Episode 16

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Mr. CEO - You’re Dumped Chapter 16 - In the Dark Elizabeth’s P.O.V I woke up to a room that does not belong to me. Sitting up, I felt a sharp pain in my head and the memories of what had happened earlier on were still foggy in my head. I looked around the bedroom, trying my best to make out where I was in. It looked like I was in a bedroom designed for a princess. The windows were huge and overlooked the statue of liberty. The bed I lay was twice the size of my king-size bed in Puerto Rico. There was a little tiara on the bed end stool and it freaked me out a bit. “Where am I?” I noticed a shadowy figure enter the room, but I couldn’t make out who it was. “How did you sleep, my princess?” said the disembodied voice from the corner of the room. “Who… are you?” I stammered, and a masked man reveals himself to me. “Your knight in shining armor.” His voice was vexatious. I tried remembering what had happened and how I ended up here, but it was no use. My head still hurt badly and frankly; I don’t even know why. “How did I get here?” I staggered to my feet and only then did I realize they had changed my clothes. I wore a silky green night gown which stopped barely below my butt cheeks and it was visible enough to reveal my well-endowed body. “Now, Princess Elizabeth, there’s no need for you to panic. But I can give you the benefit of the doubt that we won’t hurt you. " I could see him smiling through his mask, and it pissed me off. Well, more like scaring the s**t out of me, but I had to maintain my composure. “If you will not hurt me, then what do you want from me?” I asked him. He was hesitant to answer my question, but for a moment, it felt like he was sorry. “I’m not in the position to say anything to you. I was just sent to make sure you’re awake and not dead,” he scoffed. “You’ll hear from my boss so enough, but until then, it’s time for your breakfast.” He clapped his hands together and a young lady walked into the room with a trap of exquisite food. That I had woken up in a lavished room was scary and now, I was being served breakfast like a queen of some sort. The masked man left the lady and me in the room alone. He closed the door behind him and I was freaking glad that I finally had some privacy, well asides the damsel that was with me. “Your breakfast is ready Mademoiselle, the Boss will be with you shortly, so please eat up,” the lady said as she turned to leave the room. “Wait,” I called out to her, and she turned to answer me. “Do you need anything else, my Princesse?” she asked and from her accent, I could tell she wasn’t English. “You are French?” I asked bluntly, and she smiled at me. “Not everyone I have served could figure that out immediately,” she replied. I noticed her legs weren’t stable, she would tap them on the floor occasionally and I knew she wasn’t comfortable being with me for a long time. “I really don’t want to be here,” I sobbed. Tears rolled down my cheeks and a wave of fear flooded my heart as I recalled when the Mafia had shot me two years ago. My heart increased with every passing second, and I could feel my head twirl around in circles. The lonely street, the men chasing me, the news of my parents’ death, the gun being pointed straight to my skull and getting shot twice at my stomach. “You’re dizzy Princesse, you should probably lay down on the bed for a while and get some rest,” the lady suggested. I could barely hear what she was saying. The trauma from two years ago had finally caught up to me. “Help… me,” I whispered, and the world went dark once more. “How long has she been unconscious?” I heard a voice from inside the room and I struggled to open my eyes, but the light seemed to blind me the more. “Ever since we brought her here, she’s only woken once, and that was yesterday,” another voice replied. I focused my eyes open, and it took them a little while to adjust to the light. “What is going on?” I asked the two men standing in front of me. I couldn’t make out who they were as they both wore a mask on their face. One wore a gold mask, and the other was the guy who talked with me the first time I woke up. “She’s traumatized. What did you guys do to her on your way here?” the man on the gold mask asked. The guy who had been with me earlier seemed to fidget on hearing the question and it made me feel like my abductors were hiding something from whoever it was beneath that gold mask, and surely whosoever it was, he was the head of this operation. “Good evening, Elizabeth Mondragon. You must have had a rough night, didn’t you?” he asked as he nudged the other guy out of the room. He sat by the edge of my bed and leaning in close; I attempted to pull off his mask, but he reacted just in time and avoided my hand. “Not so fast, lady. We don’t want you going to sleep for another day, do we?” his voice sounded threatening, and that was the last thing I needed right now. “What do you want from me? Is it money? How much do you want?” I asked him question after question, but all he did was laugh softly. “You rich, spoiled brats always think that everyone is after your money,” he scoffed and pulled out a gun from his cloth. “Isn’t that what you want?” I sighed. I sat up on the bed and for a few minutes, we both stared at each other, saying nothing to ourselves. “You should have stayed dead!” He uttered, and I felt my heart skip multiple beats. Could it possibly be that these are the Mafia who wanted me dead, the ones my Carlin sent to get me? “You’re the one who shot me two years ago,” I mumbled, and he laughed viciously. “I wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger, Elizabeth. I was there that day, but believe me, if I was the one who shot you, your body would have six feet under,” he whispered into my ear. For someone who was in danger right now, he was really doing a number on me, as my fantasies about having s*x with a masked man played around in my head. “Could you take off your mask?” I asked him, and he stared at me for a while. “I just really want to kiss you right now. It’s been almost a year since I got laid and you are kind of sexy when you talk like that,” I whispered to him and he chuckled softly. He raised his mask just above his lips and leaned in close for me to kiss him. I remembered the food tray the lady had brought to me the day before, and it was lying just beside me. I grabbed it and smashed it on his face. “f**k!!” he yelled in pain as he fell on his knees to the ground. “I forgot to mention that over the two years that you thought I was dead; I’ve been taking self-defense classes.” I smiled and took his gun, which he had dropped after I hit him. I dashed out of the room, not knowing where I was heading to but I was certain that I needed to get out of here. The lobby was dark and as a result; I slowed my movement to avoid crashing into something or someone and having them know I had escaped their ring leader. I saw a flash of light down a staircase and I followed it to a room which seemed like the only one on the floor. Without thinking twice, I barged into the room and found the lady who had served getting dressed up. She seemed like she wanted to make a run for it, and I was glad that I met up with her. “Princesse, how did you escape the Phoenix?” she gasped on noticing the gun in my hand. “I’m not here to hurt you. I don’t want to do that. I just need help to get out of here,” I told her. “I’m really sorry, Princesse, but my famille is in debt to the Phoenix and his mafia. Helping you escape would only put them in harm’s way,” she sniffed. “Ok, first of all, it’s Elizabeth and I am not a princess, so please stop calling me that and you...” “Amelie,” she mumbled, and I was glad we got the name issues out of the name. “Amelia, I need your help as much as you need mine. Help me get out of here and I’ll get you and your family to safety,” I said to her, but she didn’t seem so convinced. “The Mondragon heir has escaped… find her at all costs!” yelled a man over a speaker, which seemed to be connected to every room in the building. “Please help me!” I sobbed quietly, and she had sympathy on me. “Do you promise to keep ma famille safe?” she asked, and I nodded my head in response. She flung the window of her room open and I saw she had tied a rope that led all the way down, outside the building. “What are you, a French Rapunzel?” I teased as we both stared at the height that was between us and our escape. “Amelia!! Have you seen the hostage?” a voice yelled from outside her room and it was now or never. She climbed out the window first and after a few moments; I did the same, and we both went down the building slowly. We heard the door to her room broken-down as a bunch of Mafias marched into her room looking for her. We got down the ropes and ducked into an alley nearby, hoping they wouldn’t find us so quickly and probably get some time to relax our muscles a bit. I didn’t have enough time to observe which part of London we were in as at a moment of our escape and when I looked around, with the image of the of the statue of liberty I had seen from the room I was in, the surrounding city looked nothing like London. From the dirtiness of the streets, to the dark lonely alleys, and the damaged roads, I was short of words to describe how I felt at the moment and I hoped Amelia had answers for me. “Where the hell are we?” I asked her. “I don’t know, but one thing is for sure, this isn’t London,” she told me “But I saw the statue of liberty from the window in the room where I was. How do you explain that?” I asked her, and she scoffed. “A hologram. The Phoenix always uses a hologram in the room of his hostage. Everything you thought you saw wasn’t as it seemed,” she added, and I felt my heart go numb. We walked down the alley, hoping to find any sign of life, but it was of no use. “How long have you been working for the Mafia?” I tried to engage Amelia in a conversation, but she didn’t seem interested. “Look, you don’t have to go about pretending you care about me. You rich people always try to take advantage of the poor ones,” she bickered, and part of what she said was true. Well, back in Puerto Rico, the rich lived as they pleased. They practically ran the entire state, making the poor work in their lands on the mountains. “My parents were murdered two years ago, and at that same time, the same Mafia’s who abducted me shot me,” I said to her and she stopped in her tracks. “I am so sorry to hear that.” “It’s fine. I rarely talk about it, but it hurts when people assume that just because a person is rich, it means their life is going great,” I added as we continued with our journey. We had a gunshot behind us, and fear enveloped the rest of my thoughts and actions. “Amelia!! I am so going to kill you and your family!” yelled the Phoenix. His voice was unique and I could tell it was him, even without seeing him. Amelia and I dashed down the alley, switching paths as often as we could and praying earnestly that we didn’t bump into them. We finally got to the center of the city, lights, traffic and there were a lot of onlookers who saw us running out of the dark alley, screaming for help as we got closer. We stopped just in front of a museum and I checked what they wrote on it to find out where we were. With the Police already approaching us due our cries for help, I took a deep breath and got a good look at the name of the museum. " “Vatican… city… museum,” The words slipped silently out of my mouth as the world around me went dark once more.
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