Episode 58

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Mr CEO, you are dumped!. Episode Fifty eight:The suspension Luke POV I saw the way Elizabeth suddenly jumped in fright and left the moment she saw us.I guess it is because of last night.I definitely knew she was making out with Dorian even though I never said a thing about it but what is actually disappointing is that she chose to do it with my best friend while I'm just like a room away.I wasn't expecting it at all and to make things worse,her ex husband Richard was there.Not that she owes the guy anything considering he is the one who asked for a divorce but it was just …I don't know maybe wrong.I'm pretty sure that hearing his ex wife scream out her lungs while been screwed really good isn't something he would have thought will happen not even in his wildest imaginations. "You don't really have to hide,you know."Andrew said out loud,I guess he also noticed the swift movement. "Yeah, it's not like we can unhear what we already did so it's all good."I said but not as loudly as Andrew did.The house is quiet anyways and there are no distracting sounds so I'm pretty sure that she heard. She brought her head out first before she came out fully.I just scoffed and took my seat on the couch. She came closer to where Andrew and I were. "Jesus, Lizzie."Andrew said out loud and I was forced to smile. Elizabeth's head was still bowed down and she wasn't saying anything. "Does he treat you good?."Luke asked and that was quite surprising.It is the last thing I expected to hear from him. She finally raised her head up and looked at Amelia first. "Yes,he treats me good."She answered and I can't dispute that totally.I haven't seen her cry because of him or anything but why did she have to look at Amelia though. "Alright guys,I made fried rice with plantain, shrimp and a little bit of cream salad."Amelia changed the whole conversation. Fried rice with plantain and shrimp, that's the food she cooks the best and that I enjoy the most.The food is simple and always tasty.Did she think of me while making it,I asked myself but shrugged it off immediately.That is almost impossible,it is totally impossible. Amelia hates me more than anything and I don't need to doubt that, she made it very obvious.She looks at me every now and then with scorn,hatred and contempt.I guess when you stop loving someone, you hate them.And it's very funny that I can't find myself hating her. I don't even dislike her, the only reason we are not talking is because she's not talking to me.But she's a female and more sensitive,so I guess it's only right that she does that.I'm sure she doesn't even like the fact that she sees me everyday.i already took a step to stop that though.I don't want her to feel uncomfortable for any reason. "Goodness, Amelia.You are the best.It is like you knew that I was very much hungry and could hear my hunger from afar."Andrew exaggerated while Amelia blushed and Elizabeth rolled her eyes at him. "It's not a problem at all.I really had nothing to do and that food just crossed my mind.It has been a while since I ate it."She told Andrew.She thought of the food, does that mean that she thought of me as well?.I guess I shouldn't be so ahead of me,why would I cross Amelia's mind.Why would she even think of me?. "Okay, it's still warm so I don't need to microwave it…again.I will just dish your food."She moved to the kitchen area and brought out a plate.I didn't see her but I could tell from the clattering of plates and spoons. "Luke?."I heard someone call my name calmly and it sounded like Amelia's voice but it can't be Amelia because she would never call my name in such a manner. "Luke…"I heard the voice again,am I hallucinating?. "Why on earth is Amelia in my head today?Why are all my thoughts filled with her?"I thought to myself quietly. "Bro!."Andrew tapped me and I looked at him. Why did he suddenly tap me? "Amelia is talking to you."He said and I had to stand up so that I could look at her face. "Yeah."I answered,is she about to be down with a fever?.This girl is definitely on her period.Yesterday, she was dramatic and now she's calm. "There's still an extra serving,so I wanted to know if you would care for.Fo you mind?."She asked and I was even more shocked.Now she's even kind!. What happened to her overnight?! "Sure,I don't mind.I'm also famished.We didn't eat anything before leaving,we had just coffee."I blabbed unnecessarily.She brought our food and we didn't even bother to go to the dining area. I adjusted on the couch and placed the food on the arm of the couch while Andrew sat on the floor and placed his food on a throw pillow.I guess the military lifestyle is still a part of him. "Thanks.''I expressed my gratitude while she just smiled.Seriously,am I being delusional or did she really smile at me?. I just hope I'm not losing it.Why is she acting this way or am I the one seeing things. "Thanks, Amelia.But you served me first and Luke is just having the leftover, that's what happened right?."Andrew asked like he wanted to confirm something.Now, what is he on about?. "Yeah, "Amelia affirmed. "If that is really the case,then why is Luke content bigger than mine?."He asked and I looked at the portion of the food and mine was truly more than Andrew's. "Um…I…"She began to stammer,why is she stammering? "Just be grateful and eat.Its not like she used a machine.Were you expecting her to measure the food into the plate or what?."Elizabeth answered for her. "And also,it looks the same to me."Elizabeth said in her own opinion. "Yeah,my mind wasn't really there."Amelia also added. "So, how did his tests go?."Elizabeth asked. "Oh, it went quite well.He only has malaria and it's not even malaria parasite.He already took a shot and I already prescribed some drugs.He is totally fine and out of harm's way."I revealed and they, Amelia and Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief. "But,why are you all dressed up?.Are you going somewhere?."I asked Elizabeth , she was even wearing a sandal. "She was actually going out but I figured Andrew could help her with that."Amelia answered on her behalf.What is going on, Amelia is even interested in what I have to say and also contributing?.I guess a miracle truly exists. "Help her with what?."Luke asked mouthfully. "You know I mentioned yesterday that I needed to find Frank first before any other thing.So,I was going to go out and get a private investigator but Amelia suggested that you could know someone even better."Elizabeth answered but Andrew already mentioned that to me in the car. "Yeah, about that.I already took action on it and called someone I know.He said he's going to get back to me.So, let's just wait for him.Why would you just hire anybody?.What if you hire uncle Constantine spy?."Andrew said and he has quite a point. "I know but I just didn't want to sit back and do nothing."She said and I totally got her. "Still…you should have been more careful about…"Andrew was suddenly interrupted by a beep on his phone. "That must be the guy.''He said and brought out his phone and I could see the anxiety and curiosity in both Amelia and Elizabeth's face. "What does it say?."Elizabeth asked impatiently. "Actually,I was wrong.It is not a message from him.It is an email from my work."He said and even I was curious. "What does it say, what does the email say?."Elizabeth asked impatiently. Um… it says that I have been suspended for one month!."
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