Episode 30

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Mr. CEO – You’re Dumped Chapter 30 – Setback Elizabeth’s P.O.V Our drive to Frank’s house is long and quiet. Amelia tries to engage me in a conversation a few times, but I ignore her and focus on my driving. We arrive at his house, and a security officer stops us just outside the gate. He takes a look through my window and is surprised to see me driving a car with a lady in the passenger’s seat. “Miss Mondragon, you’re driving a car,” he mumbles and I scuff. “I’m not paralyzed or anything,” I respond, and he bows his head respectfully. He makes a quick call and the gate to Frank’s house is opened for me to drive in. “Does he know we’re coming?” Amelia asks. My voice is low and cold. “No.” I park the car just in front of the doors that lead into Frank’s house and we alight from the car. There are no maids waiting for my arrival, unlike at the Mondragon estate, and we gracefully walk through the door into a very flamboyant guest lodge. Frank joins us moments later and is all smiles as he never expected my visit asides the fact that I texted him about the document which we retrieved. He looks at Amelia, who seems downcast, and then he lays his eyes on me. My face filled with worry and anger and he frowns. “For someone who found something very important to them, you both look like you had just lost a gold medal,” Frank declares, and Amelia avoids eye contact with me. “We’re just tired Frank, a few hours of sleep and we’ll he as good as new. There’s no need to worry,” I respond, and he smiles. “So, your text says that you found the document, the one containing the rights of the company being transferred to Uncle that he claims you signed,” Frank emphasizes, and I nod my head in approval. He gestures for me to show him the file and Amelia, being the one holding it ever since we escaped my uncle’s house on the mountains, hands the file to Frank. He looks through the file but can’t find anything that proves the document to be a fake. “Whoever forged this document did a fantastic job. I can’t find any errors that we can use as a loophole,” Frank explains, but I am not bothered. I turn my attention to Amelia. “Did you text him?” “Yes. He says he is around the neighborhood and will be here in ten minutes,” Amelia responds and Frank is confused with everything going on. “Who is going to be here in ten minutes?” He asks, and I force a smile to my lips. “Barrister Stones.” While waiting for Barrister Stones’ arrival, Frank fills me in on what transpired at their last closed door board meeting with my uncle and he tells me of the second will which Barrister Stones had announced to them. I am not surprised that my father has a second will. I am only surprised Barrister Stones did not let me know about it earlier. Amelia isn’t inside the guesthouse. She went out to have some time alone. I hadn’t said a single word to her and I could sense it was driving her crazy, but I just wasn’t in the right state of mind to talk to her. Barrister Stones walks into the guest lodge, accompanied by Amelia. “I met him outside the building, so I decided to follow him in,” Amelia explains, but I pay her no attention. I hand the file over to Barrister Stones, who at once bring out a document which I had recently stamped with my Mondragon stamp to verify if they are the same He studies the document for a little while and lets out a low shout of victory. “Did you find anything?” I ask him in anticipation. He smiles. “The signature stamps are not the same. This document that Constantine had the board sign is a fake!” “How do you mean?” Amelia asks. “After Elizabeth’s return, I took it upon myself to get her a new Mondragon signature stamp, with a few alterations to the first and that is the stamp she has been using for all her files,” Barrister Stones explains but I am convinced. “What’s the difference between both stamps?” I question him and he points at the new stamp on my recent document, which he came with and under the board Mondragon signature, the initials of my name are written under it: E.M. The document which Uncle Constantine presented to the board does not have my initials on it and it is the prefect proof the document is a fake. “Thank you for your help, Barrister Stones.” “I’m always at your service, Miss Mondragon.” He takes his leave and I turn my attention to Frank, who seems overwhelmed that we actually found the evidence we need. “I’ll leave both documents with you, Frank. Make sure you attend tomorrow’s board meeting with them,” I inform him, and he nods his head in approval. I and Amelia return back to the car and our drive back home is just as silent as our journey to Frank’s house. Dorian and Luke are waiting for us in the study room, but I walk to my room without saying a word to anyone. I attempt to slam my door shut, but an angry Amelia who stomps into my room stops it. “What the hell, Amelia?” “Oh, so now you can talk? You literally snubbed me throughout our journey today,” she protests, but I don’t answer her. “What the hell, babe? You’re still doing this s**t?” she yells yet again, but I keep quiet. She is furious, I’m guessing furious enough to even kill anyone who gets her annoyed, but she is Amelia, my best friend and I know her soft spot. “Amelia, please leave me alone. I’m tired and I need to get some sleep.” She scuffs. “I’m not leaving here until you tell me what’s making you go all demigod on everyone. It’s that file isn’t?” “You mean the one at Uncle’s house?” I ask her, pretending not to understand what she is saying. “Which other document could I be talking?” she snaps, and I am no longer enjoying her little show of dominance. She is not going to leave me alone unless I talk to her. I think of what to do in order to calm her down and only one solution comes to my head. I pull her in for a tight hug and kiss her forehead softly as her face rests on my bosom. “I’m fine, Amelia. I just need to rest. So please, I’d really appreciate some privacy and tell Luke and Dorian not to bother me,” I whisper to her and she nods her head in approval. She lets go of me and I realize just how late it is. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” I mumble and she walks out of my room without another word. ***** I arrive at Rose Corp. as early as I can to get myself ready for the board meeting. It will be my first appearance before the board of directors after my uncle had snatched the company from me during my absence and making me look dumb before the board. “Hey, Princesse,” Amelia greets cheerfully as she walks into my office. Unlike her usual self, she went to her house instead of spending the night at the Mondragon Estate. I guess she took it seriously when I told her I wanted to be alone after our heist yesterday. “You’re late?” I declare, and her smile fades. “My apologies Miss. Mondragon, I must have overslept. I had a very big day yesterday,” she informs me in her defense and I scuff. I take a deep breath and do my best to speak to her in a neutral tone so she doesn’t think that I am still in the same mood I was last night, but I fail. “Next time, inform me of your assistant whenever you feel you’d be late for work. Understood?” “Yes! Miss Mondragon.” Amelia responds and drops a few papers on my table. “Those are proposals from Mr. Lim and also, the board meeting is about to begin,” she adds and opens the door of my office for me to take my leave and she walks behind me. I don’t feel comfortable with how I am treating her, but a part of me just won’t stop treating her this way. I badly wanted to know what was in the file we saw at Uncle’s house and I would have done so if she hadn’t insisted that we should leave. We get to the boardroom, and everyone is present, asides Frank, just as we had planned. Uncle didn’t look happy to see me, but Paul and Richard seemed delighted to have me back in their midst. Barrister Stones is also present for the meeting and seeing their supportive faces gives me courage. “And my favorite niece is here,” Uncle Constantine says joyfully, and it makes me uncomfortable. “I believe I’m your only niece who you want dead and out of your life completely,” I respond and he scuffs. “Let the meeting begin.” Uncle declares, and Frank walks in right on cue. Everyone on the board in stunned by his lateness and heroic entrance but for I and Barrister Stones, we were all smiles and nothing more. Amelia didn’t seem so intrigued by the business affairs anymore and I know it is because of our little misunderstanding. Frank hands me the bag he walked in with and informs me that he kept the document in it the very second we left the house. Paul looks at me expectantly. “Miss Mondragon, is there anything you’d like to bring up to the board? You were the one who called for this meeting, weren’t you?” That’s give me the courage to speak. “Yes, I am and I do have something that I’d like to bring to the attention of the board.” My words intrigue everyone and they remain silent, giving me the audience I need to make my announcement. “Mr. Constantine, here is a liar and a thief!” I declare, and there are murmurs and whispering among the board of directors. My uncle laughs softly. “If this is about my position as CEO, I believe the company’s top share holders, Frank and Paul, rightly confirmed and approved it.” He gestures for his secretary, who Is standing by his side, to leave the room before he continues to speak. “Need I remind you of the fact that you were the one who made that document and it has your stamp on it too,” he adds and I smile at the bag which Frank had given me. “And what if I prove to everyone here that you faked that document so you could take over my father’s legacies?” I yell and everyone in the boardroom gasps. I open the bag slowly, and I find a bunch of files in it. I search carefully but I can’t find it. Everyone looks at me expectantly, and I panic. The file is missing and Frank was the last person with it. “It’s gone!” I declare, and the shock on Frank and Barrister Stone’s face makes me worry. My panic suddenly triggered Amelia, who hadn’t been paying attention to anything going on. Frank grabs the bag from me and begins searching the bag like a dog looking for bone which it buried. “It was here, Elizabeth. I swear, I don’t know what the hell is going!” Frank defends and I don’t even know what to believe. In our sudden state of chaos, uncle’s secretary returns with Carlin and Uncle Bertrand, they are accompanied by the police, who swiftly place cuffs on Frank’s hand. “Mr. Frank Green? You are under arrest for the looting of over a million dollar fund from the Rose Corp.” they declare and everyone is marveled at their accusation. Frank is taken away by the police, and Carlin smiles at me mischievously before taking her leave with Uncle Bertrand. The rest of the board step out in the midst of the chaos and I and left alone with my uncle and Amelia. “This is your doing, isn’t it? How did you know about the document? How did you find out what I was planning?” I yell at him, but he laughs. “I did nothing wrong, my lovely niece, but I suggest you should be careful whom you trust.” He says and walks out of the board. Amelia tries to comfort me, but I don’t let her. “Stay the hell away from me!” I yell and she takes a step back before running out of the room, crying softly. I feel my bones weaken and my heart scatter into a million little pieces. The only time I felt like this was after my parents’ death and now, I am certain that whatever it is contained in that file has something to do with my parents’ death.
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