Episode 32

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Mr. CEO - You’re Dumped Chapter 32 - Losing a Friend Lillian’s P.O.V Two things life has taught me: in order to get what you want, you have to lose what you need. And to get what you need, you have to lose what you want. It’s never possible to have both and that was the case with me and Richard as of late. Ever since arriving at Puerto Rico, it had been one crisis after another. I regret supporting his decision to accept Elizabeth’s offer but the deed has already been done. We don’t have a company building and Richard refuses to return to New York even with all my pleading. He was hell bent on getting what he rightfully deserved from the Rose Corp. and his best friend's sudden appearance in Puerto Rico is something I find highly strange. They are both seated in the living room, discussing over a cup of coffee. Rafael has been so worried ever since he arrived. It feels like he is running from something, or maybe even someone. I walk up to them, my phone in one hand. “Have you guys heard the news?” I ask them, and they look up to me with a worried look on their faces. “What news?” they both chorus. “Mr. Frank has been fired from Rose Corp,” I inform them. Rafael is confused. “Who is Frank?” “Elizabeth’s company adviser,” Richard responds and stands to his feet. I watch him walk to our bedroom and return a few moments later, all dressed up and his car key in his hands. He bought a new car recently after I had begged him to do so. He seemed to enjoy moving about with a taxi and I know that is because he is never the one driving. “Where do you think you’re going?” I ask him with a frown and for a moment he says nothing to me. I walk up closer to him. “I asked you a question, Richie. Where are you going?” “To see how Elizabeth is doing,” he responds and I scuff. “Who cares about how Elizabeth is doing? I didn’t tell you what happened at their office so you could act like her night in shiny armor!” “I care about how she’s doing!” he yells at me, not happy with what I said. “Ok, couple quarrel. I’ll be in the kitchen. You two need to handle this alone,” Rafael laughs and walks to the kitchen. Richard tries to walk towards the door. I block his path. He scuffs and attempts to shove me aside, but I stand my ground. He is annoyed and I don’t care. We stand tall, facing each other, and in that moment of awkward silence, I grab the keys from his hand. He tries to get it back, but I don’t let him. “Give me the keys Lillian,” He makes a gesture for me to drop the keys back into his palm but I don’t. I cross my hands beneath my chest and he stares at me, not wanting to hit me. He wants to go out of the house, maybe to take a taxi, but I remain still at the door. “Lillian, step away from the door.” “I will do no such thing,” I respond. Our fight is cut short when Rafael comes crashing through the kitchen door and is barely able to stand to his feet. “Oww!” he groans in pain and finally makes it up to his feet. I am afraid and swiftly wrap myself around Richard; I am not good at self defense like Elizabeth or her friend Amelia and having Richard by my side is my only comfort of safety. “Rafael? What’s going on?” Richard questions him with worry. Rafael spits out blood from his mouth, which I can clearly see had just been punched. “They found me.” I am in the dark as to what my fiancé and his best friend are talking about. We stand together with Rafael and a two men stroll casually into the living room from the now broken kitchen door. They are wearing hoodies that cover their faces well enough for one not to see them. “Just give us the fox and the both of you to get to leave here as a happy couple,” says the man on the right. He points to Rafael as the one they are after, but Richard does the stupidest thing I have ever seen him do. He walks in between the men in black and Rafael, standing his ground and setting himself into a fighting stance. Both men look at Richard and laugh softly. “Don’t try to be a hero, Richard.” “How do you know my name?” Richard asks them and they approach him slowing, their hands holding on to something beneath their hoodies. “They’ve got guns!” I yell. Richard swiftly tackles the huge one to the ground and Rafael, like the speed of light, sends a blow to the jaw of the other and they both of them are now lying helpless on the floor. “What the hell is going on?” I question both of them, but they don’t respond. “We need to get out of here before the Phoenix gets here,” Rafael announces as he and Richard proceed towards the door, but I refuse to move. “I am not leaving my house until someone tells me what is going on here! And who is the Phoenix?” “I am the Phoenix,” a cold deep masculine voice announces from behind us and we turn gradually to see who it is. There’s a man standing there, not as buffed up as the other two that came in earlier, but he looked more deadly than them, especially with the gold mask he wore on his face. “You should have never thought of betraying the mafia, Rafael,” the man declares as he pulls out a shiny gold pistol from the back of his pants. He cleans the gun gently before putting it at us and Richard opens the door slowly, but the man is watching him. Rafael drags me by the arm and pulls me back, sending me into Richard’s man as he charges towards the masked man. “Get out of here! Now!” he yells. Richard and I make a run for the stairs just as we hear the sound of a gunshot come from the living room. We freeze in our parts for a moment and suddenly, Rafael appears, limping and bleeding. Richard runs to meet him. “Rafael!” He helps him down the staircase and we get into his newly purchased vehicle and he brings the engine to life. “Rafael, hand in there, man. We’re going to get you to a hospital,” Richard assures him but he nods his head in doubt. “I’m not going to survive today, Richard. The Phoenix won’t stop until I’m dead. And he won’t mind killing the both of you to do it,” Rafael announces while barely holding on to his dear with every breath left in him. He takes a deep breath and holds down his bleeding side. “I need to speak to Elizabeth. She needs to know the truth about her parents. She needs to know…” “Lillian, text Elizabeth to meet us at the hospital,” Richard informs me and I hesitate. I have never texted her before and I couldn’t do that now. “I know you both have never seen eye to eye, but I need you to do this for me. Text Elizabeth!” he yells again and I scuff. I pull out my phone and send Elizabeth an SOS text. Rafael pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket and hands it to Richard. “Just in case I don’t make it,” he mumbles and Richard slides it into his chest pocket. “What happened to the guy in the gold mask?” I ask Rafael. We haven’t gone so far from the house when a black sports car drives straight towards and hits our car. Richard hits his head on the steering wheel, my hits slightly against the dashboard as I was putting on my seatbelt. My head hurts and my vision is blurry, but I do recall seeing the guy on a gold mask walk up to the car and open the door to the back seat where Rafael is lying. The last thing I hear is the sound of a gunshot, and my world fades into darkness. Elizabeth’s P.O.V “What do you mean Frank got fired by Uncle?” I question Luke as he stares at me in utter shock. We have not been able to pay Frank a visit after his sudden release from the police station, and I have a lot of questions to ask him. Hearing that he has been fired by my uncle is a huge blow as I wouldn’t have the chance to see him as I would have love to. “Hey stay calm, okay?” Luke says to me and places his hand on my shoulders. He is really terrible at helping me relax. The only person good at it is Amelia and we haven’t seen each other for the past two days after what happened in the office. She has also been avoiding Luke and I think whatever happened between both of them was worse than mine. On the contrary, things were looking up to me and Dorian. I mean, we aren’t officially a couple yet but I am finally starting to accept the fact that I could actually be in love with him. “What now?” Luke asks, and I take a deep breath. “Have you heard from Dorian?” I ask Luke and the sound of my phone beeping stops him from speaking. It is an SOS message from Lillian, which is very odd and unexpected. I stare at the message, unsure of how to feel or react, but it bothers me more than I expect it to. “What’s the problem Lizzie? Who is that?” Luke asks on noticing the worried expression on my face. “It’s an SOS message from Lillian,” I inform him, and he is just as surprised as I am. He takes my phone from me and looks at the message. “I think this is a trap to lure you out and fight you.” We both laugh softly, but the message still bothers me. I retrieve my phone from Luke and notice that there is an address on the message she sent. The hospital. “Luke, we have to go,” I suggest and stand to my feet from my bed. He raises an eyebrow at me, and I know exactly what he is thinking. This is a very bad idea to him and also to me but the hospital address makes me want to find out what could have happened. “On second thoughts, just call Dorian to meet me at the hospital. You need to find Amelia and talk to her,” I smile and he nods his head in approval. I pick up my car keys and quickly rush out of the house. I arrive at the hospital a few moments later and the waiting room is more crowded than that in London. I look around the reception room and find Lillian seated with a bandage over her head. “Hey Lillian, what the hell happened to you?” She raises her head and for the first time since I met her; she looks happy to see me. She runs up to me and pulls me in for a very long and tight embrace. She is crying and I feel remorse for her. There is no sign of Richard and I presume that he must be running late to see how Lillian is doing. “It’s alright Lillian. What happened to you? Where’s Richard? Why isn’t he here?” I ask her a series of questions, and she wipes her tears before speaking to me. “Richard is the theatre room and so is Rafael. We had an accident, and the doctor said Richard room a heavy hit to the head. Rafael on the contrary was shot,” she informs me and take a moment to process everything she had just told me and finally realize the last name she had mentioned to me. “Wait, Rafael is here? What is he doing here?” I demand and she takes a deep breath. “He knows something about your parents' death!”
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