You still don't understand

1300 Words

Rose's POV Lucas didn't say a word, his eyes were slightly looking up at me as his hands held onto the table so tightly. He held his gaze on me for so long that it felt like a lifetime. I suddenly felt nervous, with his eyes trailing all over me, kind of making me unable to breathe. “What was going on in his mind, wasn't he going to say anything," I asked myself as I shifted my weight from one leg to the other. But still, there was nothing from him. Lucas still didn't say a word. The silence pierced through the room like a needle to the skin, and I just couldn't stand it anymore. I wanted to say something, to end this nerve-racking silence between us, but that was when I heard Lucas's voice say. “No... I thought I made myself clear before, you are not leaving here without me," he sa

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