Episode 29

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Mr. CEO - You’re Dumped Chapter 29 - Treasure hunt Carlin’s P.O.V “Dad? How am I here? They kidnapped me.” I declare, barely understanding how I am waking up in my dad’s room and h seems happy to see me finally awake. “Your cousin said you had an accident on your way home.” My dad informs me. Come to think of it, I don’t really know what happened after I passed out. All I recall is what happened in my dad’s office and in my weird dream. I consider the options of telling my dad and keeping quiet, and I decide not to tell him. “You actually believe that I had an accident. Just like Elizabeth told you?” I question my dad and he hushes me. “I don’t. But I had to act like I didn’t suspect her. I’m just glad you’re awake.” My dad smiles and I hug him. He hands a glass of water and some medicines to take. My head immediately stops aching me and my body feels a lot stronger than before. “They were in your office,” I mumble and my dad doesn’t seem bothered at first. “I caught Elizabeth and her hang snooping around in your office. I don’t know what they were looking for, but I don’t think they found it.” I explain further and my dad takes a deep breath. “Amelia broke into my office two days ago.” I gasp, and my brain does a tricky calculation. “How long was I unconscious, dad?” “Four days,” he responds. Whatever it was Amelia did to me was strong enough to put me out for that long and it made me fear ever making her angry or crossing her. Dad seems calm with everything going on. I expect him to have made calls to the Police or even General Scout by now, but he didn’t do that. With the thought of General Scout in my head, I look around for my phone and find it by the edge of the bed. I check for any recent messages, particularly from Scout, but all I find are messages about proposals and modelling auditions and roles which soon I have already missed out on them. I drop my phone back on the bed and stand to my feet. My dad still sits there, perplexed by everything that’s going on, and it annoys me. “Why aren’t you doing anything?” I question him, and he doesn’t say a word to me for a while. He looks me in the eye. “There’s nothing I can do, Carlin.” Those aren’t exactly the words I was hoping to hear, but he said them anyway. It was strange to know that my dad was backing down from a fight without even doing anything and I’m sure there has to be a good reason why he is doing so. “You’re joking, right? Elizabeth literally just broke into your office twice in a space of two days and you’re telling me that there’s nothing you can do?” I yell and he sighs. He stands to his feet and places his hands on my shoulders. He wants to speak, but I don’t want to hear another excuse from his mouth. He thinks over his next words carefully. “I think Elizabeth must have found something in my office. I don’t know what it is, but I think it might have given a clue on about her parents' death.” My dad’s words strike an arrow in my heart and I pray for his safety that they found nothing. He might not have been the one who murdered her parents, but he knows about it and who did. “Why don’t we involve General Scout? I’m sure he could help out. Maybe arrest her for trespassing.” I suggest, and he shakes his head in disapproval. “Doing that would only mean I have something to hide. Scout would have to search my office to confirm that something is missing before he can file a case for the arrest of Elizabeth.” “So you mean that we’re just going to let it go?” I ask my dad, hoping he would change his mind, but he didn’t. “Yes darling. We are going to let it go.” He declares and walks out of his bedroom, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Pieces of my dream keep flashing in my head and the woman I saw scared me whenever I remembered her. This has to be the worst day of my life. Elizabeth’s P.O.V “I won’t let you go all the way to the mountain sides without me!” Luke yells and ignores his whimpering and continues to pack all the things Amelia asked me to. I didn’t want to tell him about our little heist plan, but Dorian and Amelia insisted that inform him of what I have been up to for the past few days, which he has not been at home as usual. He tries to stop me from packing my bag and getting ready, but I refuse. He doesn’t want me to leave. I know he is worried about my safety, but I need him to understand that he doesn’t have to be the one protecting me always. “Luke, this is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you about where I was going. I don’t need you yelling at me like a child who can’t make sound decisions on their own!” He scoffs. Amelia walks in momentarily, holding a bag with her and senses the tension between me and Luke. She stands beside him and places a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He acts like she’s not there, but there’s only such limited time as to which one can ignore Amelia’s touch. “Luke? Why are you so tensed?” she’s asks. Her voice was soft and soothing. “Going to a house owned by Uncle Constantine in the mountains isn’t safe.” My elder brother protests and I scuff. Dorian walks in as well, but he walks straight towards me and stands by my side. A typical Alpha male move, which did not make him any more attractive to me than he already is. He stands tall and looks at Luke like he is trying to say something with his eyes, but Luke is as stubborn as ever. Dorian puts an arm around my waist and my tenses up a bit. Amelia looks stunned by his show of affection and Luke looks more angered by it than he is with what I plan to do. “There’s no need for you to worry, Luke. I’m going with her.” Dorian announces. And that idea did not go down well with me. “No, you are not!” I yell, and everyone looks at me. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves, but it doesn’t work. I am already mad and all I can do right now is vent out my anger. “Will the both of you stop treating me like a child for once and realize that I am even stronger than the both of you?” I caution them and Dorian slowly takes his hands off my waist. “Dorian, you have no right to make certain declarations about following me anywhere. I haven’t told you that I have feelings for you, neither are we in a relationship, so stop acting like you’re in charge of me!” I yell and Dorian gulps. I turn my attention to Luke. He looks stunned by what I had just said to Dorian and he knows that he is the next person I am about to yell at. “And as for you, dead elder brother. I am the Mondragon heir and not you! I call the shots and I say that I and Amelia are going online. I’m not your baby sister anymore. I am a grown woman, capable of making my own decisions in a life or death crisis.” I scold him, and Amelia smiles at my boldness. She drops a kiss on Luke’s cheek and whispers something I’m not sure of to him. He proceeds to me and pulls me into a tight embrace. I can almost feel his heartbeat and I know that he is just sacred of the endless dangers in our mission. He whispers into my ear. “Just be safe, okay?” “Luke… I’ll be safe. Besides, I’ve got the world's best nanny by my side,” I tease, and Amelia chuckles. “Do you promise to call me once something goes wrong?” Luke asks and I think about it for a moment. “Luke… nothing is going to go wrong…” “And what if something does wrong?” he asks the second time. I take a deep breath. “Fine… I promise to call you if ever anything goes wrong.” He smiles and knowing that I had passed his security check, I and Amelia take our bags and hit the road. Luke and Dorian follow us to the garage as we pick out a car to go with. Amelia says we should go with the Land Rover and Dorian agrees, as its tires are good for hills and sandy places. I take the wheel and Amelia is surprised as she expected me to call my driver to take us there. But I didn’t want anyone I can’t trust on this mission and Amelia is the only soul that I completely trust. “You never told me you could drive,” Amelia teases as I start the engine and we head out for our journey. “You never asked,” I giggle. Amelia’s P.O.V We get to the address on the picture I found at Constantine’s office after an hour and thirty minutes of leaving the house. It Is heavily guarded and there isn’t a sign of an entrance into the house apart from the door which two hefty men stand over, making sure no one gets in. “How do we get in?” Elizabeth asks and I think carefully about our move. We stay in hiding for almost an hour and it is a very long wait. Elizabeth gets tired a couple of times and returns to the car which we parked ten meters away from the building to lay her head and sleep for a moment. While observing them, I realize the guards seem to take turns in guarding each side of the door and an idea comes to my head. Elizabeth returns again and slumps on the ground beside, making the guards present at the door fix their attention to the bushes where we hide. “Who is there?” the guard asks, and we remain calm. With my calculations, it would take about ten more minutes before they next guard shift and with that knowledge, I throw a couple of stones further done in the bushes, making them sound like footstep stepping away from the building and the guards dash towards the direction of the stones. “Let’s go Princess,” I yell and drag Elizabeth by the arm as we dash to the open. I pull out my hair pin and pick the door quickly and push it open. We walk in and turn on the lights. “How did you know the other guards wouldn’t come on to guard the door?” Elizabeth questions. “I didn’t,” I respond as we both continue to search for anything suspicions in the room. There are no rooms in the building. It is barely one room, but quite spacious. It looked like a conference room. A desk at the center of the room, surrounded with a total of five chairs, and it makes me wonder who could hold meetings here. We search around the house carefully, making sure we don’t miss a spot, but we find nothing. Elizabeth walks over to a bookshelf, which is placed in a very awkward position. She lays her hand on one of the books. There’s a click behind the shelf. “I think I just found a secret door!” Elizabeth mumbles and I help her push the bookshelf open but instead of finding a door, we find a little hole with two files inside of it. One was the what we needed and the other just had the name Mondragon as its title. We take the one we need and Elizabeth stares at that the other for a very long moment. “Princesse, we need to leave before the guards realize that we broke in,” I whisper and she snaps out of her thoughts. I spot a little hole wide enough for a person to crawl through and I decide for us to take the risk, not knowing what could be at the end of the tunnel. After ten minutes of crawling in darkness, we finally emerge a few meters away from the car we arrived with and Elizabeth and I were all smiles. “Looks like someone had plans of doing this as well,” Elizabeth giggles. We proceed into the car, and she steps on the gas. Our next stop… Mr. Frank.
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