
1165 Words
“What the hell are you talking about?’’ Mia, standing against the doorframe with shaky fingers, looked back at me. “The professor, he is an animal.’’ I cried out, wiping the sweat from my face as i burge into her motel. “Jeez Elena, you don’t have to be so judgemental about that. Yes, the professor is an animal to you but..’’ “NO! You don’t understand, he is an actual animal.’’ Mia shut the door and walked towards me. She stared at me, she put a hand on my shoulder before she burst out laughing. “Yeah okay.’’ She bellowed, “Like beauty and the beast or something. A prince charming devil who so happens to be an animal. Of course Elena.’’ “No, im serious.’’ “Cut the crap Elena! You’re freaking me out. It’s two in the morning and you burge into my room with some crazy story about blood sucking monsters and an evil professor. Come on!’’ Mia rolled her eyes, seeming to take this matter lightly. I entered her tiny kitchen, gulping down a glass of water before opening the beer cabinet. The only way to get rid of unwanted memories has always been alcohol. “No!’’ Mia shouted as she snatched the bottle out of my hand. “You’re not getting drunk today. You’re crazy and you need to see a shrink or something.’’ I broke down crying, unable to control myself. “I’m not crazy. I know what I saw.’’ Mia hugged me. “He touched me Mia.’’ “What?’’ she gasped, and for a moment, when I looked up at her, I thought I saw her eyes change color. Damn him, the professor had taken over my mind. I was seeing things. “Touched you how?’’ “H..he choked me Mia. slammed me against a wall and demanded I listen. But i hit him and i run away.’’ Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door. My heart almost jumped out of its chest. Mia got up as she walked towards it, I remained on the floor in a puddle of my sorrows. What I had seen today had changed my life. And I’d be damned if I ever let that professor see me again. “Elena.’’ Mia called out from the door, then she stepped back before falling to her knees and bowing her head. I corked my head, confused. Then, a shadow is cast into the room before a hand is placed over Mia’s head, as if petting her. Suddenly, someone walks into the room, stepping out of the darkness of the hotel hallway. “ Professor Declan.’’ I gasped, getting up abruptly. “Wh..what are you doing here? How did you find me.’’ I was in a miasma of confusion as he laughed. “Your scent is strong Elena. You’re my mate.’’ he let out, and I stepped back. I was eyeing for the back door, but the second I turned to run, the professor was already a step ahead of me. He wolshed towards the door like a man with Godlike speed. “How..how did you do that?’’ I cried out. He shook his head, smirking sexily. “There is still a lot you do not know about me, Elena, but one thing you should understand, you’re mine.’’ … The smell of expensive cologne and leather seats rattled me as I jolted awake. I stared around me, failing to see anything familiar. “Are you comfortable?’’ someone’s voice rang, penetrating the barriers of my mind. I stared up, and professor Declan turned to me from the passenger seat right in front. The second I saw him, I banged against the car windows, yelling for help. “No one is going to hear you, little one, the only person that bangs hurts is you.’’ he let out, as if it amused him. “Oh and me, that screaming will make me go deaf.’’ The person driving the car spoke for only a second, but I could not mistake that voice for anyones. “Mia?’’ a tear trickled down my face as I looked at her. “You let her go now!’’ “Elena, take it easy.’’ “Mia, everything is going to be okay. It’s just a compulsion, you’re going to be alright.’’ I cried out, trying to console her. “Let my best friend go. Don't hurt her…please.’’ “Oh this is just adorable.’’ Professor Declan laughed out loud. “My sister is not in danger, she is the danger.’’ “Sister?’’ “You didn’t tell her?’’ Declan turned to Mia. “No time. I’m sorry Alpha, I didn’t think you wanted the secret out yet.’’ I felt dizzy, my head hurt as I tried to comprehend what the hell was happening. “ Welcome to your new home, Elena Harthway.’’ The professor said, as we drove into an estate. There were large tower-like gates being opened by seemingly normal looking men. Did they all know he was a monster? “Help Me! Somebody Help Me!’’ I shouted at the top of my voice as I banged my fists against the car windows. Yet all the effort I made only seemed to hurt me more. And the men, who acted like they couldn’t hear my screams, continued on with their day as we drove past their gates. “Mia, please, you don’t have to do this.’’ I cried out, trying to kick open the car door. “You know nothing Elena. I suggest you calm down and accept your fate.’’ she shrugged. My heart broke. “I trusted you. With all my heart I trusted you, and this is how you chose to treat me.’’ There was silence. Mia stared straight ahead. “Please let me go. I dont deserve any of this. I promise I won't tell anyone what I’ve seen. I'll keep your secret professor.’’ I begged, even though I could barely meet the professor’s eyes. “Oh darling, you still think that’s what this is about? I don’t care who you tell. They’re gonna think you’re crazy.’’ He laughed. I jumped from the back seat, wrapping my hands around his neck as I scratched his skin. “You monster!’’ I shouted at the top of my voice as I attempted to grab the steering wheel with one hand. Suddenly, Mia’s fist came flying across the car before she hit me right in the face. A surge of pain raged through my face as my hands fell limb. I fell back into the backseat, as my vision got blurry. Voices kept mumbling, but I could barely hear a thing. The car stopped, and I felt the doors open. A pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist as I was lifted from the car. “Come on, take her inside. Keep her locked up until I’m back.’’ As I took in those words, I slowly lost consciousness as the damning reality set in, I was a slave to my werewolf professor.
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