Episode 38

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Mr. CEO – You’re Dumped Chapter 38 – Looking for Clues Elizabeth’s P.O.V “Come on guys, this is our only good lead so far,” I chorus and my brothers and Amelia don’t say a word to me. “Elizabeth. This is very risky and you know it. I mean, we can’t possibly go there. What if Uncle is there?” asks Luke, who had joined us after I texted him to come to my room. There is a lot of tension between him and Amelia, but I pay them no attention whatsoever. “I can go to the office and keep Uncle Constantine busy. I’m pretty. He’s there and must be enjoying having things going his way,” I declare, and there is an uneasy look in Amelia’s eyes. “Lizzie, I don’t know about this. It sounds like something we can’t pull off,” Andrew mumbles and his words ignite fire in Amelia. “Alright, here’s what we’re going to do. Andrew and I will go to Constantine’s house. Elizabeth, you and Luke are going to find Barrister Stones and Mr. Frank,” she declares, and Luke isn’t happy. “Amelia, I’m going with you!” Luke demands and Amelia scuffs. “This isn’t the time for you to be all protective Luke, you’d only slow I and Andrew down,” Amelia responds and she has fair point. Andrew is a highly trained soldier and Amelia, she happened to take on self-defense classes while with the Mafia. I and Luke on the other hand. Well, we’re just the pretty ones with no fighting experience. “Luke, Amelia is right on this one. I’ve seen how guarded Uncle’s house is. If he truly knows about our last break in, then I’m sure he must have doubled the security,” I inform and he sighs dramatically. “I have a question though,” Andrew says and now has our full attention. “Why are Elizabeth and Luke looking for Frank? I mean, isn’t he at the company? And I’m pretty sure what I need for my case is a lawyer, not an adviser.” Andrew says to Amelia and I chuckle. “We have a lot of catching up to do AD. But for now, you and Amelia need to head out before Uncle comes back home,” I respond, and he nods his head in approval. “We’re forgetting one thing.” Luke exclaims and we tune our attention to him. “Andrew is under house arrest and won’t be allowed to go anywhere without the police,” Luke reminds us, but this doesn’t bother Amelia or Andrew. “Don’t worry about that, Luke. We are going with the police, but we have a plan, and Landon is coming with us.” Andrew informs him and Luke doesn’t like the mischievous smile on his face. After a few more preparations, Amelia and Andrew head out in his car, accompanied by Landon and a few police officers to keep watch on them. While I and Luke go to Barrister Stones' office. ******* We arrive at Barrister Stones' office, and the sight of a familiar white Lamborghini greets us. It belonged to no other person but my uncle, Constantine. “What do you think he is doing here?” Luke asks. “I don’t know. But I hope we don’t run into him.” I respond as we both walk into the building. Barrister Stones had his very own law firm. My dad helped him build it from the scratch, even though that only happened because my uncle kept begging on his behalf. His law firm had no ties to our company as he and my dad agreed, but he would go on to be our family's personal lawyer and attorney. There are murmurs among the few law students along the hallway as I and Luke walk up to the receptionist. “Good afternoon Miss. Mondragon, how may I be of assistance?” the lady at the table asks and I nod my head in a bid to say yes. “We are here to see Barrister Stones,” Luke responds on my behalf. The Receptionist makes a quick call and points us in the direction of barrister Stones office. Not that we didn’t know where it was, but it was mainly part of her job. On getting to the door, I over hear Barrister Stones talking about my brother's murder case. The voice of the person he is talking with sounds so familiar. I and Luke stop at our tracks and lean in closer to the door, hoping to pick up bits of the conversation better. “You want me to lose Andrews' case on purpose?” “Barrister Stones. I never said you should. I only said that I want to see Andrew behind bars.” the voice stops for a moment. “Just take care of it like you did with Frank.” Those words make my heart skip a beat. Is Barrister Stones being bribed, or is he being threatened? The voice of the other man with him is what I still can’t make out who it is. “That sounds like Uncle Constantine,” Luke whispers to me and I lean in closer but accidentally, the door makes a creaking sound and whoever is it inside with Barrister Stones is alerted that someone could be eves dropping on them. “Lets get out of here now!” Luke whispers and drags me away from the door. “But we need to know what they’re saying,” I protest, but Luke doesn’t care. “Are you guys leaving Dr. Mondragon?” the receptionist asks as we approach her desk from the lobby that leads to Barrister Stones' office. “Yes, we are. Thank you time.” Luke answers and we jolt out the office building. “Why are we leaving?” I ask him, and he didn’t say anything until we get into the car. “Something is going on between those two and I think Mr. Frank knows what it is,” Luke mumbles while looking out the car window occasionally, hoping to spot Uncle Constantine and Barrister Stones leaving the office together. Our vehicle is parked in a perfect way that no one sees us from the doors. A few moments later, Uncle Constantine and Barrister Stones walk out of the law firm building, just as Luke expected. They discuss for a while, and Uncle Constantine hands him an envelope before walking away. Barrister Stones looks around the parking lot, making sure no body saw him and retires into the building. “We have to go see Mr. Frank,” I suggest to Luke and he nods his head in approval. ******* Frank’s house looks completely deserted. There weren’t any guards at the gate as one would expect, so Luke simply drove into the large compound. We alight from the car and walk over to the door. I knock gently for a few minutes, and there’s no response. Luke tries to open the door, but it is locked. He takes a deep breath and kicks the door open. The house is dark, and no trace of life in it. There’s a radio on the table left turned on and it keeps repeating the news about the date of my parents. Files and papers are scattered all across the floor and living room, and I spot Mr. Frank’s phone on the couch. “What happened here?” I ask no one in particular. Luke studies the room carefully and takes a few pictures with his phone. “What’s that for?” I ask him. “Andrew. I’m sure he can have Landon come investigate this place later on before we inform the police,” Luke answers, and I sigh. “You think something bad happened to him?” I ask him and he didn’t say anything. “That’s the only explanation for what we’re seeing here, Elizabeth,” Luke responds. Something about the silence of the house gives me the creeks. It feels like someone is watching us. I am uncomfortable and I want to leave at once. My phone beeps. It’s a text from Amelia. They’re on their way home and they found the document. “Lets go Luke, we can come back some other time with Landon,” I suggest and we both leave the house and return to the car. We are about to leave the compound when I notice a piece of paper taped to the windscreen. “What’s that?” I ask Luke and he says nothing. I take off the paper and hide it away in my purse. Something strange is going on and o have to find out what it is. But for the mean time, I’m going to focus on Andrews’ case.
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