Yeah, I'm leaving, but it's without you...

1406 Words

Lucas's POV ''Are you mad?" Leo yelled at the top of his lungs. I had just told my brothers that we were all leaving, moving base just to protect Rose and Leo was not having any of it. “No... you have definitely gone crazy," Leo let out as he paced back and forth the room. ''I have made my decision, Leonardo, and no one is going to change my mind," I said in a subtle voice. ''No, Lucas, you are not thinking straight. It is obvious that you are blinded by the woman. Why do you think it is wise to go into hiding when we are at war with Santos and his people," Leo huffed as he looked at me with disdain in his eyes. I was confused... I didn't understand what Leonard was talking about. ''How could we be at war with Santos? Santos wouldn't dare move against us," I asked him. ''Yeah you w

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