Episode 46

1185 Words
Mr. CEO - You’re Dumped Chapter 46 - What You Must Constantine’s P.O.V “Are you trying to bribe me, Mr. Constantine?” The head judge's question throws me off guard and I do not know what to answer him. “Mr. Constantine. I’ll have you know I am an honorable man of the law and I can not be bribed,” he adds, and Attorney Michael gives me a look of concern. Elizabeth’s lawyer had left a few moments ago, and that was when I stepped into the judge's office to have a word with him. If I fail in getting him to pass judgement in my favor, he could use this very act against us and set Andrew free. “Five million!” I utter without thinking twice. The judge is stunned by my statement. “Excuse me?” Attorney Michael steps in to stop things from getting worse. “Your honor, what my client is trying to say is…” “Five Million dollars and your very own customized Rose Car,” I respond, not letting Attorney Michael finish his statement. The head judge considers my offer for a moment. Everyone in Puerto wants a customized Rose Car from our company, but not everyone can afford it, and I am very sure that the judge wants one as well. “I’ll call you later today, but now, leave my office at once,” he demands and I and Attorney Michael exist his office. “Mr. Mondragon, that was very careless of you. Do you have any idea what Barrister Armando could do to you?” Attorney Michael scolds. “His name is Barristers Armando?” I ask and Attorney Michael nods his head in approval. “Did you see how long it took him to chase us out of his office after my last offer? I’m very sure he is on our side now,” I respond. We step outside the court building and I notice a black car packed behind that of I and Attorney Michael. My first hunch is Elizabeth, but she never rides in any car not manufactured by our family car. “Someone is watching us,” I inform Attorney Michael, who takes a long look at the Car packed behind ours. “I’ll call a cab. Let’s get out of here,” he suggests, and I nod my head in approval. Whoever it is, I hope they do not know why I was in Barrister Armando’s office with Attorney Michael. Carlin’s P.O.V Richard is running late for our date. I am surprised he still wants to meet with me after what happened in court today. I assumed Elizabeth must have told him everything, so his coming here must be because he has feelings for me, or so I hope. We are meeting at the same place we met the first time we had a little date together, deluxe burger restaurant. I ordered two cups of coffee just like last time and waited patiently for him to arrive. “Hi,” he announces as he walks into the restaurant and heads to the table where I sit. “Mr. Lim, you made me wait,” I respond, and he chuckles. “Now, why does that line sound familiar, asides the Mr. Lim?” he asks. I smile warmly. “Maybe because that’s the first thing I ever said to you a few months ago.” We both laugh softly as he takes a seat and stares at the cup of coffee waiting for him on the table. “You went all out to recreate our first lunch date together,” he mumbles and I nod my head in approval of his statement. “I wanted it to be special. It’s not everyday I get to see the man who my cousin fell in love with while in New York,” I respond and my sudden acknowledgement surprised him. “What has she told you about us?” Richard enquires of me and his question confirms my suspicions about him and Elizabeth. “Nothing that I shouldn’t know about. Frankly, she never told m that you both were lovers. It was a lucky guess, and your response has given me the validation I needed.” I giggle and he smiles at my sneakiness. He stares at me for a moment, and his eyes are so dreamy. I do my best to stay calm, but his gaze calls out for me to press my lips against his. “Why are you staring at me like that?” I ask, breaking the awkward silence between the both of us. “How old are you?” Richard asks. I raise an eyebrow at him. “Why do you wish to know?” “Well, I’m just curious to know which one of you is older,” he responds. “Which one of who is older?” I ask him and he chuckles. “You and Elizabeth. Who is older?” he asks again and I scuff. “Can we talk about anything else apart from my perfect cousin?” I request of him and he smiles in a very cute manner. “Not the type of questions I expected during our date, but if you must know, we’re both the same age. Born on the same day,” I answer, and Richard’s smile weakens. “Don’t you both find that weird?” He asks and I let out an exaggerated sigh. He takes a sip of his coffee. “Alright. Last question about your cousins.” “Fine, get it over with already,” I answer and take a sip of my coffee as well. "Why did you lie to Elizabeth that you and Andrew were together on the day his parents were murdered?" “Why are you sounding like a detective right now?” I ask, and he laughs weakly. I stare at Richard, who seems keen to know the answer to that question and believing that Elizabeth didn’t put him up to this; I decide to tell him the truth. I take a deep breath. “I never lied to Elizabeth.” “What do you mean, Carl?” “Shortening my name. Seems like we’re already starting our friendship on a good note,” I tease, and we both chuckle. “Anyway, yeah, I never lied to Elizabeth. I was with Andrew on the very day my aunt and uncle passed away. I had just broken up with my then boyfriend and Andrew offered to cheer me up, so we went to the beach together. We were there when then news of his parents' death was aired on every radio and television station,” I inform him and Richard takes a moment to process everything I had just told him. “Wow, that’s saddening. You know what, I will not ask you why you broke the deal, this is meant to be a bonding date, so let’s do that instead,” Richard suggests and we clink our coffee cups together while we enjoy the rest of our day together.
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