Episode 52

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Mr CEO, you are dumped!. Chapter fifty two: Elizabeth plan Elizabeth POV Bi can't contain my joy right now.After everything, Andrew is declared innocent and he's coming back home with him.The judge, barrister Armando final statement was the best news I have heard in a long time. I wish Dorian was here with me right now,I need to hug someone tight but he isn't.He is never here when I need him the most.I turned to Luke that was beside me and gave him a very tight hug.I was so excited that tears began to stream down my face. "It's okay, Lizzie.Everything is resolved now."He assured me and rocked my back.I never knew Luke could be so sweet. "He's coming home."I repeated and he also nodded his head. "Yes,he is.''He affirmed and I disengaged from the hug.The first person my eyes had contact with was Richard.He just gave me a reassuring smile and I smiled back. He did this,a case that I have been battling with for a while now.Something, Luke, Amelia and I couldn't do.He made it happen.I owe Andrew's release to him. "Thank you."I mouthed and he simply gave me a smile. He left the courtroom and I saw my uncle's face.He was very angry and I'm pretty sure that if this was a comical scene,flames would be coming out of his head right now.He looks so livid that he couldn't even hide it.The look on his face alone gives me joy like no other.Serves him right. He should also get ready to recreate that look when I get my company ,my parents company back from him.Rose corp isn't his, shouldn't be and wouldn't be his for a long time. He should get ready for me, now that Andrew is out and I don't have any other issue to tend to.I'm going to give my company back,my all. I'm also confident now that this whole saga is over,I'm going to have the company shareholder's trust again.Everything is going to work out now. We had to wait outside while Attorney Salvador and the officers sort out some documents.I already passed the clothes I brought for Andrew to attorney Salvador.It is bad enough that is beard and hair is full,he still needs to look good considering the fact that there will be a lot of reporters outside.Those sleazy reporters that already wrote something bad about my brother will have to change their statements now and I can already imagine the disappointment on their faces. After waiting for a while, attorney Salvador and my brother, Andrew finally came out.I don't know what is better, seeing him out of the prisoner uniform or without the cuffs. I rushed to Where he was and gave him a big hug.I hugged him so tight that I began to dampen his clothes with tears. "It is okay, Elizabeth.You are choking the poor general."Luke joked and I became conscious of myself. "I'm sorry."I said to him but he just gave me a smile. "It's nice to see you without the cuffs, General Andrew."Luke greeted them and they exchanged a brief hug.I guess I'm the only emotional one around here. "It is nice to be free, doctor Luke."He admitted.Can they just drop the formalities already.An outsider wouldn't even know that they were related or even siblings. "Alright, guys.Lets head home."Amelia said and we all agreed with her as we stepped out. "Here, you are going to need this."Amelia said and passed a black shade to Andrew. "I think it would be best for you not to give a statement.If at all,you have to,we can simply prepare a press conference.That would be much better and also enable us to make any solid announcements."Amelia suggested and I agreed with her. "I totally agree with her.She has a point.Lets just avoid the press for now.Make them wonder,I'm sure that they all recognize general Andrew Mondragon.His presence alone should give them enough to write about."I added and also brought out a shade from my bag. We were able to avoid the press and reporters.Andrew and I entered the same car.I purposely did that so that Amelia and Luke would have no other choice but to enter the same car as well. I'm going to resolve everything today.I can't force them to go back together but they should at the very least talk to each other,converse and not always be together. "Shouldn't it be you and Amelia in a car.Why is it the two of us?."Andrew asked curiously but I'm not ready to disclose my plans. "You have any idea how much I have missed you.Cant you allow me to do this much and be close to you so that I can cherish this moment?."I said and blinked my eyes repeatedly. "That would have gotten to Luke but definitely not me."He said referring to my blinking of eyes. "You want to cherish this moment?,you should listen to yourself sound mischievous."He said and I pouted. "I really have no hidden agenda…" "See?,I never asked if you had a hidden agenda but you just told me yourself.Elizabeth, what are you really up to?."He asked again and I looked away. "You see…you have a guilty conscience written all over you."He teased using his finger to make a circle around my face. "Would you stop already?."I complained. "I might have been behind bars for a while but I once served and worked in the military,you know?.Just let the cat out of the bag already."He pressed on but I'm not giving in. "There's no cat in the bag to begin with and even if there was.What makes you think I would want to tell you about it?."I said and faced him. "You are making me laugh, right now.You sound like you have a choice but the reality remains that you don't have a choice.I'm going to keep pestering you until you give in and talk.So,an advice from somebody that actually cares about you, sister.Just talk already."He said,I have missed this dude so much.It is better to have him around compared to Luke with a stoic face. "Alright then.I just want Luke and Amelia to get back together.That is all."I finally revealed.Tho ,it wasn't my plan to. "Get back together,they broke up?."He asked surprisingly and I was even more surprised. "Yes,they did."I answered sharply. "Okay,I get that they already broke up.Why would you want them to get back together forcefully.If they broke up,I think it is because they fell out of love with each other."He said but he just doesn't get it but he will soon.After I give him a breakdown of the situation.He is going to get it too and would also want what I want. "Andrew,you don't understand.it is one thing to break up,it is another thing not to talk to each other.They didn't just break up , they stopped talking to each other.And It is hard for me because Luke is my brother and Amelia is my best friend.I can't just help it.There are cases where they both have different opinions and I'm forced to choose between who to agree with it.It is unfair to me and also it is not healthy."I poured out my heart to him. "Oh,I see."That was all he said. "I'm sorry that I'm downloading all of this for you.it is just bothering me and I don't like it…at all."I complained to him. "It is okay,I totally get.If they hate…or should I say dislike each other that much.Why would you take the risk of having only the two of them in a car,what if they have a big argument and lose hold of the steering?."He assumed and that scared me a bit. Did I say a bit, that scared me a lot. "Don't even try to scare me, this isn't one of those wars or missions that you go on."I told him and tried to hide my fear. "Alright Elizabeth,it is whatever you say."He added and kept quiet about it. After a while,I decided to break the silence. "I'm so glad that you are out of that horrible place, alive.And I'm so happy that you were proven innocent.You have no idea how happy I'm ."I told him sincerely and he held my hands. "I'm so glad for all that you and Luke did for me.I'm outside today as a free and innocent man only because the two of you believed me and fought for me.Without, your help and support.I would still be in that horrible place.You have no idea what it felt like to be in there.It was agonizing for me.The ill treatments from the other cell mates or was it inmates?.The painful moment when they rub it in my face that I'm in the cell because I was accused of killing my parents was the hardest part of it.Sometimes, when that officer that I assume you bribed tries to sneak something in for me,the other cell mates snatches it and I'm left to starve for the rest of the day.Elizabeth,it was a painful experience for me."He said and I had to pull him in for a hug. I could also notice that he was close to tears, Andrew has always been strong and that's our parents didn't really worry when he decided that he wanted to to the military.For it to affect Andrew that much,I'm pretty sure that if it were to be someone else.The person would probably have to spend the rest of his or her life in rehabilitation center with diverse therapy but I'm glad that,that is not the case for my brother. "You won't ever have to go through something like this,ever again."I promised.The driver,Landon, honked and it was only then that I realized that we were already home. We alighted from the car but surprisingly,I couldn't spot Luke's car. They left before we did,so what happened?. Andrew didn't really care,he just entered the house and twirled. "Home, sweet home."He said and I dropped my bag on the chair. "How come,they are not back yet?.After all,they left before us.They should be home already,they were ahead of us."I said to myself and I could see Andrew smirking. "Just,why are you smirking?."I asked angrily. "Maybe what I said in the car came to pass and they drove themselves to a ditch or something."He assumed and my fears accelerated from ten to hundred. "God,I'm hungry!."Andrew said but I didn't really care. "What if Andrew is right? Oh my God!.What have I done?!."
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