Episode 18

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Mr. CEO – You’re Dumped Chapter 18 – Claiming Power Constantine’s P.O.V I got awful stares from most of the employees at Rose Corp. on my arrival at the building. It was very certain that they all would want an explanation as to why Elizabeth and I haven’t been in the office for over a week. Honestly speaking, I did not know that Elizabeth wasn’t around. We may stay in the same house, but the Mondragon mansion is big enough for five different families to all have their separate bedrooms. Most times, you could go an entire day and not bump into anyone at all, asides during family dinner. “Good Morning Mr. Constantine. The top company shareholders are waiting for you,” my secretary announced as she met me halfway to my office. She was the perfect secretary anyone could ask for. She knew when to get my coffee, the kind I liked and the kind I hated. My schedule was never too busy thanks to her and it made me most times want to give her a raise in her salary. “Carol, how many of the board members are waiting for me?” I inquired. “Well, everyone was at your office earlier this morning but Mr. Frank and Mr. Paul dismissed them,” she responded with a smile. My mind felt a bit more at ease knowing that I only had to deal with Paul and Frank. They both of them could be tricky most times, but I had learned how to hit them where it hurts. Withstanding the wonderful character that they both portrayed to Elizabeth and her parents, Paul and Frank each had their destitute flaws and that would give me the upper hand in whatever we discussed today. We got to my office and just like Carol, my secretary informed me, only Paul and Frank were seated as they waited for my arrival. Paul, as I expected, had his face glued to his phone screen. He barely noticed me enter the room while Frank, on the other hand, was observant as ever. “I expected to see the entire board members. But I’m glad it’s just the both of you,” I smiled at them. Paul dropped his phone on my table and, for the first time since I walked into their presence, he made eye contact with me. Frank feasted his eyes on me expectantly, and I smiled to suppress my nervousness and anxiety. “Mr. Constantine, it is true that the company's debts have been cleared off and operation running smoothly,” Frank acknowledged. However, I knew he still had more to say to me. He took a deep breath and sighed dramatically, “But that is no reason for you and your niece who has assumed the position of CEO to skip a full week in the office,” he added as he tapped his fingers on the table. Paul was rather more silent than I had expected him to be and as such, I didn’t see the need to use their flaws and secrets against them so I could have the upper hand. At my signal, Carol brought out a document from the file she was carrying around with her and dropped a copy for Frank and Paul to go through what was contained in the document. “My Niece, Elizabeth, went on a business tour, hoping to expand the Rose Corp. and finally give us a purpose,” I informed them while smiling at the document that Carol had prepared for me and its authenticity. The documents were a duplicate of the rights to the company and a letter signed by Elizabeth, which clarified that I would take over as CEO of the company if ever she was absent for over five days without informing the board of directors. The document also stated that she had no right to question my authority whenever she returned to the company, and as the number one leading company in exports, imports, and manufacture of automobiles and technological gadget’s of all kind, I was entitled to my very own mansion, a new car, a private plane and a helicopter, just as her parents had. “Why would she make such a decision without consulting us first?” Frank's eyebrow narrowed as he read the contents of the document Carol had handed over to them. “Maybe she realized she was better off as a board member than the CEO. Let’s face the fact, she isn’t ready to take over her father’s company,” Paul emphasized as he signed the document and took his leave from my office. Frank still had his doubts about signing the document. Elizabeth’s father would always consult him as he was our company adviser before he made decisions such as this. He expected Elizabeth to do likewise, but sometimes, the apple falls far from the tree. He lets out an exaggerated sigh and picks up a pen from my desk. Taking a deep breath, he sighed the document and dropped the file in Carol's hands. “I hope you don’t make the same mistakes you made last time Constantine, the future of this company would be better off in Elizabeth’s hand than in yours,” he declared with a frown as he walked out of my office. Carol handed me the signed papers and took the other files to her desk. She offered to make me a cup of whipped cream coffee, but I declined. Having nothing else to do for the day in the office, I decided to go home and figure what my next phase of action would be. I needed to establish all the control that I could with Elizabeth’s sudden absence from the company and Puerto Rico. Carlin’s P.O.V Dad had returned home a few hours after he left for the company and went straight into this office. Not long after he arrived, General Scout and a few military men alighted from their vehicles at the Mondragon estate and it looked like they had been waiting for my dad’s return. “Carlin, I’d like to speak with your father,” he announced as he proceeded into the estate with waiting for me to say a single word to him. I followed directly behind him as I led him to my father’s office, which was sealed off by a huge metal door and secured with a security panel that made it impossible for anyone to break into. We got to the door and I punched in the password. With a few clicks, the door opened slowly, and we walked into the office where my dad sat at his table. “General Scout, what a wonderful surprise. Is everything alright?” my dad asked on noticing General Scout and I step into his office in the Mondragon estate. “Good morning, Mr. Mondragon. I was hoping to have some time alone with you,” the general replied as he stared at me, knowing that I had no intention to leave the both of them alone. Dad took a deep breath and relaxed into his seat. It’s not everyday that the General of your country military comes to greet you in your house. “Well, if we’re to discuss then please, take a seat, General.” General Scout sat down silently and took out a file from the bag he was carrying with him, which I hadn’t noticed when we entered together. He dropped the files on the table and gently pushed them over to my dad, his face folded and his lips curled into a frown. Dad picked up the file and went through the contents slowly. He passed a copy to me as well, and I glanced through the details. It was a rundown of every criminal activity my dad had gotten involved in the past five years. Starting with the murder of Elizabeth’s parents and his stealing from the company account, his gambling habit and taxes, which he owed the government. “What the hell is all this, General Scout?” I questioned him, but he ignored my question. “I felt you needed to see that, Mr. Mondragon. I kept to my part of the bargain to send General Andrew back to the war front. You had better uphold yours or else, everything goes public,” General Scout declared as he stood from his seat and walked out of the office. I ran after him without thinking twice and met him just outside the estate. He didn’t seem so happy about whatever it was going on between him and my father and I was hell bent on finding out what it was. “Scout! Wait!” I exclaimed. I pulled him by the arm and he turned to face me. His face was still folded, and I felt it was a bad idea to talk to him at the moment, but I needed to finally get it out of my chest. I moved closer to him and he moved his hands to my waist, pulling me even closer than I had wanted to be to him. His boys were still standing outside their vehicles, waiting for him to give the signal for them to move out, but he didn’t. They watched as his eyes lingered on me for a while and my heart began to race drastically. “That’s General Scout to you, and I am the one that gives orders to you,” he smirked. “Kiss me,” I requested. He takes a deep breath and kisses my neck slowly and I feel him press my body against his, making me moan softly as he teased me. One of his hands slides around to the small of my back, arching my spine gently and drawing me impossibly closer. “We should do this some other time. Maybe somewhere more private and secluded,” he whispered into my ear, and I bite back a moan. “Don’t hurt my dad,” I pleaded, and he let go of me. He walked back into his vehicle and waved goodbye before leaving. So much for wanting to confess my feelings to the only guy I actually cared about. I was on my way back to the mansion when my phone beeped. I did not save the caller to my phone, and I wasn’t one to pick up calls from numbers which I did not know who they belonged to, but I decided to do so this time. “Who is this?” I asked over the phone and my caller was silent for a few seconds before responding to my question. “Elizabeth has escaped.”
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