5[Kennedy Knight]

749 Words
Just as predicted the day had been one hell of a day and it was as long as my d**k. I was too exhausted, tired and hangover to do anything else other than eat the nice breakfast Edward had made for me then sleep some more and ignore everything else. Right now at a quarter past one in the afternoon is when I found it in myself to check my phone. And. "f**k" I cursed. I had 11 missed calls, 9 text messages and a s**t load of emails. 9 missed calls were from Carla and two were from Jared Cahill. I decided to read the messasges first before calling anyone back. Star 11:02am WTF!! Ken? Why aren't you picking up? Star 11:11am Pick your fuckin' phone up dude!!! Star 12:09am Really? Until now? C'mon, Jared Cahill just called. He said you aren't picking up your phone. Are you alright? Star 12:11am I'm worried sick Ken. Should I come over? Are you sick? Star 12:13am You know what? Am leaving work early and coming over? You better cook me something if you're fine. Star 12:15am I take that back. Don't try cooking anything. I don't want to die. But make sure I find a decent home cooked meal. I'm starving. See yah! Star 12:20am Please make sure its Mrs. Adams' cooking. I really don't want to die and I really hope you're fine. Star 12:20am Answer me damn it!!Ugh!! I'll kill you. Are you dead? Jared Cahill 12:30am Hey big guy! Call me. The last text snapped out of whatever smiling, terrified and worried riverie I was in because of Carla and I decided to call Jared back. "Kennedy" he picked up right away in that cheerfull high-pitched feminine smooth voice of his and I grimaced. He didn't have to scream. "Jared" my voice lacked equal euthiasm but it sounded alright. I sounded nowhere near tired or irritated and that's how I felt. "I'm sorry Jared. I felt a little sick so I didn't go to work and took the day off to have some rest, that's why I didn't pick up your calls. I was actually sleeping" this time my voice sounded a little exhausted. Even though Jared was a friend, he was also a business partner so he didn't have to know that I had almost died of alcohol poisoning the previous night. "You're sick? Really? Are you feeling okay now? Can I come over? Oh my god Ken did you even eat? Is Ed or that cooking lady there with you? I'm coming over after work" he rumbled and ranted so fast that I couldn't keep up but one confusing thing had my attention. "Jared" my voice was quiet, curious yet suspicious. "Hmmm" he hummed alarmed probably sensing my tone. "How do you know the name of my assistant, using the fisrt name basis and have a nickname for him?" I asked quietly. "Uh-hmm h-he, I mean I-i remembered his name and y-you know me and nicknames sweetheart" he chuckled awkwardly but I chose to leave the matter alone. Instead I told him that I felt better and Mrs. Adams had cooked me something so he didn't need to come over and he hung up after making me promise to "take care of your handsome self" and to "call me tommorrow I have some good news". The guy could be a pain in the ass but isn't that what friends were. I chose to call Mrs. Adams first. She hadn't come to work for three straight days and that was weird. When she didn't pick up her phone I decided to call Edward and ask him to cook for Carla since the guy could cook a guy's boxer's off and also confront him about Jared. I wasn't stupid. I knew he and Jared knew each other. Everytime the three of us were in one room Edward would tense up, act awkward and stutter and then there was Jared, the guy would eye f**k my assistant to no end, keep trying to get his attention or something else suspicious. There weren't as secretive as they thought they were and I knew Carla knew something about it since she wouldn't be anyless tense or awkward. Jared was so gay. Edward was gay. The only assumption I would get was that they had dated but I didn't want to jump to conclusions incase I had it all wrong. So I chose to call Edward first and invite him over.
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