One last chance

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Mr. CEO – You’re Dumped Chapter 50 – One Last Chance Elizabeth’s P.O.V It’s the final day for Andrew's hearing and I and Luke are getting ready for the big day. Amelia had stayed overnight at the estate because she wanted to keep me company. She believed I wouldn’t have been able to sleep if she wasn’t there for me to cuddle. Dorian, as usual he had disappeared after having s*x with me. At the moment, it feels like he has no feelings for me, but considers me a toy that he can use to have fun whenever it pleases him. I informed Amelia about everything happening and she wasn’t happy about it. “You should tell Luke,” she suggests. “Tell him what?” I ask, pretending I do not know what she is talking about. It annoys her. “Everything you just told me,” she responds. I am silent for a while. “How do you expect me to tell that I had s*x with his best friend and now, he won’t take my calls?” “Exactly how you just said it,” she giggles. A smile spreads across my lips. I quickly hide it. “Come on. We’re going to be late for Andrews court hearing,” I sigh and apply some finishing touches to my makeup before following her out of my room. Andrew is waiting at the mansion entrance door with Attorney Salvador and Major Landon. I can hear the voices of reporters and their camera shutters outside the mansion. “They are everywhere,” Luke informs me. He looks at Amelia for a moment too long. Clearly stunned by her beauty and dress, which is all my doing as the world’s best friend. I cough gently, getting his attention back to me. “How do we leave without getting caught by the press?” I ask. Major Landon takes a step forward. He bows his head before me. “I have security waiting for you and Dr. Mondragon outside. They will be your escort to court and back here when everything is over,” he announces, and I am pleased. “So, what are we waiting for? Let’s go.” Major Landon opens the door and the voices of the reporters being pushed by the security team he informed me about grow louder. Each of them was hungry for a statement from me. I intend to ignore them, but a question from a young reporter, maybe my age, calls my attention. “Miss Mondragon, our sources have told us that General Andrew won’t be able to prove his innocence to the court. What do you feel about your younger brother becoming a prisoner?” I take a step closer to her, the guard’s let her through their body barricade and she walks elegantly towards me, her microphone in her and her cameraman following behind her. “How are you, darling?” I ask. She smiles. “I’m fine, Miss Mondragon, thank you.” “Do you have a younger brother?” I ask her, and the smile on her face fades away. “Yes, I do.” “How would you feel if someone asked you the same question you just asked me?” I ask her. She is quiet for a moment. My words seem to have hurt her, but I don’t care. Her question offended me first, and it was only right that I do the same. I take a deep breath and face the camera standing behind her. “To all of you standing here today and watching this wherever you are. My brother, General Andrew Mondragon, is innocent and has been wrongly accused.” I look around to spot Luke and Amelia who stand behind me. Their presence gave me the courage to continue speaking to the press. “After today, he will be free of all charges and I promise those who had a hand in my parents' death and framing my brother, I will make you pay,” I threaten and turn away from the camera. “That’s enough for today everyone, please Miss Mondragon her space,” Major Landon orders and his security team holds their barricade tight. “But we still have some questions for Miss Mondragon and Dr. Mondragon!” a reporter yells. The door to the car is opened for us, my dad’s favorite car invented by our company. The Rose Land Raider 3000. It brought back so many memories of him and I loved taking a drive in it. “Everything is going to be alright,” Amelia assures me and kisses my forehead. Luke seems jealous of the gesture and I decide to use the opportunity to intervene in whatever it is going on. “Will both of you stop being babies?” I demand they look at me, unsure of what to say. “What are you talking about?” Luke asks. “I’m talking about the both of you acting like neither of you exists. What the heck is that all about?” I yell at them. “Elizabeth, can we talk about this some other time?” Luke requests, but I shake my head from left to right in a gesture to say no. “What won’t you both talk to each other about?” I ask them. “Because we’ve broken up!” Amelia yells. There is silence among us for a few moments. Nobody prepared to say the next word. “Can you go a little faster, Landon?” Luke requests and he steps on the gas, the car speeding up faster. We arrive at the Court. There is another round of reporters waiting for us and so we wait in the car until the security team's vehicle arrives shortly after. They step down from their vehicle and make a path among the reporters for us to walk through. The court room is filled already, but the judge is not there. Uncle Constantine and Carlin are seated across the room, and Uncle Bertrand is behind them. He has not been around lately, and I plan to approach him about that. Andrew is led into the courtroom momentarily by the warden I had seen in the prison waiting room. He is not cuffed this time around and he has a smile on his face. He turns his gaze towards me and his smile widens the more. “One Last Chance,” I whisper to him, hoping he hears me. The head judge walks in and, like tradition, we all stand to our feet until he is seated. He lifts his gavel and hits it on the table twice. “The last hearing for the Murder Case of Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Mondragon. The accused; their son Andrew Mondragon. This court is now in session.”
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