Episode 36

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Mr. CEO - You’re Dumped Chapter 36 - Soldier Trouble 2. Andrews’ P.O.V We arrived at Puerto three hours after my superiors dismissed me at camp. I had my team pack all their bags and gear, but I still haven’t told them exactly why we are back a month early in our hometown. There is a fleet of cars and armored tanks, all possibly waiting for my return after being dismissed honorably. General Scout is here too. I spot him standing by a car, its door open. He waves a hand at me and marches towards me with five soldiers behind. My team respond instinctively by blocking their path, unsure of what they plan to do with me but their top priority has always been keeping me safe. “General Andrew!” salutes Scout and his men, and I raise a hand to gesture for them to be at ease. My team, seeing that Scout and his men yielded, they slowly clear out from their path and Scout approaches me, smiling like he had just cashed in a coupon for a million dollars. “Its good to have your back, though I wish the circumstances were different,” General Scout says, his face having a trace of empathy on it. I scuff. “You have always been a terrible liar right from military school, General Scout.” He stares at me in disbelief and the smile on his face disappears like he had just been slapped by someone. He coughs gently, and his men walk away. He pulls me away from earshot of my men and his expression is worth a thousand laughs. “Be careful what you say about me in the presence of my soldiers,” General Scout warns, and I chuckle. “What are afraid? That I could ruin your image before the men at your command?” “Yes,” his answer is sincere and makes me happy. He is afraid of me, which he should be. Mondragon blood and name aside, I have a known character of being coldhearted and the fear and respect I command among men is dreadful. “Don’t worry General Scout. I won’t tell you boys about how you faked a report to get me and my team back to the battlefield. But I might tell them about that bonus p*****t the government offered everyone in the military, which you have withheld from them.” “That’s enough, you murderer. General Marshal should have sent you back here in chains!” Scout roars. Everyone’s attention at the airport is now on us. “What did you just call me?” I question, my voice cold and without emotion. Scout gulps and finds it hard to speak once more. My team approach where we stand slowly and Scout tries to back away. I swing my right hand and it locks in with his face for a powerful punch which send him to the ground. The security team of the airport jump into action at once in hope to separate the fight which just started but they stand down when my team, now following Landon’s orders, pulls out their guns from the side of their uniform’s. “Stand down boys. We’re not here to cause any trouble and I’m sure that General Scout has learnt his lesson,” I declare and they return their guns to it’s resting place. General Scout stands to his feet and the Puerto Rico soldiers and police are now crowding the entire airport. I don’t resist them. They lead me to a black Mercedes Benz GLS. Landon is stripped of his weapons and so are the rest of my team before they are directed to the car, which would take them along to the Mondragon estate as I overheard Scout informing the driver. ********* I alight from the vehicle and take a second to take in the wonderful feel of the Mondragon estate air on my skin. People always said the estate was colder than the entire city itself. A lot of people would just come around to enjoy the air and continue on their journey. The car carrying Landon and the rest of my team arrives moments later, and they all step down from the vehicle. Landon finds me at once and pulls me aside to talk to me privately. “What’s the matter Landon?” I ask him. He looks around for any eves dropper. “The boys are getting suspicious. They have been asking me why we returned a month before our break.” I take a deep breath. “Have you told them anything?” Landon shakes his head gently. “No. I haven’t.” “Gather the boys together. They deserve to know the truth,” I inform Landon and he is stunned by my decision. He looks around once more to be sure we are not being watched anyone. “Are you sure Andrew? What if their loyalty falters?” He has a point. But I have faith in my team. We have been working together for two years and still counting. We all went to military school together, but I rose the ranks faster than anyone could have imagined. I am the youngest General at the age of twenty. Although a lot of people believed it was because of my parents, I know just how many secret missions and tasks I accepted from the government just to get where I am today. “I don’t think that will be a problem, Landon. We’ve all been through worse situations that this and besides, if they decide to leave, I won’t hold it against them. They have nothing to do with this,” I pause for a moment and Landon still seems doubtful of my plan. “Gather the boys, and that is an order!” I add and he salutes. “Yes, sir!” Landon turns and takes his leave. I feel a strange wind blow around me and I look up the Mondragon estate. There’s a figure which I am sure is a person, standing by the window watching me. I would have assumed it was my uncle, but that room belongs to my parents and no one has a key to it asides I and my siblings. The person stands there, staring at me and not hoping to stop. “They boys are ready for you sir!” calls out Landon and I look at him before returning my gaze to where I had seen the person but there is no one there anymore. “I must be really tensed,” I whisper to myself and proceed to where my team are waiting for me. “Hey guys. I’m not here to address you as your superior as I normally do. I am here to address you as a friend who went to Military with the five of you,” I mumble and they are surprised by the my words. “Landon told me the five of you have been asking questions as to why we were sent home a month early,” “Yes sir!” the respond and I chuckle. “There’s no need to respond that way,” I take a deep breath. “The truth is, I was sent home to face trail. I am being accused of the death of my parents who were murdered almost three years ago now, on the 10th day of October. Due to your loyalty to me, General Marshal and General Lucas deemed it fair to suspend all of you for the time being,” They all stare at me in disbelief, it’s a lot to take in and I should have told me even before they got into that helicopter with me. “If anyone of you wishes to return to service in the military, please step back and meet General Scout. But if you think you want to stand by my side, the move forward,” I declare. After a brief moment, the first soldier steps back, and so does the second, the third and fourth. Landon steps forward, accompanied by Christian, the youngest in my team. “We are with you till the end General Andrew,” they both declare and a smile finds it’s way to my face buy it doesn’t last more than a few seconds. The rest of the team proceed to Scout who after discussing with them approaches me. He has a smile that annoys me and I feel like punching him again like back at the airport. “You did the right thing Andrew,” he says and I chuckle. “I haven’t been stripped of my title and you’re already addressing me by name, pathetic.” I respond and he smiles. “Look, I don’t want to be here as you don’t want to either. I decided not to get involved with the Mondragon family, your sister is aware of that,” Scout informs me and I realize that I have been standing outside the estate for over thirty minutes and neither Elizabeth nor Luke had come to welcome. “Now that you mention it, where is my sister?” I ask Scout and he chuckles softly. “Good day General Mondragon. My name is Officer Brooke’s, the Chief of Police. You are under arrest for the murder of Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Mondragon,” the man who walks up to me declares and they placed a handcuff on my hands before I am ushered into the Estate. Elizabeth’s P.O.V There’s a lot of noise outside the estate but Officer Brooke’s insisted that I and Luke stay in doors at all times and not leave the house until they came in with our parents' murderer in cuffs. I am paranoid and for the first time not ready to face whoever my parents' killer could be. I had all hope that it was the soldier that Luke and Dorian had run into when I got kidnapped in London. Amelia walks up to and stares at me for a while. “It's all going to fine,” she says and I attempt to hug her but she pulls away and returns to her seat. She is still insistent on getting an apology from me but I am stubborn to do so. Her and Luke seem to have settled the feud between them amicably. Dorian and I are getting closer just like she wanted so maybe it’s all for the best. Uncle Constantine walks into the living room with Carlin and Uncle Bertrand. They all seem thrilled about my parents killer being brought to justice but something about Uncle Bertrand’s smile makes me feel he doesn’t want to be here. “So finally, the man who my stubborn nephew blames his crime on me has been caught by the cold hands of justice,” Uncle Constantine smiles and it annoys me. “I am very sure whoever it is, he must have been working for you and I’m sure he’ll expose you as well,” I utter and my uncle laughs vigorously. “Stop blaming your problems on my father you little b***h!” Carlin yells at me and I chuckle. I am about to respond to her insult when General Scout and Officer Brooke’s walk in to the estate. A couple of police officers and soldiers march in as well. They block every door, lobby, and window that could possibly serve as an escape route. “Miss. Mondragon, it is will great sadness in my heart that I present to you, your parents' murderer, General Andrew Mondragon,” Officer Brooke’s declares. My heart stops beating. I want to believe I didn’t hear him clearly. Major Landon, my brother's right hand walks in with one of their team members. Luke isn’t taking this news any better than myself. Amelia holds his hands and squeezes it gently. Dorian places his hands on my shoulders and massages me slowly, trying his best to keep me calm. There’s silence in the living room for a little while as my little brother Andrew walks in. He is in cuffs and it shattered my heart into a million pieces that can not be possibly put back together. “Andrew!” I yell and wrap myself around him in a warm embrace. Tears find their way down my eyes and I find it hard to believe that my brother killed our parents. He sees my tears and pushes me away. “So I guess little Andrew isn’t a saint. He has killed a lot of people in the battlefield, I’m pretty sure killing my brother and his wife was just for fun!” Uncle Constantine yells as he walks up to Andrew delivering a heavy punch to his right cheek. The cops react at once and quickly pull Uncle Constantine away from Andrew. He is bickering and continues to struggle with the police who hold him securely until he is done throwing a tantrum. “He’s a murderer!” Carlin yells and I turn my attention to her. “What did you just call my brother?” I question her. My voice cold and filled with heavy sadness and anger. Amelia holds me back and pulls me into a hug. I have been dying for her embrace and she happened to pick the perfect moment to give it to me. “Officer Brooke, this has to be a mistake. My brother could never harm our parents,” Luke tries to explain to him but he doesn’t pay any attention. “You assured me the Military wouldn’t get involved!” I yell at Officer Brooke but Amelia hushes me. “I honestly did my best to keep this from them, but there’s only so much I can do Miss. Mondragon,” Officer Brooke responds and I am not satisfied with his answer. Uncle Bertrand seems uneasy with everything going, he walks away quietly and I free myself from Amelia’s hold to go after him. We arrive at the lobby that leads to his bedroom, and he starts searching for his keys in his pockets. “Uncle Bertrand! Please wait. You know Andrew is innocent, don’t you?” I son and he doesn’t even take a glance at me. “You should be with your brother, he needs you right now,” Uncle Bertrand responds and storms into his bedroom, locking his door behind him. I hear footsteps coming from behind me. I turn and find Uncle Constantine approaching me. I think he has been standing behind me silently longer than I hoped. “Have you ever heard the unpopular saying… Soldier Trouble?” He asks with a smirk and I scuff. “Your brother has killed a lot of people under the disguise of being a soldier and surely it would come back to him one day. But I never thought it would happen this way,” Uncle Constantine informs me and I feel my eyes still heavy with tears. “Oh stop crying, a daughter of the dragon mountain should never shed tears. Your parents raised weak children,” he utters and I still remain silent. He looks at me expectantly but I give him no response. “The cops have a question for you, they’re waiting in the living room. I think they are going to leave you soon,” Uncle Constantine informs me and returns to the living room. I clean my tears and take a deep breath. I take a deep breath and walk back to the living room, more confident than ever. Uncle Constantine was right, the cops look ready to go and I wonder what Officer Brooke wants to say to me. “Miss Mondragon. I know how heart breaking this must be for your and your brother and that is why the court has decided to allow you choose where Andrew will serve his jail time until his hearing in a few weeks' time,” Officer Brooke declares. There is a look of surprise on everyone’s faces, especially my uncle who knows exactly what I would choose. “Home sentence,” I declare. “Andrew will spend the next few weeks before his trail at home with his family, if the court wishes they can send a few police officers over to keep watch so he doesn’t attempt to escape. And if we are to leave the house with him, we shall leave under full watch by the police department.” Officer Brooke seems impressed with my decision and with the raise of a hand, they free Andrews hands from his cuffs. Andrew walks up to me and hugs me. Luke joins in and the tears which I had fought so hard to keep away return. “See you in court, General Andrew. And for your sake, I hope you’re found innocent,” Officer Brooke announces and both him and the soldiers leave us alone to our little reunion.
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