The voice, I hated so much

1556 Words

Several Months later Lucas's POV I hadn't left her side in months. I watched her every day, just hoping that maybe, just maybe she might open her eyes. But every single day my hope was dashed to the ground. It broke my heart to see her like this, connected to all these machines and I just couldn't help but blame myself for what she was passing through. ''I should have protected her better... I should have done something more to prevent this. ''I continued to beat myself up every day for that. ''Hey... '' I soon heard Isabella's voice, bringing me out of my invading thoughts. '' Hey, sis... you shouldn't be here, it is not safe,'' I said as I looked up at her. '' I know, but I wanted to see how my brother is doing,'' She said as she sat beside me. '' How is she?'' Isabella as

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