Episode 6

1023 Words
"Don't push my buttons, Elena," his jaw clenched as he held the door open. I looked at him, folding my fists. "I can see the rebellion behind your eyes, and I'm not going to take it." "Let me go, please let me go," I cried, wanting to run. Men were positioned at the corners of the compound and the entrance of the house. But I didn't want to get in. Getting in meant going back to that cold cell. Where food was scarce, and water was barely given to me. I made a stupid move, I turned and ran. But it felt like I'd not even lifted my feet off the ground when he grabbed me. He threw me over his shoulder and entered the house. "No. Please, I don't want to go back to that cell. I'll behave. Please..." I cried, but it didn't help. He kept walking, and my fists hitting his back didn't even make him flinch. "You call this good behavior?" His voice rumbled, making me feel like he was talking to my soul. His voice did something to me. Like a spell I couldn't escape. I cried and wiggled around in his hands, but he had a deadly grip, and none of the surrounding men were willing to help. I was a prisoner here, around people I barely knew. What had I done to deserve this? He opened a door somewhere, then set me down. It took me a moment to realize I wasn't sitting on the cold concrete floor. The smell of stuffy air and dirty water somewhere did not welcome me. While the room was equally dark and just as cold, it was... a bedroom. An actual bedroom with maroon curtains shielding the bright sun and a big bed in the middle. "Where... where am I?" "My room," he answered, as he walked towards what I presumed was a closet. It was massive. How rich was this man? When he began to unbutton his shirt, he turned to me. I filled my eyes with panic as I stared back. I gulped visibly, feeling like I was connected to him. Why would I feel this way for my him? He's a monster who kidnapped me. "I have to say, Elena, I didn't expect you to be stupid enough to walk into a bloodbath and stay." His shirt came undone, showing nothing underneath. Toned arms and a beautiful body greeted me. My throat was dry as I looked at him, barely even sure he was talking to me. "You've changed a lot, even gotten younger if that's possible. But I guess nothing's impossible when it comes to you witches." He began to unbuckle his belt. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. The movement of his hands and everything he was doing captured me like a spell. My mind was screaming at me to hate him, to look away and run, but... I couldn't. "You feel that?" he laughed as he discarded his belt and came to stand in front of me. He bent, then he touched my chin and brought my eyes to his. "Being rejected by a mate you cannot reject is the s*****y of this situation." It took me a moment for all his words to sink in. "What do you mean by witch?" I had come this far to understand that I couldn't discredit anything. I'd seen enough bizarre things. "Is that why you hate me so much? You think I'm going to hurt you? You believe I'm a witch?" I turned my head, and he burst out laughing. He stood up as he went to the other side of the room. "Me? Afraid of you?" He laughed, "Sweetheart, you couldn't hurt me if your life depended on it." He picked up a towel and walked into a tiny room I'd presumed was a shower, leaving me standing there, confused. When I heard the shower turn on, I started racing around the room, trying to find another exit. I couldn't use the front door; there were men all over the mansion. There was a balcony door locked, but I figured maybe he had the keys somewhere. Adrenaline pumped through me, urging me to hurry. In my mind, it was like there was another voice inside me. Fighting with me, encouraging me. I even looked in the pockets of the shirt he was wearing, but there was nothing. In his closet, there was a hollow compartment on the left side of it. I tried to press and get it to open, but it didn't seem to work. That had to be where he stashed the important stuff. Instead of looking for keys, I shifted my focus to something more important. The laptop was sitting at the top of his office desk. I rushed to it, opening it quickly. The introduction sound as it powered on was loud; it sent me into a frenzy that felt like a panic attack. But the bathroom door remained shut, indicating that maybe he had not heard me. Once the laptop turned on, it immediately connected to Wi-Fi and I had to work quickly. I didn't know anyone here, but I did know someone back home. It didn't take me long to find f*******: on his Google, but he didn't even have an account. Instead, I made a desperate try at something hopeless. Email. But I knew that the person I had in mind barely even used email. Would he even see it? But before I could write anything, the water in the shower stopped. Footsteps tapping on the floor alerted me. I rushed to power it down. While it shut, I went back to my seating position on the carpet, acting like nothing had happened. He stepped out of the shower about a minute or two later, but not exactly in the way I'd expected. He stood naked from head to toe. He was holding a towel in his hand as he dried his hair, then threw it into the basket beside the door. I couldn't believe it; my professor was standing in front of me fully naked.
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