
1052 Words
“They’re going to make you suffer. Want some advice, next time Declan comes here, provoke him to kill you. It’s the best death and release you can get.’’ The lights outside burned through my eyes like shimmering hot needles. The chains around my wrists pulled my weight down as I dragged my feet along the cold concrete floor of what I would presume was a museum. “Move it!’’ the guard behind me commanded hoarsely, shoving me forward. I almost fell, but I kept my eyes open and continued moving forward. I was unsure of where they were taking me. The sun was bright above the sky and there was a cold morning breeze. “ I hear she still pretends she doesn't remember a thing.’’ One of the guards let out. “If I were her I would do the same. the fate that awaits her is most suffering than any human or wolf can endure.’’ So that was it? They all knew that the professor was a wolf? Why would they still work for him? “Please let me go. I haven’t done anything wrong. I am just a university student and a part time cashier.’’ “Shut Up.’’ he laughed, “You’re not fooling anybody.’’ I whimper as I cry. I wasn't looking to fool anyone. I was in fact the victim in all of this. I did not understand what I could have done to deserve any of these. A few more steps down the stairs made me realize that I wasn't in some kind of museum. It was Just an old building renovated. The painted walls were adorned with several portraits of men wearing suits and children with fangs. What the hell was going on here? The closer we get to the outside, the more the noise grows. I can feel the beating of my heart quickening as I'm pushed outside. Yet what awaited me wasn't exactly what I had imagined. There was a crowd, hundreds upon hundreds of people. All chanting the same thing. “ Kill her.’’ I can't help but cry. Every step I take is a product of a hard shove by the guard behind me. They want me to die. What was this? I had maintained the hope that someone would come to save me. “Help me. Somebody help me!’ I shouted at the top of my voice. A piece of rock comes flying out of nowhere, hitting me in the shoulder, causing me to shriek in pain as I fall down. Laughter erupts from the crowd as the same chanting begins again. It feels like I was being crucified. For a mistake I didn't even know about. “Get Up!’’ one of the guards commands through gritted teeth and glowing eyes. A surge of fear washes through me as I push myself up. Another rock comes flying, almost hitting my eye, causing me to fall back down. They all laughed, as I started to cry hysterically. My body is shaking because of dehydration and I can barely stand. I feel myself being lifted up off the ground as my feet drag across the dirty mud. I know I'm being dragged to Somewhere but I'm afraid to look up. Pain surges across my knees every time a bruise occurs. All this while, there is only one man in my head. one man whom I blame for everything. The professor! Yet the devil seemed to grant me the favor of his presence. The second I look up, he is right there, standing on what looks like a podium. At his side is a little boy. I would never mistake those eyes for anything. They were glowing yellow. I suddenly sit up on my knees as I look around. The crowd had followed behind and was now standing around the podium stage still screaming profanities at me. I noticed from among them that most of their eyes were glowing. They were no different from the professor. Was I going to be some kind of food or sacrifice? Was this some kind of cult? When Professor Declan raises his hand, everything quiets down. The hold he has on these people is despicable. They treat him almost like a king. “ Three hundred ago, a grave injustice was committed. We lost everything we had worked for and on top of that, we lost ourselves. The moon goddess heard our prayers and gifted us this source of our anger on a silver platter. One year ago, the devil herself walked into our park under the pretense of being an innocent human. Since then, we have planned out the perfect way to get revenge. My people, I present to you, Elena Humphrey!’’ Celebration erupted among the crowd, almost shaking the ground. The mention of my name stared deep confusion within me. Yet that confusion did not cover up my fear. I did not know what was going to happen to me. Or why they were so convinced that I was someone else. Most of all, what had this person done 300 years ago whose rage was passed down to each generation? “ I am innocent. Please listen to me.’’ Professor Declan paused as he turned to me. I noticed that the little boy had gone back to sit on a large chair situated at the back of the podium. alongside it was a woman probably in her late 70s. Professor Declan places a hand on top of my head. I try to wiggle away but the look in his eyes strangely forces me into submission. I take a deep breath as I wait for a nightmare to come to life. The crowd silences, everyone is looking up at him. They know something I don't. Something is about to happen. It is almost as if I can hear my heart beating through my chest. “Elena Humphrey, I alpha Declan Murphy, reject you as my mate!’’ Suddenly, it felt as if my heart had been yanked out. I let out an ear piercings scream as I stumbled back with shaking knees. It was unlike anything I have ever felt before, pain that stretched from my heart down to the rest of my body. It felt like a silver dagger was driven into my heart. What was happening to me?
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