6[Edward Sanders]

585 Words
'Jared' The name made my insides churn, it made bile rise in my throat until it felt dry and I felt this huge urge to throw up. He was history, he was in my past and that's where I'd had liked to keep him but he just kept showing up everywhere as if he didn't want himself out of my life, out of my head and that is exactly what kept happening. I sighed and raked my fingers through my hair to keep them from shaking. He did this all the time. He used Kennedy and business as bait in order to rile me up and every time he tried this it became a harder task to act as if we were complete strangers. I was tired of the guy playing these mind games with me. I thought about calling him for a second but then I backed out of it since he would probably end up crying, cussing around and acting like the victim anyway. Jared was my first love and my first real boyfriend. He was almost my first everything but he went and threw it away by cheating on me with his secretary. Who even does that? I sat in my office and busied myself with office work to keep my mind off everything. I didn't want to think of Jared's clingness, worry about Kennedy's drunkardness or feel guilty for storming out on Carla. I just wanted to finish all the work, pray to God Kennedy didn't leave the house, drink or need me to come over. I would've liked to just leave and crash at my condo and have a good night sleep this time atleast but I was sure I would just end thinking and thinking until I fell asleep at two in the morning, maybe. "f**k" I muttered silently and decided to do my work. It had been an hour since I was so busy engrossed in work when my personal phone went off. I didn't bother checking the caller I.D since I was too busy engrossed in work. I picked up the phone right away mumbling a "Hello, Edward sanders speaking". "Edward" Keneddy's voice rang through the phone speakers and I stiffened in my seat, my body growing rigid. I removed the phone from my ear and brought it to the front of my face and checked the caller I.D. Of course. It read 'BOSS'. "Yes sir" My voice came out all wrong. I sounded constipated and irritated. A tone you didn't dare use on your boss. "Are you okay?" he asked and the tiny hint of worry in his voice made me want to punch myself in the face. "Am fine sir" this time my voice came out firmer and less constipated. I think I heard Kennedy sigh in relief. "Good and let this be the last time I tell you to call me Kennedy. I want to you to come over by four and cook something. I have a visitor" his voice was so firm, serious and authoritive that it sent a shiver down my spine in calm rage. I hated when someone tried to challenge and boss me around. "Yes si-Mr. Kennedy" my voice was dangerously quiet and calm and I hoped he didn't hear the anger in it. "Drop the Mr and you will be a good boy. See you later" this time my whole body tensed. This fucker knew I hated to be bossed around. He was annoying me on purpose. Fucking tease.
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