Episode 31

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Mr. CEO - You’re Dumped Chapter 31 - Trust Issues. Luke’s P.O.V Amelia storms into my room. She is not raging with anger and it only means that their meeting with the board didn’t go as planned. I hold her by the arm, but she slaps my hand away. She walks around my room like someone who had just gone crazy recently and I am terrified. “Amelia, what’s going on? Where’s Elizabeth? How did the meeting go?” I ask her all at once. She stops her walking and looks at me. I don’t know what to do. I have not seen her this upset before and it concerns me more than I hoped it would. “Where’s Elizabeth?” I ask her again, and she shakes her in disappointment. “That’s it. You’re not even going to ask me why I’m crying?” she responds with a statement which I believe sounds like a question and only then do I realize the tears that fill her eyes. The thought of how Elizabeth could be doing at the moment scares me. Amelia usually is there for her and for her to be sad means Elizabeth might be at verge of committing suicide. “What happened at the company?” I ask her again and she scuffs. “Your girlfriend is standing right here in front of you, crying and you’re busy asking about your spoilt sister and company,” Amelia utters and I’m annoyed with her calling Elizabeth spoilt. “You have no right to call my sister that! She’s been through a lot!” I yell at her, and she chuckles. “And I look like the one who hasn’t been through a lot, huh?” Amelia walks up to me, her hands crossed and she looks me in the eye. “Elizabeth and I are both twenty-four years old. She lost her parents two years ago, but I lost mine when I was barely two years old!” Amelia sobs and I am stunned. “I thought your mum was alive?” I ask her. “Yeah… my step mom who sold me off to the mafia at age fourteen,” she informs me and everything she is admitting to me right now goes against what Elizabeth told me about her. “I lied to Elizabeth. I wanted a fresh start, a friend, but she ends up turning me into her nanny and now, she treats me as s**t in the office,” she confesses and I try to hold her but she doesn’t let me. “Amelia… I did not know about all of this. But you can’t blame Elizabeth. You’ve had time to get over your parents' death, but we haven’t.” I mumble and I regret saying that the very moment she sighs. “Of course, defend yourself as usual. You know, you guys are just like Uncle. Self-centered and arrogant!” she yells and proceeds to the door. “You might want to check up on your beloved sister at the company, but as for the both of us, we’re done.” She adds and walks out of the house. I run after her, hoping to talk to her and apologize for what I said, but she gets in a taxi just before I could reach. I rush back into the house and take my car keys, and drive down to the office. I proceed inside the building, and it looks empty. There are no sign of workers asides the receptionist. “What happened here?” I ask her. “Mr. Constantine ordered everyone to go home after the police arrived here,” she responds. “What did they come for?” “They came to arrest Mr. Frank,” she says with a sad expression on her face. I take a deep breath. “Where is Elizabeth?” She doesn’t say a word. She simply points to the direction of the boardroom and I proceed towards the office. There are no guards anywhere and I fear of what Elizabeth could have done to herself at the moment. I slide open the glass door of the boardroom and walk in. I look around for a moment and spot Elizabeth. She is sitting down on the floor. Her head buried in her hands and she cries softly. I seat down by her side and place my hand on her shoulder. She doesn’t look at me or say a word to me and so I decide not to say anything to her until she is done crying as much as she wants. “I was this close to getting back the company,” she sobs and I hush her. “There will always be a next time, Lizzie. You don’t have to beat yourself up about it. Sometimes, we lose a few battles and other times, we win those battles,” I whisper to her and she chuckles softly. “Where is Dorian?” She asks, and the question is unexpected but makes me feel happy. “I haven’t seen him since after you guys went to Uncle’s house. Do you want me to call him?” “No, don’t bother. I’m sure he would be angry with me just like Amelia is,” she responds and I think back to I and Amelia’s heated conversation before I got here. I grab my phone and send a text to Dorian, asking him to come to the office. He doesn’t respond the first time. I text him a second time, letting him know Elizabeth wanted to see him and he responds finally. “What happened between you and Amelia?” I ask Elizabeth, but she ignores me. “Is Uncle Constantine still in the building?” she asks, changing the subject which I had brought up and respect the fact she isn’t ready to discuss what could have caused her fall out with her best friend. “I don’t think Uncle is still around. The receptionist said he ordered everyone to take the rest of the day off.” “So why didn’t she leave?” Elizabeth questions me. “I believe she didn’t think it was a good idea to leave the office when her rightful boss in still in the office,” I respond and she smiles. She rests her head on my shoulder and wipes off the tears from her eyes. She tries to smile, but it comes out awkwardly and I laugh at her for a moment. She gently punches my arm, and I hold back my laughter. We sit in silence for what feels like forever but a knock on the door attracts our attention as Dorian walks into the boardroom, beaming a smile at Elizabeth who now looks at me, possibly annoyed that I asked Dorian to come even after she had dismissed the idea. “Hi,” Dorian mumbles and walks over to where I and Elizabeth sit. I stand to my feet and decide it is best to leave the both of them to have a little time to themselves. Something which Dorian had longed for ever since he met my sister and something I had so badly wanted her to do, to give love another chance after her awful marriage to Richard. “Where are you going to, Luke?” “I’m going to look for Amelia and try to fix things. But if she doesn’t want to talk yet, I’ll head down to the station to know what the police are saying about Frank’s case,” I inform her and she nods her in approval. I tap Dorian on the back and walk out of the boardroom. Elizabeth’s P.O.V I watch as Luke walks out of the boardroom, leaving me alone with Dorian, who can’t help but continues to smile as he stares at me. For some reason, he is the only person I felt I could talk to at the moment and I did everything possible to lie to myself that I am not falling in love with him, but my heart thinks otherwise. He brings forth an arm towards me and helps me stand to my feet, pulling me close to him and staring deep into my eyes. “You have beautiful ocean eyes,” he whispers to me, and I giggle softly. “Thanks for coming Dorian. I didn’t think you would, especially with the way things played off the last time we spoke.” He chuckles. “I don’t hold that against Miss. Mondragon. I shouldn’t have made such an Alpha male move on you. Besides, you are clearly an Alpha on your own.” I hug him so tight, and I don’t want to let go. He smiles so lovely, like a garden full of a billion flowers, and I find myself lost in it. He hums a song in my ear, one that sounds ever so familiar, and after a moment, I recognize what song it is. A song which my mother would always sing to me whenever I was afraid. “Where did you hear that song?” I question him. He runs his hands through my hair and doesn’t say anything for a moment. He looks at me as I pull away from the embrace and he places his hands on my waist. Not ready to let me go any moment soon. “My mum would sing that song for me whenever I was afraid or sad,” he utters in response to my question. He has never told me anything about his family and I become keen to know more about this woman that loved to sing the same song my mother would sing to me to her son. “Where is your mum?” I ask, and he lets out an exaggerated sigh. “She passed away when I was only five.” I feel remorse and empathy towards him on hearing about his mother, but he smiles through it all. “Has anyone ever told you that you and Carlin have an awfully huge resemblance?” he asks, and I scuff. “Please don’t mention anything that has to do with my uncle at this moment,” I whisper, and he nods his head in approval. I rest my head against his chest and he kisses my forehead softly. I feel safe and loved unlike I have I ever felt before, but my brain continues to remind me not to fall in love with him. “I have an idea,” he whispers to me and I look up into his eyes. I make a gesture for him to continue speaking, and he takes a deep breath. “The evidence we found in London, relating to your parent’s death, I think we can still use it.” He says with conviction in his tone. General Scout had refused to us the very moment we told him that a soldier could have been involved in my parents’ death and ever since he turned us down, I and Luke had completely forgotten about the evidence. Dorian stares at me expectantly and I am intrigued to know what he plans to do with the evidence. “Your parents' murder case was being investigated by every security agency, right?” “Yes… I think so,” I respond. “Your uncle may have the upper hand when it comes to the company, but imagine what would have he finds out that the police are now looking into a new evidence concerning the death of your parents,” he says with a cunning look on his face and I like his idea. “But what about Frank?” I ask. “What happened to Frank?” He doesn’t have an idea of what actually happened today at the office and I take a deep breath before informing. “Frank was arrested for stealing from the company and I think Uncle has a hand in it.” Dorian scratches his hair for a moment before a smile spreads across his lips. “We can always post bail for him. He hasn’t been trailed by the court, neither has he been proven guilty of the charges filed against him,” he declares and I have a little hope once more thanks to him. “So, what are we waiting for?” I giggle and attempt to head to the door, but he pulls me back to him and steals a kiss. I stare at him, stunned and excited. Though the kiss was quite short, it was better than any I could have imagined in a long time. It wasn’t how I pictured my first kiss would be after my divorce, but I guess I have to settle with it. “I’m so sorry about that,” he whispers, and I chuckle softly. I pull him close and lock our lips in a more passionate kiss, longer than the one he had earlier on stolen without my permission. “Next time when you want to kiss a lady, make it worth it,” I giggle, and I drag him by the arm as we head to the station. ******** We arrive at the station, and Luke is already there. He doesn’t seem happy and I guess he wasn’t able to talk to Amelia as he had hoped. It was my fault, but I can’t bring myself to apologize to her. If she had just let me find out what was in that file, it may have helped us out more than we could have imagined. “Did you find Amelia?” I ask Luke, but he ignores me. I pull him by the arm, yet he says nothing to me. “Can we talk about this later? I am not in the mood to discuss Amelia,” he finally responds, and I let the issue go. The chief of police comes out to meet us as they had informed him that the Mondragon family had come to see him. He is a very huge man and his appearance wasn’t that much intimidating for his position. He leads us to a secluded area in the station where we could have a private discussion, away from the eyes and ears of the other officers. “To what do I owe to this visit?” he asks and I laugh softly. “Well….um, Mr….” “Just call me Officer Brooks,” he declares, and I smile. “Officer Brooks, first things first. We would like to post bail for a member of my father’s company who was arrested today.” I inform him and he strokes his beards, thinking about who I could possibly be talking about. “I’m awfully sorry Miss. Mondragon, but no one has been brought into the station today on any charges,” he responds. I stare at Luke and Dorian and they both look as confused and surprised as I do. “Maybe you should check in on your officers. This police department arrested our company adviser today,” I inform him, and he smiles weakly. He is about to speak when his phone beeps and he stares at it for a while before putting it down and turning his attention to us. “My apologizes, I have a very slippery memory these days. An anonymous source has already bailed Mr. Frank out,” he declares and I find his words quite unbelievable. I take a deep breath and look at Dorian and Luke, who we had texted about our plan before coming and they nod their heads, giving me the go ahead to fill Officer Brooks on why we actually came down here. “Officer Brooks, we have evidence concerning my father’s death and I was hoping the Police department could reopen the case and check out our new lead,” I inform him and he stares at me doubtfully. “Why don’t you inform the military? They were the major people in charge of that case,” Officer Brooks responds and Luke comes in to help me convince him. “We have reason to believe that a soldier is involved in the case and as such, the military refused to help us out,” he informs Officer Brooks and we had over my father’s cellphone to him. “This is indeed a wonderful lead. I’ll run it by the court and request for the reopening of your parents' murder case. If it is approved, I’ll call you Miss. Mondragon. Have a wonderful day,” he responds and walks out with the evidence. Now left alone with my brother and Dorian, I can’t help but think about what Officer Brooks said about Frank. “I think Frank is hiding something,” Dorian declares and I have the same thoughts as well. I take a deep breath and look at Luke and Dorian. “We need to find Frank. "
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