Episode 19

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Mr. CEO - You’re Dumped Chapter 19 - The Search Luke’s P.O.V “Dorian, we need to go now, before the airport gets crowded with people looking to catch up with their flight,” I yelled from my room as I got dressed. Dorian had spent the night at my place since we both wanted to go to the airport at the same time. He had been a very great help to me ever since Elizabeth got kidnapped and I planned to return the favor to him, one way or the other. I proceeded to the little kitchen in the hotel room to prepare something to eat before Dorian got dressed, but a gentle knock on the door interrupted me. I hated early morning visitors, especially uninvited early morning visitors. I took a deep breath and walked to the door, pushing it open. I saw Trix standing outside with his laptop in his right hand and a cup of coffee in his left hand. I didn’t recall inviting him over today because I knew I wouldn’t be around, and neither would Dorian, but he didn’t look like one to just waltz into your house without being invited. “Trix, what are you doing here?” I asked, doing my best to keep a calm face and not freak him out. His face was awfully neutral. You couldn’t tell if he was happy or sad or angry or depressed. He just stood there, looking like someone willing to commit suicide soon if nobody intervened. He handed me a piece of paper and, without saying another word, he turned to walk away. I slammed the door behind me and walked back into the kitchen to find Dorian stuffing his face full of the noodles I had prepared for myself. “Who was at the door?” He asked while munching down a spoon full of noodle. “It was Trix. He just handed me a piece of paper and walked away,” I responded as I opened the paper to actually get a look at what was written on it. It looked like a passcode for an appointment. I showed it to Dorian, and he nodded his head in approval to my hunch and with that all taken care of; we took our backpacks which we bought just in case we found any evidence that we needed to take with us and left the hotel building like agents going for a mission. My Puerto Rico Driver’s license was invalid in London, and because Dorian had no vehicle of his own, we had to take a taxi. We got to the airport just in time for the little meeting Trix had miraculously scheduled between the Airport manager and I. But on our way to meet him, we bumped into Richard and Lillian, who seemed to have other plans of their own. “Fancy meeting you guys here. Where are you both headed?” I asked them with an eyebrow raised at the luggage they were carrying. “We’re actually on way to Puerto Rico. Elizabeth’s lawyer called last night; he said we need to discuss certain issues before Elizabeth’s return,” Richard responded with a frown on his lips. Knowing that they were on their way to Puerto Rico didn’t make me feel any less uncomfortable, but it was better than having the both of them interfere with I and Dorian’s investigations today. Lillian blew a kiss towards as she and Richard proceeded to the departures waiting room for their flight. I and Dorian on the other hand found our way to the manager’s office on the fifth floor of the building, and just as it was stated in the paper Trix handed over to me earlier in the morning, I mentioned the passcode and they security men at the door let I and Dorian through. The manager’s office was a beautiful sight to behold. There was a huge glass window which overlooked the runway, and you could see the thousands of people who were scrambling around the waiting rooms like ants at war. “Mr. Mondragon, what a lovely surprise to have you visit us this morning,” I looked at the manager for the first time and it was a lady who was probably the same age as Elizabeth, if not younger than her. She wore a radiant smile that illuminated the entire room, and her eyes seemed to reflect the beauty of her office. “Good morning, Mrs. Um?” “That’s Miss. Catherine to you, young sir. And please, there’s no need for the pleasantries. Your family has never been one to set up an appointment to just have a little chitchat. So, what brings you here?” She spoke fluently and boldly. Dorian gave us the room to discuss in private and I took a seat opposite her table, keeping my shoulders squared and ensuring that there was no trace of a smile on my lips. “Miss Catherine, my younger sister has been missing for over a week now and we believe she was last seen here, at the airport,” I responded in a husked voice. “So, if I am not wrong, you wish to review our CCTV footages from one week ago?” she asked as she smiled. I nodded my head in agreement and all she did was clap her hands together twice, which I was very sure was a signal for someone to come in, but who? After a few minutes of sitting in silence, the door to her office was opened and Dorian walked in, accompanied by a group of soldiers whom from the looks of their uniform, were Puerto Rico military officers. “Mr. Mondragon, my name is Lieutenant Fred and I would love to have a word with you back at our base,” said the soldier, who appeared to be the one in charge. Someone must have informed them we were in London and I’m sure they wouldn’t have bothered looking for us if they didn’t know we were snooping around town, looking for my sister and any evidence that could point us to my parents’ murder. “Thank you for your time, Miss Catherine. The Mondragon family will not forget your actions today,” I told her with a smirk. I followed the soldiers out of her office and down the elevator. Everyone was staring at us as we walked out of the airport and into their vehicle, which was parked at least half a mile away from the airport. We got to their base after an hour's drive from the airport. It wasn’t the most comfortable journey and my body was in slight pains because of being squeezed in the middle of the two hefty soldiers. Lieutenant Fred wasted no time as we arrived at their headquarters. He ordered his boys to bring us seats while we waited for him to return from wherever it was he disappeared into. A few minutes later, he came out with a file. It had confidential written boldly on it and I felt uncomfortable with whatever was contained in the file which he had brought out. Flipping the pages of the file, I stopped at a part which clearly said that the Mondragon family were only limited to four days each time they visited London and basically; I had already stayed seven days in London. “Who actually makes all these stupid laws for you guys?” I sanctioned them, but Dorian gently kicked my leg to hush me. “Mr. Mondragon, we understand your sister was kidnapped in London and we also understand how vital it is for you to return home with her, but you have breeched the time limit on this document which was signed by your parents,” Lieutenant Fred sighed as he took the file from me and handed it over to a soldier standing beside him to return to his office. I looked around their London base and it was very clear that this was once an abandoned warehouse and, in a bid, to cover up whatever might have happened here two years ago, they refurnished the entire warehouse and made it look so much like a standard Military office. “I’m afraid I have to order you to return back to Puerto Rico, Mr. Mondragon,” I was stunned at hearing those words from his mouth. I didn’t know who Lieutenant Fred was, and I doubt General Scout knew who he was too, but I was certain that he was still under the commands of General Scout. If only there was a way I could contact General Scout at the moment and inform him of what was going on, I’m sure he might help me out. “What about his sister? What do you guys plan on doing about her situation?” Dorian asked the Lieutenant with a frown and the Lieutenant smiled at the question. “As we speak right now, I have every Puerto Rico military branch in every country looking into the matter. We can’t inform our superiors about this or else, it could become an international scandal, and from the way you’ve been handling the situation, I’m pretty sure you want to avoid it coming to such, don’t you?” the lieutenant asked and I couldn’t find an answer to his question. Having the entire Puerto Rico second division army base in every country look for my sister. I was pretty sure that there was a catch to it. “I’m guessing this is the point where you tell me what I have to do for the search to continue?” I asked him bluntly, and he chuckled. “You’re a very smart man, Mr. Mondragon.” Lieutenant Fred snapped his fingers, and a soldier brought him a chair to sit on. He looked at Dorian and me sternly. “You have to leave London in the next twenty-four hours if you truly want us to continue with the search?” he added. “And if he doesn’t?” Dorian asked, hoping that there wasn’t some sort of gangster deal going down between us and the army. “Well, according to the document, your parents, we have the rights to arrest and sue you to court,” he responded, smiling as he tapped his feet on the floor. Dorian looked at me for a second, probably hoping that I had made up my mind on what I was going to do about what the lieutenant had just told me, and to be frank, there wasn’t much of a choice for me to make. I let out an exaggerated sigh as I stood from my seat, my backpack now in my hand and not my back. “I’ll leave London first thing tomorrow morning,” I announced, and Lieutenant Fred smiled as my decision impressed him. Dorian didn’t seem comfortable with what I had decided, but it was for the greater good. “You made the right choice, Mr. Mondragon. I’ll arrange for an escort to guide you home tomorrow. If you don’t mind, I’d also like to book you flight,” Lieutenant Fred volunteered, but my mind wasn’t with him anymore. I needed to check out their base for any clue on the night my parents died and I needed to do that soon, but I couldn’t do that without a distraction. “Lieutenant, we have intruders at the back gate,” a soldier declared as he walked up to Lieutenant Fred and winked at Dorian. The soldiers and the lieutenant dashed out of the room, leaving me and Dorian alone, and went to check out the intruder. “Why did that soldier wink at you?” I questioned him and he laughed softly. “Don’t worry about it. For now, we need to find anything that could help in reopening the case of your parents' murder.” Dorian suggested. We took our backpacks and snooped around the room. Finding nothing there, we proceeded to the lieutenant's office to check out the items he might be hiding and also keeping track of time. “I got a glimpse of the document Lieutenant Fred gave you. They wrote it on the same day your parents died,” Dorian informed me, and I realized I hadn’t checked the date written on it. Why would Lieutenant Fred have a file created on the same day my parents got murdered? My head was dizzy and I couldn’t wrap my fingers around what Dorian had just told me. I couldn’t let that distract me from the mission at hand. I needed to find some concrete evidence in Lieutenant Fred’s office, something big enough to help me reopen my parents' murder case and send whoever was responsible to jail. After a while of searching around the lieutenant's office, we still couldn’t find anything resourceful. We were about to lose all hope when Dorian found a hidden safe behind the desk in Lieutenant Fred’s office. It was covered with a military flag and it was also locked, as expected of a soldier's safe. Dorian giggled silently and brought out his phone. He took a picture of the safe lock and sent it to Trix. A few minutes later, Trix sent him a bunch of codes to try, and after five unsuccessful attempts, the lock clicked and Dorian had it open. There was a cellphone inside the safe and not just any cellphone. It was my dad’s. “What the hell is Lieutenant Fred doing with my dad’s phone?” I yelled and Dorian put his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet. We heard footsteps approaching his office and Dorian found a back door in his office. We sneaked through the door and it led us outside the street. There were no soldiers in sight and I and Dorian took our chance and flagged down a taxi, heading towards the hotel. I had evidence at last, all that was left was to find my sister and we could get the hell out of this city. “We’re going to find Elizabeth, Luke. Don’t beat yourself up,” Dorian comforted me and a smile found its way to my face. “I’m coming for you, Elizabeth.”
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