Episode 45

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Mr. CEO – You’re Dumped Chapter 45 – Standing Against You Elizabeth’s P.O.V “The People of Puerto Rico against General Andrew Mondragon, on the charges of the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Mondragon,” declares the head judge as the lawyer who Uncle Constantine hired stands to his feet. He makes his way to Andrews’ corner. His appearance rigid and his lips folded into a smile. “How come your uncle was the one asked to find a lawyer to prosecute Andrew?” Richard whispers into my ear and I shrug. “If your honor would let me, I would love to ask the accused a few questions before calling up my first witness,” the lawyer announces and the head judge nods his head in approval. “General Andrew, you have built yourself quite the name in the military for a man below the age of twenty-five,” the lawyer adds and Attorney Salvador stands to his feet. “Objection my lord, that statement has nothing to do with this case,” Salvador declares but the head judge hits his gavel on the desk. “Objection overruled. The prosecutor may continue with his statement,” the judge declares and Salvador takes his seat. “Thank you, my lord.” “So much for being a good lawyer,” I whisper to Attorney Salvador. He ignores and pays closer attention to the statement of the lawyer questioning Andrew. Amelia gently taps my shoulder from behind and has a frown on her face. “What is it?” I ask, knowing not what I could have done. “Stop giving him a hard time. At least he is doing his best,” Amelia suggests and I scuff. “What’s his name?” I ask her and she raises an eyebrow at me. “Who?” “The lawyer standing against Andrew. What’s his name?” I ask Amelia again, my face squeezed into a frown. “Attorney Michael,” she responds. “Where were you on the day your parents were murdered?” Attorney Michael asks Andrew and he is hesitant to answer the question. “He has to say something,” Attorney Salvador whispers. “And if he doesn’t?” I ask with a strained look on my face. “The Judge doesn’t just use your words against you, he can use your silence as well and if Andrew continues this way when questions are thrown at him, the judge will take it as the silence of one who is guilty,” Attorney Salvador informs us and Luke doesn’t seem happy with this discovery. “General Andrew, I ask again. Where were you on the very day that your parent’s were murdered?” Attorney Michael repeats his question and yet there is no answer from Andrew. Attorney Michael chuckles softly before facing the head judge once more. “My lord, if it pleases you; I would like the witnesses against General Andrew to stand their ground,” Attorney Michael requests. “Very well,” the judge replies and the nearly the entire courtroom stand to their feet. I am stunned by the number of witnesses who stand against my younger brother. A lot of them I am very sure we have never had any interaction of some sort with and the rest are business partners who lost their shares in the Rose Corp. and those who weren’t even allowed to have a part of business. “As you can see General Andrew, everyone present today is standing against you,” Attorney Michael declares. “This has to be some sort of setup,” I whisper to Attorney Salvador and he gestures for me to remain silent. One after the other, the many witnesses are called up to the podium to declare what they had against my brother and majority of them preyed on the rudeness and the anger issues which my brother exhibited naturally to everyone around him ever since he joined the Military. “This is pathetic,” I declare and the head judge glares at me. “I apologize for the sudden outburst of the accused sister,” Attorney Salvador declares and the judge gestures for Attorney Michael to continue with his statement. “I would love to call up one more witness before I leave the floor for the defendant my love.” Attorney Michael looks over to where Uncle Constantine seats and his eyes fall upon Carlin who has a mischievous smile on her face. “Are you sure we can trust her?” Amelia whispers to me and I shrug. “We just need to have hope. I kept my end of the deal and I believe she should do the same,” I respond and Amelia shakes his head in doubt. “What if she doesn’t do what she said?” Richard whispers and I sigh. “Then I would make sure that I kill her myself.” Carlin walks majestically over to the witness podium and her smile still on her face as she blows a kiss to her Richard. It gives me hope that she will keep to her end of the deal but I would just have to wait and see how everything plays out. “Miss. Carlin Mondragon, the accused is your cousin and you both have lived together your entire life time. Can you tell us how his attitude was back then and if he ever had the urge to get into fights? Especially with his parents?” Attorney Michael asks and I am confused. “I thought she told you she was with Andrew on the day our parents were murdered?” Luke asks me quietly. “Yes, she did.” I responded. “Then why is the lawyer asking her a question that is totally unrelated to the statement she gave the police?” Luke asks. “That would be because she just played us all.” Attorney Salvador responds. I do not want to believe his words, but her response to the question she was asked breaks my heart into a million pieces. “General Andrew has always had a cold heart and he never got along with my uncle, Mr. Roberto Mondragon because he wanted to inherit the company but rather Elizabeth was the one groomed for it and that is why he went to military school,” Carlin lies confidently. “You liar. You backstabbing liar!” I yell and the head judge is infuriated by my sudden outburst. “We had a deal, Carlin. We had a f*****g deal!” I yell once more and stand from my seat, dashing toward the podium and pulling Carlin by the hair. “That is enough!” the head judge announces and stands to his feet. “I have seen enough of this madness. Attorney Michael, Attorney Salvador, I would like to have a word with the both of you in private.” the judge announces and the cops rush in to separate I and Carlin. My Uncle Constantine seems pleased by what just transpired and I realize that they both had played me like a fool. “This court hearing has been adjourned under further notice,” the head judge declares and everyone stands to their feet as he leaves the room. Attorney Michael and Attorney Salvador, following behind him. I stare at Carlin, my heart filled with resentment. “I will end you!”
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