This information...It can either save us or kill us

1362 Words

Lucas's POV I got a call from my brother, and ran out as fast as I could. Rose wanted to talk about something but right now none of that was important. She needed all the rest that she could get, so I kissed her goodbye and walked out of the room. I didn't know what my brother wanted but his text sounded urgent, so it must be important. I walked into my study and Leo and Mateo were both there. '' Your message sounded urgent, so it has to be important, what is it?'' I asked as I took my seat, with my attention fixed on Leo. '' Don't get so comfortable brother, we are going for a walk,'' Mateo said, and Leo nodded. '' Okay, what is going on? I should be with Rose now taking care of her and not doing this with you all,'' I said as I rolled my eyes. '' Trust us, you will want to know

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