Episode 44

1128 Words
Mr. CEO – You’re Dumped Chapter 44 – Trial Day 2. Elizabeth’s P.O.V “Elizabeth, it’s time to go.” Amelia calls out to me as she walks into my office. I am seated on the desk, thinking and earnestly considering Carlin’s Proposal to me. She seemed very sincere with her words but she was totally lying when she said she preferred having Andrew around than I and Luke. Her condition for testifying on my brothers behalf is one thing I had my doubts about. “What’s wrong?” Amelia asks. Her arms crossed beneath her bosom. “It’s nothing,” I respond and gesture for her to lead the way outside the building. My phone rings and I am hesitant to answer the call as the number isn’t saved to my phone. It’s rings again and I decide to answer it. “Hello, Elizabeth?” the voice sounds ever so familiar like that of one I know. “Who is this?” I ask. “Richard. Your ex-husband. I heard what’s going,” he responds and I ignore the comment he made earlier on. “Richard?” Where are you?” I inquire. “I am in Puerto Rico. I can’t seem to find my way to the court where the hearing will take place,” he informs me and my heart leaps with joy. “I need a huge favor from you Richard.” “Sure, anything.” He responds. I take a deep breath. “Luke will come get you and as for the favor, I’ll tell you everything once you get here.” The call ends and I text Carlin to inform her that I had done my part of the deal just as we agreed upon and it is now left to her to keep to her end of the deal. “You coming or what?” Amelia’s voice brings me back from my thoughts and I proceed outside my office with her. “Where is Luke?” I ask and she shrugs. I guess they aren’t officially back together yet. “Richard is coming to the court, text Luke. He’ll know what to do.” I inform Amelia before we make our way outside and into the car. ************** We arrived at the court forty minutes after leaving the estate. Officer Brooke had insisted that he send us police officers to escort us on our journey and I am very glad he did. The entire road was flooded with the press and low life social media gossipers that wanted to get a photo or two of us on our way to court. I don’t think that was what made my journey unbearable but the fact I had to share a car with my uncle. That was like living in hell for a moment or two and I’m so glad it’s over. I am standing just outside the massive court room building, interacting with a few business men and prestigious soldiers who came to witness the trial of my brother. I am aware that seventy percent of them look forward to the court declaring my brother guilty as they believe that would shake our strength in the business world. Amelia approaches us with a young man dressed ever so elegantly and I quickly excuse myself from the discussions of profit and loss. “Miss. Mondragon, it’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance,” the young man says with a flourish and bows his head gently before me. “You must be Attorney Salvador?” I ask. He smiles at me. “Yes I am. Barrister Stones said I would be handling the case of your brother and I want to assure you right now that you have already won the case.” I scuff. “For a young rising lawyer who Barrister Stones believe being the lawyer of Generals Andrew Mondragon would boost his career, you’re a bit too cocky.” “My apologies Miss Mondragon. I believed a show of confidence would make you feel at ease having me as your lawyer,” he responds and I chuckle. “Attorney Salvador, you had better win the case and not just be all talk and no bite, else I’ll personally see to it that your career in the law firm ends even before it starts,” I threaten and he gulps. “Yes ma’am.” “And that will be all for now Attorney Salvador,” says Amelia as she quickly ushers him away. She returns a few moments later and has a weak smile on her face, possibly hoping to light up my mood but it doesn’t work. “The court is about to be in a session. we should probably head inside,” she suggests and I nod my head in approval. Just as we step into the door of the court room, the entire crowd already waiting begin to whisper among themselves. It infuriates me but Amelia helps me keep my cool. “Just let them talk. Responding to them would make you look weak and pathetic,” Amelia whispers into my ear. An officer ushers us to our seat which is placed just besides that of my uncle and the sight of him makes me want to puke. “Well if it isn’t my favorite niece,” Uncle Constantine says with a mischievous smile but I ignore him. Carlin is there beside him and she smiles at me, probably because she got my message about keeping to my side of the bargain. “Where’s Luke and Richard?” I ask Amelia. “I have no idea. Luke was supposed to bring Richard here for his date with Carlin after the trial but they haven’t arrived,” Amelia responds. Barely moments after mentioning their names, Luke and Richard walk into the court room, accompanied by Lillian who was the least person I expected to see at my brother’s trail. “Where have you both been? Didn’t you know that the court starts by twelve noon?” I ask them, staring at the gigantic wall clock which says a minute until twelve noon. They take their seats and the door by the east side of the court room is thrown open. Andrew is being escorted in by Police men. There is a complete silence as the judge presiding over the case walks in with them and everyone rises to their feet in a show of respect. Everyone except me of course and only the sounds of camera shutters of reporters can be heard from the silence. The judge takes her seat and so does everyone else. Hitting her tiny arm as I called it on the table, she declares with a happy face. “This court is now in session!”
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