3[Kennedy Knight]

856 Words
I stirred in an uncomfortable position before blinking the pounding of my head away but the harsh beams of sunlight just made it worse. Why the f**k were the curtains even open? My legs were tangled in my silky sheets that dangled on my carpeted floor where also lay my messy covers. This s**t was just too slippery. I groaned as I kicked off the sheets surprised to realise I was only in my boxer briefs since I didn't remember anything from last night except drinking my life away. I just brushed off the alarming thoughts and focused more on my sore and dry throat and stumbled to make it to kitchen and drink some water. Once I stepped foot in the hallway my nostrils were assaulted with a delicious aroma of eggs, bacon and sausage that made my stomach rumble in hunger. It was probably Mrs. Adams, my housekeeper cooking breakfast. As I turned the corner, let's just say that the view that welcomed me was far from what I was expecting. There in my kitchen graciously moved my bodyguard/driver/P.A. Edward was walking around shirtless with his basketball shorts dangling lowly on his hipbones and I had to admit the guy was deadass sexy. He was the type of guy you were afraid to walk with because it made you feel insecure. The guy was a 6'4 hunk with a delicious chocolate brown skin covered with little tattoos here and there, he was muscular not that I envied that. I never liked bulging muscles like those but they just added up to his handsome face and then you had yourself a ladie's man, well a men's man. The first personal thing he had told me about himself was being gay when I had given him the job. He literally risked his job which depended on the reaction he'd receive but I was an open minded person. That is who Edward is, an open book not that you could easily read him but because he'd tell you anything he had on his mind and that's what I liked about the guy he was straight forward, a thing we had in common. "Morning boss" His deep voice startled my hangover day dreaming brain making an embarrassing high pitched squeak leave my lips but instead of shying about it. I waved him off, walked to and opened the fridge retrieving some lemonade and hedex pills before gulping the whole ice cold jug down with two pills. The juice refreshed my sore throat and woke up my fuzzy head while the pills did their magic in seconds. As I made my way to the set up table for one person I felt his eyes on my back and turned to find the guy staring shamelessly at my butt. "Enjoying the view?" I asked smirking with the intention of haunting the man but he just smirked back. "Well, I am a gay man and not all of us wake up to a cute bubbly butted boss in their boxers" He fired back. See the guy had no filter whatsoever. "Wow! Way to scare off a flirting straight man" I feigned a shocked expression putting my fingers on my chest but that just made the guy chuckle, asked if I wanted coffee which I just declined then he excused himself to get ready for work and I watched his back as he left. I thought for a second before I called him back. "Edward" he turned since he had stopped to clean a little mess from his cooking session. "Uh-uhm What happened last night?" I asked awkwardly pretty sure it was another one of my embarrassing episodes when my drinking got the best of me and since the guy didn't sleep here often and when he did that would if we finished office work really late so Edward spending the night and adding that to my blank mind meant I was in for one of my worst of expectations. "Well you drunk too much and passed out not before texting me. I came and found you passed out at 7 in the evening, carried you to your room then you fell asleep and with the bad shape you were in I just stayed in case something worse came out of it. Again" He mumbled the last part but I heard it perfectly and it made me feel pathetic and guilty but I just waved him off and jumped back in my breakfast. "Are you okay?" startled I looked up to realise that he hadn't left but was lingering in the door with a curious concerned expression. "Am fine Edward" I mumbled. The words came out quieter and timid that it sounded like I didn't trust the statement myself. "Get ready quickly and go fill in for me. I'm not in the mood for meetings today" I laughed it off awkwardly and avoided his worried gaze. I continued to eat my breakfast and after like 5 seconds. I heard his fading soft footsteps before releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding. This was going to be a long ass day.
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