It was time to reveal my deepest secrets

1302 Words

Rose's POV '' Lucas, I know you are in there, come out, I just want what is mine,'' Keith screamed out so loudly that I just could 't believe my ears. '' Did he just call Lucas's name,'' I screamed to myself as I shivered profusely in fear. '' No... this can't be happening to me, how does he know Lucas,'' I asked myself as I looked up at Lucas to see if he had heard Keith's voice as well, and goodness, with the anger in Lucas's eyes. Lucas heard him loud and clear. '' Oh, Lucas... I don't want to fight, I just want what belongs to me. You know very well what you have. It's mine, and I just want it back, that is all I ask for,'' Keith screamed again, and I could goddamn feel the anger radiating through Lucas. '' Lucas, if you don't return my property, I will just have to burn this

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