Episode 37

1653 Words
Mr. CEO - You're Dumped Chapter 37 - On Good Terms Amelia’s P.O.V I got a call from Elizabeth asking me to come over to the Estate as she had an emergency. I didn’t want to go at first, but remembering what happened two days ago with Andrew; I decide to go be with her, even though she hasn’t bothered to apologize for everything that happened between the both of us. I get to the house, and Luke is standing outside the estate. He is drinking a cup of coffee and scrolling through his phone. “Hey,” I call out and he sees me. Luke drops the cup of coffee in his hand and it falls to the ground. It doesn’t break luckily, but he seems thrilled to see me. He lifts me up from my feet and twirls around with me in his hands. I feel like a princess in a fairytale and, for a moment; I forget about all my worries. “Hey, I’m so glad to see you,” he says, and I smile. “I’m glad to see you too,” I respond, but he doesn’t seem satisfied with my answer. He drops me down to my feet and wraps his hands around me in a passionate hug. “Where’s Elizabeth?” I ask, but he doesn’t pay attention to my question. “Amelia, I need to talk to you.” “Maybe some other time Luke, I need to go see Elizabeth,” I respond and try to walk away, but he doesn’t let me. “Are you guys on good terms now?” he asks, and I chuckle. “No, we’re not, but she’s my best friend. I promised her that I would always come through for her, no matter the problem between us.” He takes a deep breath and stares into my eyes for a moment. His eyes speak more than his lips can, and I feel my heart melt at his gaze. “Amelia, I really need to say something to you,” Luke utters and I stand still, staring into his brown eyes that reminded me of the sunset. “What is it, Luke?” “Listen, I’m really sorry for how things have been these past few weeks,” he says, and I don’t say anything. It feels like he has more to say and I gesture for him to continue, but he doesn’t. “Luke, there’s no problem anymore, okay? We had a huge misunderstanding, and I guess I was a fool for thinking I could date my best friend’s brother and be happy,” I inform him, and his expression falls from that of hope to that of one who had just gotten dumped. “Amelia, wait one more second. Please?” he begs, but I am stubborn. I free my hands from his grip and make my way up the estate stairs, but he is following swiftly behind me. He gently pulls my hair and I lose balance, falling into his strong manly grip. I get butterflies in my tummy and I am both annoyed and excited about what just happened. His lips linger above mine for a second, and I so badly want him to do it. I want him to kiss me like that was all he needed to survive. “Luke,” I mumble under breaths and he hushes me with his hands. “Have I ever told you how crazy you can be most times?” he asks, and I chuckle. “I don’t think so.” “Well, you can really be crazy most times, Amelia. But the best part of it is every crazy thing you do makes me melt inside,” Luke declares and my heart jumps in excitement. “I love you, Amelia. And I don’t want my selfishness to make me pay the ultimate price,” “And what could that price be?” I ask him, hoping for a corky response. Luke takes a deep breath. “Losing you.” I stare at him in silence, and I don’t know what to say. Luke had just confessed that he was in love with me and here I was, completely frozen to the bones. I think of the best way to respond, but nothing comes to my mind. My phone beeps. It is Elizabeth texting me, and I need to go attend to her. I quickly free myself from Luke’s grip and run up the stairs without uttering a single word to him. I am halfway up the stairs and I turn around to look at him. His face is downcast, and he feels unwanted, but I couldn’t bring myself to talk to and so I continue my run into the estate. I find my way to Elizabeth’s room, and Andrew is there with her. They are both seated on the bed and Elizabeth is resting her head on his shoulder. She still seems pretty sad about the news that Officer Brooke had shared with them. “You wanted me to come over?” I ask as I walk in slowly. “You should talk to her and be completely honest this time,” Andrew whispers to her, but I can hear him. He stands from the bed and walks over to me. He whispers in my ear. “She can be a real piece of work.” “Tell me about it,” I respond and chuckle. He takes his leave from the room and I am left alone with Elizabeth, who swiftly stands to her feet and pulls me in for a hug. She is crying so bitterly and I don’t think I could honestly say anything at this point to stop her tears. “He’s innocent,” Elizabeth whispers, and my heart falls cold. For a moment, I thought she wanted us to discuss our friendship going down the hill, but who am I to judge? “I know, but crying isn’t going to convince the court that he is. We just have to start working on how to win this case,” I say to her and she stops crying. She pulls away from the hug and looks me in the eye. “I want you to keep an eye on Uncle Constantine at the company. I am going to be busy with Andrew and Barrister Stones.” “I will, but you have to promise me that you won’t do anything stupid,” I inform and she chuckles. “What could I possibly do wrong?” she asks, and I smile at her. “Nothing. Nothing at all. Everything you do is perfect,” I say to her, and she smiles warmly. “So, is that everything you wanted to say to me?” I ask and she thinks about my question for a moment. “How are things between you and Luke?” “Well, things are okay. I mean asides the fact that he just told me he loves me. Everything is perfect.” “Wait a minute, Luke told you he loves you?” “Yes, he did Elizabeth,” “Oh my Gosh, that is such a great news Amelia!” The excitement on Elizabeth’s face makes me wish she would just apologize and we could end all this. I don’t want her to see me as weak, which is why I have been holding myself back from running back to her and taking all the blame for what happened between us both. “What did you say to him?” she asks with her fingers crossed “Nothing. I got your text and so I ran as fast as I could to know what you needed,” I respond and Elizabeth’s falls pale. She doesn’t like the fact that I risked my relationship with Luke just to come check up on her but somehow she manages to force a smile to her lips. “What are you so jovial about?” I ask her and she simply hugs me once more. “I love Amelia and I’m so sorry I pushed you away.” She whispers and my heart finally feels healed again. “I was never truly mad at you, Princess. Okay, maybe I was the first time, but I could never stay mad at you. You’re my best friend girl, ride or die,” I giggle and she plants a kiss on my forehead, which makes me wish sometimes that I was taller than her and not the other way round. “It has been hell without you by my side of beloved nanny,” Elizabeth teases and I chuckle. “I hope you’ve been brushing your teeth?” I ask her jokingly and we both share a nice laugh. “I can’t believe we actually fought over some stupid document,” Elizabeth giggles and I get a flashback to our time in her uncle’s house on the mountains. “I saw a date,” “What are you talking about, Amelia?” “I saw a date on the document you wanted to go through,” I inform her and her eyes light up in curiosity “What date Amelia? What date did you see?” Elizabeth asks and I think back carefully to the date I had seen. She shakes me vigorously, and it only makes me uncomfortable. I tap her gently and she stops. “18th October,” I mumble and Elizabeth gasps. “That’s the day my parents were murdered!” she yells and Andrew barges in, worried that someone definitely not me had hurt his sister. “What’s going on?” Andrew asks and Elizabeth and I share a knowing look. “I think we know where to get our first evidence for your case that could prove your innocence!” Elizabeth announces with Joy and Andrews’ face light up with hope.
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