a split second. Then, a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist and slammed me back to earth. A tear cascaded down my cheek as I whimpered. His grip on my body was tight, I was lying on top of him, my butt pressed against his bulging crotch. Why the heck was he aroused? "Please.. Let me go. I've done nothing wrong.'' His hot breath fans the back of my neck as I struggled to break free of his grasp. "Never, you are mine Elena. I will never let you go.'' He answered, as his grip on me tightened. What had I done?
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