Episode 56

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Mr CEO,I dump you! Chapter fifty six: Amelia's feelings Elizabeth POV The morning sun shone through the window and I had to turn to the other side of the bed in order to stop the bright sun from entering my eyes.As soon as I turned, the alarm rang and I groaned in frustration. I stood up in annoyance ,I'm suddenly reminded of the statement I once read or heard somewhere that goes"The clock radio is a friendlier version of the cold alarm by the bedside". As soon as I tried to sit up,the duvet left my body and I was bare.I quickly pulled the blanket over my body again.I remembered the event of last night and my cheeks turned crimson red,I even covered my face even though no one is here right now. I'm so embarrassed,I can't believe I screamed that much last night and to think Luke and Andrew were around,I'm certain that Andrew is going to tease me about it.How did I lose control, last night?.It has been a while I had s*x for the fun of it and not to take things off my mind or block the pain.Last night was simply awesome and it also seemed like Dorian slept next to me.I'm pretty sure that he was right beside me last night,I saw him playing with my hair when I woke up in the middle of the night. But why isn't next to me this morning?Was I wrong?. Why did he leave?,why does he always leave?.It is not like I'm some sort of p********e to him,why would always leave before I wake up and the saddest part is that it is going to take a while for him to show his face or contact me again. For goodness sake,I'm his girlfriend and not a one night stand.Why is he doing this to me?.It is either he tells me what's going on with me or we break up. I won't let a guy treat me like a toy or make me feel like I'm a toy to him. My eyes suddenly traveled to my bathroom door, could he be inside?. Why was I quick to think the worst,after all that tumbling the sheet.He would definitely have to wash up first thing in the morning,why didn't I think about that?. "You dummy!."I chided myself and banged my head with my palm. I waited for a while for him to come out but that didn't happen and also I can't hear any sounds ,human movement or water flowing. I'm just going to stop assuming and go check the bathroom. I wrapped the blanket around myself properly and tried to stand up but couldn't.The pains let me know that they were still around. "Those damn muscles!."I cursed under my breath.Why do they only protest in the morning?. I got up nonetheless and walked to the bathroom,more like limping to the bathroom.I opened the bathroom door and surprisingly there was no one there, the floor was dry too. He already left and it's been a while.I'm pretty sure that he showered before he left.But the floor is already dried up.Its been a while since he left.Just at what time did he leave?. My phone suddenly beeped notifying that either a message or notification just entered.I picked my phone up and that was the only time that I got wind of the time. What?!. Twenty four minutes past twelve!.What happened?. How did I sleep for that long and I didn't even wake up in between. "Why didn't anyone try to wake me up either?"I asked myself as I headed to the bathroom.Is this how I plan to find Frank by sleeping half of the day? I rushed to the bathroom and as much as I wanted to soak myself in a hot bath,I. Couldn't.I had to take a quick bath and rush out of the bathroom. As soon as I was done bathing,I rushed and applied body cream while standing.I didn't have the time to sit down and perm myself. I blow dried my hair in a hurry to.I made sure the towel was firm on my chest and opened my closet.I picked the first thing I laid my eyes on and it was a sundress.I grabbed my bag,threw my phone inside and picked my sandals.Just as I rushed out and was descending the stairs,I came across Amelia. "Good morning,princess.''She greeted me but the sarcasm didn't get past my notice. "Morning, Amelia.Why that tone though."I asked as I put on my sandal. "Why are you all dressed to go out when you just woke up and you haven't even had breakfast?."She asked with her eyes scrutinizing me. "I need to go out,I need to find Frank."I told her as I wore the second pair of my sandals. "And just how are you going to find him?.Go out into the streets and ask if there is anyone that knows a man named Frank that works for the mondragon family?.huh?."She asked rhetorically. "No,of course not.I'm going to meet and hire private investigators.I'm sure one of them is going to find him."I said confidently and I began to run my hand through my hair like a comb.I completely forgot to comb after I finished blow-drying my hair. "Hmmm,I see.I'm actually surprised that you could walk out of your room.I thought you will be curled up in your bed all day and I would have to give you various pain killers."She suddenly changed the topic and I know exactly what she means but I don't think I'm ready to have that conversation. "Where's Andrew and Luke?."I changed the topic and I really didn't see Luke and Andrew around. "Oh them,they left for Luke's hospital very early this morning,"She answered. "Oh,I see…Why very early tho?."I asked and suddenly my stomach rumbled.I can't be hungry right now. "I don't know either but I guess the high pitched scream from their sister kept them awake."She said and moved to the bar to get a drink. I totally get where this is going. "Amelia,do you have something you want to say to me.Then, let's have the conversation."I dropped my bag on the couch and went to meet her at the bar. "Elizabeth,it is definitely your choice.But making out when your brothers and ex husband were just a few rooms from you, that's unreasonable.We all heard the screams.Couldn't you have held off until Richard went home, until we all went to bed."She complained and this is weird, Amelia doesn't usually react this way. "Is this because of Richard?."I asked and she simply sipped her drink. "I see that it is,do I need to remind you that Richard left me for his ex-girlfriend and served me divorce papers."I said out of frustration and my stomach grumbled loudly. "It's not about Richard."She yelled at me . Where is all of this coming from,it is not Amelia at all. "It is about your dignity..." "I'm a grown ass woman and my brothers know that very well."I cut her off. "Yes, you are a grown ass woman and your brothers know that you make out with your boyfriend.But did you have to do it when they were around, did they really have to know what you sound like when you are being intimate with someone.It is not you Elizabeth to be like this.I get that you were happy but you should have tried to control yourself anyway."She continued and I was enbrassed.I didn't know that Dorian was going to try to touch me and I didn't know that my body would respond like that. "You said it yourself that you have doubts about Dorian because he only shows up when he needs something from you, when he needs something from you.If you think that way,why are you not trying to use your head and figure out where all of this is coming from?.Did you even try to know what's exactly wrong?.Why keep leaving without a word?."She inquired and I was speechless because I didn't know what to tell her. "I asked him but he said I wouldn't understand and the discussion was interrupted when you came to call me for dinner.And then when we got to the room,things just happened so fast."I told her. "I will never question your decision but I need to know you are okay and not getting played.Ever since you told me about it,it didn't make any sense to me that a man who claims he loves you would treat you like that or act in such manner.It is baffling and you don't even want to tell Luke about it."She said and her voice was already calm, she's back to the Amelia I know. "I know,I will find things out myself.And I'm really sorry about last night."I apologized and held her hand. "No, you shouldn't be.You don't owe me any explanation.You are right,you are a grown ass woman."She told me with a smile but she didn't sound angry or sarcastic about it. My stomach grumbled loudly again and this time Amelia heard it. "It is not surprising that you are hungry.You would be after all that wine and intimacy you had last night."She joked as she stood up and headed towards the kitchen. "Amelia, you are making me hungry.Don't mention it again.''I said as I followed her to the kitchen. "Whatever you say, princesse.I knew you would be hungry by the time you would wake up.I just didn't expect you to wake up that late."She said. "It's not much but I made fried rice with shrimps and plantain.I didn't have much to do so I had time to cook."She said as she helped me to microwaved the food. "Awwn, that's so nice of you."I appreciated as I poured myself a glass of juice. "But, Amelia, why were you so angry about me making out with Dorian.It is not you to be so worked up."I asked curiously. "No particular reason,I just feel like it was wrong.And also, you need to have seen the look on Luke's face.He looked so embarrassed and disappointed."She revealed. "Ahhh,I see.So, you were mad at me because Luke was disappointed and embarrassed.You were mad at me, your best friend, because my brother felt sad or disappointed?."I tried to confirm but she suddenly went mute. "You care about how Luke feels, you even noticed it because I'm sure that he didn't talk to you about that.You still love him, don't you?."I dropped the truth!.
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