Episode 57

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Mr CEO,you are dumped!. Episode Fifty Seven: Embarrassed Elizabeth. Elizabeth POV That's the only sensible explanation to this.Amelia is in love with Luke and she is mad at me for making him sad.Not for sleeping with Dorian when they are all a room away.I should have known that the feelings are still there,why didn't I notice?. "What are you talking about?."She acted ignorant and went to the microwave. Oh great!, now she's avoiding my gaze.That only confirms it. "You are still in love with him, aren't you?."I asked again and she went to the refrigerator and poured herself a cold water. "No,I'm not.Why would you think that I'm."She said shakily as she gulped the contents of the cup. "I know you are.You care about him deeply and the only reason you have been so mad at him or should I say pretending to be mad at him is simply because you don't want him to figure you out.You don't want him to get a hint that you might still have feelings for him.You being angry at him and hating his guts is all a facade.Dont even try to prove me wrong because you already sold yourself out."I said as I made myself comfortable and picked my fork. "Lizzie, please don't tell him."She pleaded.Oh great, she's not even denying it. "Then,why did you guys even break up?.Well , that's none of my business.If you still love him,then shouldn't you at the very least try to get him back.Keeping malice with him is not going to get you anywhere near that.You and I know that Luke isn't in a relationship and he doesn't even have any female calling or texting him.Why are you sleeping on your chance?."I asked again and she bowed her head down. "That would be cheap and also you and I know very well that he detests me.You have seen it yourself."She told me but I don't see things like that at all. "You are the one who started being mean to him first,so I honestly think that he's just reciprocating.Why don't you try to be nice to him?."I suggested and she dropped the cup in her hand. "I don't think I can do that, Lizzie.So,I'm just going to offer him coffee when he gets back and ask about how his day went?.Hell no,I can't do that."She uttered and I reasoned with her. "Okay, maybe that's too much.You could start by just being yourself.You don't have to pass offensive remarks or look at him with contempt.Just be…um…what's the word.Just be neutral.yes, just be neutral.I'm pretty sure that if he still has feelings for you,from there things will unfold and happen naturally."I told her and she just smiled. "And if he doesn't?."She asked and I could hear the fear that was laced in her voice. "Um,if he doesn't.I will help and make sure you get over him and find you an even finer man."I said and she laughed out loud. "Okay,then.Just eat your food.Oh,I totally forgot about the salad."She remembered and brought it out from the refrigerator. "Just when did you make all of this?."I inquired while eating,I'm so hungry right now. "You are the one who woke up late.I'm still surprised that you can work but I guess sleeping for that long took part of the pain away."She teased and I used my hair to cover my face while I continued eating.I'm pretty sure that my cheeks are all ruby and already turned red by now.I don't need Amelia to see it.She is only going to tease me further. "You had better be careful ,so the food doesn't go into your head with the way you bowed your head down and your hair is already in your food.You don't want to have rice and salad in your hair.After all, you are still going out to hire some private investigators."She continued and I had to raise my head up. "Amelia, can you just stop?. Stop making me feel embarrassed." "Alright,I'm going to stop.What were you saying about hiring a couple of investigators , though."She asked and I just realized that she wasn't really listening earlier.She was more concerned about me hurting my brother and the love of her life, Luke. "Did you even listen to me at all?." "To be honest,No!."She admitted and I glared at her. "Well, that is why I'm asking now so that you can tell me about it…again."She defended herself. "I'm starting to think that you love my brother more than you love me." "Oh,princess…you are definitely right about that.''She confirmed. "Amelia!..."I called and she laughed. "It's not that serious,I was just kidding."She said but I know it's a lie.And it is only right that she loves my brother more than she loves me. "I'm only going to say it this once.So, open your ears and listen and take your mind off my brother for now."I pleaded and she burst into laughter. "Oh, okay.I will do just as you have said."She promised. "You better do.So I said that I was going to go out and hire various private investigators."I revealed. "Oh okay.But you don't even have a plug or agency.You can't just hire anyone.What if they are not that good or worse.What if they working for your uncle Constantine?.What are you going to do?.And moreover, you are desperate and everyone is going to look authentic and genuine to you.That is what desperation does to you."I'm starting to think that Amelia already builded her points in the middle of the night and is just using them against me. "Well,but at the very least…I'm trying.I would be doing something."I told her.She has no idea how badly I need to find Frank.A lot of things would be settled once he shows up and I know he's definitely somewhere. "I know you are desperate and I know just how badly you want to meet Frank but you have to take things easy.You can't begin to waste money von investigators that are not going to give you anything.Let's calm down.''She suggested that she could read my mind. "You know what I have a suggestion,why don't you just take a chill pill and let's talk to Andrew about this.He has been in the force,I'm sure that he's going to have some connections and we are going to find him this time around.Dont worry yourself about it that much.Let the guys handle it this time around.We are going to find Frank, alive."She assured me and I was calm a bit. "Alright then,I will just talk to Andrew about it.Thank you so much, Amelia.I don't know what I would have done without you.There are countless time that I would have just broken down or fainted at the spot but you have always been there for me."I said truthfully and she hugged me. We were still in our moment when we heard a car drive in. "That must be Luke and Andrew."I told her and she nodded her head. "They came back quite early.A little advice,princesse.Try not to make eye contact with your brother especially Luke."She advised and I suddenly remembered last night's action.What am I going to do? Just then, the door opened. Oh my God,I'm not even ready to face them,I need to hide!.
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