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When I opened my eyes, It was with a fist clenched and a heart full of hope. I had a nightmare. The scariest nightmare. Yes, that’s what it was. Yet why am I locked up in a dark room? Why are my bare feet touching cold concrete floors? Why is the stench of dry hay and wet dingy floors the only thing in my surroundings? “Hello?’’ I was met with an echo of my own voice. I stood up, looking around as I tried not to panic. What the hell was going on? “You’re up.” A hoarse voice calls out from the darkness ahead. The sound of rusted doors being opened fills the room. Suddenly, my professor walks in, with a satisfied smirk on his face. It wasn’t a dream. The realization of that hits me in circles. I make a quick move, jolting past him as I run to the door. But he catches me in a second, his hand wraps around my waist as he pushes me against him. He holds me against his warm body. “Why are you doing this?’’ I panicked. “Please let me go professor.’’ Yet my fights against his strong arms bore no fruits. “Haven’t you learned yet, this is your new home now.’’ His dark eyes bore into mine intensely as he delivered that sentence. I couldn’t understand why he would treat me this way. I cried as he threw me back down on the ground. I knew that we hated each other, but this.. “The police are going to come looking for me.’’ I cried out, as I collected myself against the corners. “The police are my puppets darling.’’ he laughed, as he slowly walked back to the doors. “Wait, please…’’ he paused, as he looked back at me. “Please don’t leave me here. I’m afraid of the dark.’’ He laughed, as he slowly came up to me. He bent, bringing his fingers over my chin to force me to look at him. “Never did I think I’d come to see the day where the famous Elena Dumphrey, afraid of the dark.’’ He had a sinister look on his face, hatred flickered over his eyes.. I trembled at his touch. “Why? Why are you doing this to me?’’ my shaking body did me no justice. I was afraid of him. Of what he could do and who he was. “Because, my darling, you are my mate.’’ He gets up, ramming his hands back into his pockets as he looks back at me like I'm some peasant. He walks away, leaving me in the darkness I feared the most. Suddenly, someone walks in right after him. I can see their shadow cast across the little lightning coming from the small window at the far top of the wall. There is small whispering and chatter. But I'm afraid to talk, what If it’s still him. What if he tortures me. A plate of food slides across the floor as it almost tips over. Small laughter is heard as a person holding a bottle steps into the room. “Mia?’’ I gasped, as I struggled to get up. “You have to get me out of here. Please. I don’t know what’s going on. Please help m..’’ Suddenly, she slapped me hard across the face. I stumbled back and fell. She’d hit me so hard I felt dizzy. A tear ran down my face as I looked at her. “Why are you doing this?’’ Another person walked into the room, and the second I saw them, my eyes sparked with recognition. “Jessy.’’ I coughed, “Are you also with her?’’ Jessy, my coworker and manager, a woman who frankly hated me and picked on me for no absolute reason, wouldn’t make me doubt if she was behind all of this. “Come on Elena.’’ Mia laughed as she knelt before me. “How long are you going to keep up this act?’’ She gripped my chin, squeezing hard with her fingers. I cried, but nothing seemed to move her. “Come on, we have to go, the Alpha is calling a pack meeting.’’ Jessy spoke out from behind her. “You listen to me good, Elena. I will get you back for what you did. I will make you suffer. By the time I’m done with you, you will regret your very existence.’’ “Y..you have mistaken me. What did I ever do to you?’’ I coughed, but she hit me hard again, throwing me to the floors. I cried and coughed, the pain surging through me was nothing compared to the sting of betrayal that I felt. “Here’s your water, watch how you waste it. Who knows how long Alpha Declan will keep you thirsty before you have to beg.’’ She looked down at me with so much hatred. I got a grip of the water, and could barely contain myself. My throat felt like a dry well. Each gulp put me in more misery than before. The water didn't even quench my thirst. I had finished the bottle in a mere matter of seconds, yet, I felt like I needed more. Mia and Jessy were gone before I knew it. I was left in the solace of darkness with rambling thoughts. My life had turned upside down. … I cried myself to a miserable sleep. A cold floor as my bed and a cramped cold arm as my pillow. Every second I breathe in that damp cold air, I feel my lungs closing in. it wouldn’t be long. My asthma would come back. And with it, perhaps the salvation of a death that was much better than living like this. “Psss.’’ A tiny voice echoed. First, I was convinced it was all in my head. I was dehydrated, and the food they’d brought me was leftovers. “Hey, come here.’’ The whisper was more faint, yet, now I was convinced it came from somewhere. I sat up, looking around. “Hello?’’ I replied in an equally lower voice. My eyes connected to a small set of lights in the far corner of the left wall, where there was a ventilation shaft. I crawled to that space, and there was a boy, seated on the vents. He had yellow glowing eyes. “So you’re her?’’ His eyes lit up with realization as he looked at me. “What are you doing here little boy? How did you get here?’’ my mind was plagued with more questions than answers. “I should be asking you the same. What are you doing here?’’ He shrugged. I almost cried, I had no answer. I didn’t know what I was doing here. What terrible thing had I done to equate this kind of punishment. “Do you know the way out of here? Can you help me?’’ I was desperate. Desperate enough to ask a little boy for help. I was sure I couldn’t even fit in those pipes. But if he was here, then he could get me some help. Get a message out or something. “I’m not allowed to help you. You’re a bad person.’’ His words take me aback. “What? What do you mean?’’ “Come on lady, I may be five, but i'm not stupiid.’’ my brows furrowed, i leaned against the wall as I looked at him. “Please, I really don’t know what you’re talking about. But I can promise you, I’m a good person. A bad person kidnapped me and brought me here. I need help.’’ “But you’re a traitor.’’ he snapped, “You betrayed everyone. You killed, you snatched children from their mothers. Your name became a nightmare for the pack for three hundred years. They’re not going to let you go.’’ His words rang through me like a cold batch of ice. A blank image plays in my head, I feel my blood bumping like boiling lava. “W..what?’’ I asked, barely able to utter another word. “They’re going to make you suffer. Want some advice, next time Declan comes here, provoke him to kill you. It’s the best death and release you can get.’’ I froze, I felt a jolt of electricity parade over my body. The boy's words echo in my head as I stumble back. Before I know it, he disappears back through the vents. He leaves me kneeling there, paralyzed with fear. What was I going to do?
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