Soldier trouble

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Mr. CEO - You’re Dumped Chapter 35 - Soldier Trouble Elizabeth’s P.O.V “Hey Dorian, wait up?” I yell excitedly as I walk slowly behind me as we climb the Cordillera mountain. I was exhausted and looking down, I realize that we haven’t climbed half way up the mountain. My legs are already shaking and my hips hurt from the bag I carry. “Come on Elizabeth, you can climb better than this,” Dorian teases me. He tries to give me the courage to go on with our hike but I can’t continue. I take a look down the mountain once more and we haven’t gone so far up. Anyone could jump down from where we stood and not get hurt. A crazy idea comes to my head. “Hey, Dorian!” I yell and he turns dramatically to face. He bows his head slowly. “How may be of assistance to my lady?” I smile mischievously and his smile fades. His face is now a definition of worry because he is certain I have a stupid idea in mind. “Have ever heard of Jack and Jill?” I ask him with grin and he nods his head in disapproval of what I am about to do. “Elizabeth, whatever it is you want to do right now, I can assure it is a crazy idea,” he utters hoping to stop my plans but my mind is made up. “Last one down pays the lunch bills!” I yell and proceed to race down the mountain. “Elizabeth!” Dorian yells and runs after me. “This is fun!” I scream happily at the top of my voice as I feel the wind kissing my skin and blowing back my hair. Dorian is gaining momentum due to the slope of the mountain and so am I but I can’t seem to control my speed and steady myself. I kick my left foot against a stone and crash to the floor, rolling down the rest of the way to the feet of the mountain. “Ow!” I groan. I lay on my back, my body aches slightly from my fall but I don’t feel any broken bones in my body. Dorian finally makes it down and is panting like he had just run round the entire country of Puerto Rico. He falls to the ground beside and we both stare at the heavens. “Did you break bone?” he asks and instinctively roll myself on top of him. “Does it look like any bone is broken?” I respond with a question and he chuckles softly. “Maybe you should kiss me, you know, just to be sure your lips are still working fine,” he suggests and I giggle. I bring my lips close to his and hover above them for a moment, the hungry look in his eyes tells me just how much he would be willing to take things fast if I ever did kiss him out here in the open. “You both should get a room and f**k if you want to!” yells a man passing by and I and Dorian laugh at the man’s statement. “Maybe we should do what he said,” Dorian suggests and I scuff. “Maybe you should ask me out first,” I declare and stand to my feet. Dorian holds my hand, hoping to pull me back down to him but I don’t let him. My phone beeps and it’s a text from Amelia. Amelia: Get home now! The Cops want to see you. I stare at her text for a moment and Dorian notices my sudden mood swing. He stands up to his feet and snaps his fingers at me. “Is everything alright?” he asks and I nod my head in approval. “I need to go home,” I utter and he leads the way to my car. ********* “Luke, is everything alright?” I ask him as I walk up the stairs to the Estate building. “I don’t know. I just got a text from Amelia saying to come home,” he responds and gives me hug. He sees Dorian behind me and he smiles at his nest friend who simply waves to him in an old fashioned greeting pattern. We both walk into the Estate together and Amelia is standing at the lobby, waiting for us. She avoids eye contact with I and Luke and it makes me sick. I thought she would be over this by now but I guess she isn’t. “You said to come? Your text sounded urgent. Is everything alright?” I ask her but she stays silent for a short while. “Officer Brooke is in the study room. He said he wants to see you,” Amelia announces and leads us to the study room. Officer Brooke is seated like a king on the sofa chair. There are about five police personnel’s standing behind him as his escorts and two standing as watch guards at the door. He doesn’t notice us enter the room as he is texting someone on the phone. He reminds me of Mr. Paul who is always on his phone whenever you see him. “Officer Brooke, it’s nice to see again,” Luke greets and Officer Brooke’s drops his phone and makes eye contact with us. “Ah, well if it isn’t my favorite Mondragon family. I bring you nothing but Good news,” Officer Brooke’s declares and his words capture my attention. “Mu secretary said you wanted to see me,” I speak up, looking at Amelia in a gesture to inform Officer Brooke’s that she is my secretary and nothing more. Luke doesn’t like the way I addressed her. The hungry glares which Officer Brooke’s threw her way made him more furious but he keeps his cool. “Well I must confess Miss. Mondragon, you have a very lovely secretary,” Officer Brooke’s responds, walking up to Amelia and kissing her hands like he was in some British movie. The very act disgusts Luke. “Officer Brooke’s, you said you have something to tell us.” “Oh yes. I do. The video you submitted to us was deemed worthy by the court and as a result, your parents murder case has been reopened,” Officer Brooke’s informs me and my heart leaps for joy. “This is wonderful news indeed Officer Brooke’s. So when will investigations start?” I ask him and he smiles at my ignorance. “Miss. Mondragon, all investigations have been done and the soldier in the video has been identified,” Officer Brooke’s announces and it takes I and Dorian by surprise. “So who is it?” I ask him. “For now, that’s classified information. You will find out once he has been arrested. The court have fixed a date for his first trial,” he responds and I am not happy about this. “Officer Brooke’s, this is a little overwhelming. We hadn’t even issued a case against whoever it is you saw in that video. Why does it feel like the court has taken this matter into their own hands?” Luke asks. “That’s simply because they have. They court has decided to take care of this, as a way of honoring your parents,” he claps his hands and the police officers with him march out of the study room. “I will be taking my leave now Miss Mondragon, Dr. Mondragon. The next time we meet, your parents killer will be in cuffs and on his way to jail,” Officer Brooke’s declares with a mischievous smile. Andrews P.O .V “General Andrew, do you know why we have summoned you here today?” “No sir!” I respond. I had only one month left at the battlefield camp before I would be allowed to return home and visit my siblings but for some reason, my superiors called me up for closed door meeting. We all had the same ranks but the Puerto Rico army considered experience and that is what they all had more than myself. They had been generals long before I even made it to the title of Major and I was to accord them that respect. “We acknowledge your discipline and decorum in doing your work in the Army General Andrew. You have been a wonderful exam for your team and we applaud for it,” General Marshal, our highest ranked general says to me and I am worried about where this is going. General Marshal stands to his feet and walks over to huge white glass screen where presentations are made during our meetings. He slides in a flash drive to the projector and returns to his seat. “Do you remember what happened on the 18th day of October, two years ago?” asks General Lucas, Marshal’s second in command and the date is one I hold dear on my heart and can never possibly forget. “I do sir! That was the day my parents were murdered,” I respond and both generals exchange a knowing look. “Where were you thy faithful day General Andrew?” I stare at General Marshal on hearing his question, hoping that he is not trying to do what I think he is. “I can’t fully recall sir. But I wasn’t in Puerto,” I respond and immediately regret not giving them a straight answer. General Lucas plays a video from the flash drive and they first sight seen was that of my parents car and their voices, begging helplessly for their life to be spared. I hear five gunshots and my parents pleading voices is not heard anymore. The phone seems to fall the ground and barely catches the face of a man dressed in the Puerto Rico army uniform. They pause the video at that exact moment and zoom, it is my face in the video. “This has to be some sort of joke. General Marshal, I am not the one who killed parents. Why would I even do that?” I utter in a state of panic but they wouldn’t listen to me. Their mind is made up. “I did not murder my parents!” I yell but that doesn’t go that so we’ll with General Lucas. “How dare you raise your voice at your superiors?” he scolds and I raise my right hand to my chest. “My apologies sir, but this is a set up. I am being framed for a crime I didn’t commit.” I state but they don’t listen. “This video was thoroughly inspected by the CIA before being sent to us and they confirmed to us that it is authentic,” General Lucas responds. “I am sorry that I have to be the one doing this to you, General Andrew Mondragon, but you have been dismissed from this battle camp as a general in command.” General Marshal takes a deep breath after his declaration and General Lucas takes over from he stopped. “A helicopter is waiting to take you back to Puerto Rico where you are to face trial by the high court. Major Landon will return with you as you second in command and so will your team.” “My team? Why are they being dragged into this. They did nothing wrong. They have families to take care. What do you expect me to say to them?” I question. “Andrew! We do not care what you tell them. We can’t be sure of their loyalty to us as your team has had a habit of putting your commands first over the years that you and then have worked under us. They are all dismissed! Do I make myself clear?” General Lucas yells “Yes sir!” I respond and turn away from their presence. Even though I feel wronged and believe myself to be innocent, I can’t question the decision of my superiors as that would only make my situation worse than it already is. “How did it go General?” Landon asks as I walk out of the conference room and meet him and my team waiting outside for me. They all look worried because I have never been called up by the superiors at a time like this and knowing that they are all affected by what is happening breaks my heart, but I have to put on a frown and not show them any weakness in me after a meeting with the superiors. I take a deep breath and address them. “Pack your bags boys, we are going to back to Puerto Rico.”
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