My Rose...My desire

1249 Words

Lucas's POV It was easy, we took over the hospital in no time, and Rose was taken in. '' Look at me, if she dies under your watch, then I will kill you and your whole family.'' I pointed a gun at the doctor's head, saying. '' I will try my best,'' the doctor said as he shivered in fear. I soon turned to Rose's unconscious form, as I tried so hard to keep the emotions from overwhelming me. '' Stay alive for me Rose, I can't lose you now that I just found you,'' I said as I kissed her lips softly. She was soon taken to the operating room, and goodness I just couldn't sit still. My mind was racing beyond control as a lot of negative thoughts passed through my head. '' She is going to be fine,'' I soon heard Isabella's voice say. '' I wish I could believe that, Isa,'' I murmured

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