4[Edward Sanders]

1023 Words
The drive back to Knight's Co headquarters was short and I reached there in approximately 15 minutes even with the New york traffic. I gave my keys to the valet, a 19 year old kid that was too hard working and mature for his age. He was probably the only guy I trusted in the whole building and I hadn't even entered it yet. This place was the headquarters by name or maybe because the building was bigger and classy but the most important people where at Kennedy's main office. This building was full of egoistic men that wore ridiculously expensive tailored suits and sultry ladies that wore suffocating pencil skirts and dresses and even though they all knew how to do their jobs, they were just cheats. I walked into the lobby and from the corner of my eye I could see Beth short for Bethany removing her probably nonexistent wrinkles from her skintight skirt. Beth was a lady that I had turned down a couple of times. She just couldn't get it through her skull that I was into guys so she hit on me whenever she had a chance and when I got used to it I started flirting back because it didn't hurt and nobody would get hurt since she just wanted to get into my pants. "Hey sexy" she purred when I reached her. I wanted to cringe at the horrible attempt to sound seductive but I chose to smirk and wink at her which arouse a blush on her already rosy cheeks and that actually caught me off-guard since I didn't know Beth had it in her to be flushed. "Is Carla in and available?" I asked in a serious voice and watched as Beth pulled herself together clearly getting the message and typing furiously on her keyboard then telling me Carla was indeed available and I prayed she wasn't too busy because I would be bored the whole day and being around these people made me want to rip all their throats out. I walked to the elevator and almost smiled triumphly when no one was using it. This was once in a lifetime opportunity. I slumped and leaned against the mirror cotted ride since the 12th floor sounded too far in my head but hanging out with Carla was worth the trouble. Carla was the Coo of Knight's Co. She was the only family Kennedy had and they weren't even blood related since they were both fostered until they were both adopted by one of the oldest, richest and kindest man on earth when they were teenagers. They were a two member family that was closer than a thumb and a pinky finger. Carla was a 29 year old stunning feminist that was still single but I considered her my second best friend. It would sound obnoxious that a rich gorgeous lady that was related to the richest youngest bachelor in the states was my best friend but that's just how it was. She was the female version of me and if I was any less gay I would've fallen for her hardcore. The elevator dinged pulling me out of my thoughts and I rushed out. The need to make Star uncomfortable making me walk faster. 'Star' was a name only I and Kennedy called Carla and she loved it since it was a name she was given by their late father Mr. Knight himself. "EDDIE!!" Carla practically screamed and this time I cringed from both the noise and the stupid name that she always used everytime when she either wanted to get on my nerves or when she was so excited and today it was the latter. "Well, someone missed me." I kissed her cheek and practically removed her off me since during the process of throwing herself at me she had wrapped her legs around my torso. "Shut up" she muttered flushed and my stomach twisted uncomfortably but I just ruffled her curly hair, a feature she shared with Kennedy trying to lighten the mood and I succeeded looking at how she smacked my hand away and started rumbling about everything. I zoned out when my mind wondered back to her weird behavior. You see Carla has had this silly crush on me for like forever and it was still there even after coming out to her. I had thought if she knew I was gay she would get over it but we just went back to point zero but she never let it make things awkward between us so I did my best to ignore it as much as possible. "Jared" I flinched and tensed at the name completely forgetting what I was thinking about and turning to her rumbles all ears since they weren't rumbles anymore the moment that name was included. She seemed to catch the hang on my behavior and stopped talking altogether but I wanted to know why the heck that name was included and why she would say it to me of all people. "What about him? " My voice came out all wrong and foreign even to my own ears. It dripped with venom and that was only one of the effect the guy still had on me. Carla fidgeted in her seat probably from the tension since the mood was ruined but she continued anyway. "I tried calling Ken but he isn't answering his phone or responding to my texts and emails so I was planning to drop by after work since that guy wants a personal meeting and this is an opportunity I can't pass up because Ken would kill me if I didn't say a thing" Carla muttered and that was the total turn off on the mood but she was wise enough not to use his name. I stood abruptly and excused myself leaving Carla with a pained expression but I didn't allow myself to feel guilty for cutting our moment short because my mind was already circulating around Jared. I didn't have it in me to think or concentrate on anything else. This was going to be a long ass day.
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