Episode 53

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Mr. CEO,I dump you!. Chapter fifty three: Dorian and Richard Luke POV I simply don't know why Elizabeth would go with Andrew. Isn't she supposed to go with her best friend, Amelia? Why would she want me to go with Amelia? I would have protested but I didn't because of Andrew. He just got out, he doesn't need the drama and I wouldn't want him to know that there is a beef going on between Amelia and me. I endured and entered the car. Why isn't Amelia herself protesting? I'm very sure that she doesn't want to be with me or be in the same space as me. We entered the car and zoomed off, I was driving while Amelia sat down in the backseat. We were already far into the journey when I realized that it would seem as though I'm Amelia's chauffeur. I can't be driving for her while she sits at the back of the car like she's my god-damned boss. I suddenly stopped the car and that caused a screech. "What the hell!. Why did you suddenly stop the car? Shouldn't you have given me a heads up or something?.Does this abrupt stop make any sense to you?.If I wasn't using the seatbelt,I would have used my head to hit the car seat."She went on and on.Who does this girl think she really is?,my boss?. "Listen to me,bossy princess."I began and she gasped.I'm guessing she's on her period and today it's a dramatic mood swing. If not,why would she be so surprised that I called her a bossy princess. "What doesn't make any sense is the fact that you sit over there like you are the boss and I'm your chauffeur or something.You are going to get down and sit in the front seat."I demanded and she started laughing. I don't remember including any joke in my previous statement,what is funny?. "Nice try, Luke.But try harder."She told me and I was confused.What is she even talking about?. "What…what do you mean?."I asked and she gave a wry laugh. "If that's your plan to have me next to you,sit beside you.I'm very sorry to tell you this but you failed woefully."She said and it was only then that I got it. "Whoa, whoa!. Hold that thought right there,why would I want you to sit next to me.I only said that because any one who sees us would misinterpret the situation.I don't even want you next to me at all."I defended and she gave a look like she didn't believe me. "You are a bad liar, Luke.So much for being a doctor, this is a tinted glass and no one would even know who is inside.Let alone their seated position.There is nothing you are going to say that is going to make me leave here and come sit next to you."She concluded. This lady must think that I'm joking or something. "I don't even want to know what is going through that head of yours or what you think but as long as I'm concerned.You either move to the front seat here with me or you drive, while I sit at the back.I wouldn't have want to gamble with my life and let you take hold of the steering wheel.You either get your behind here or…" "Or what?.What is going to happen if I don't listen to doctor Luke Mondragon.Last I checked, Andrew is the one in the military, don't use that commanding tone with me."She threatened and I'm certain this time around that she's on her period,if not what would give her the effrontery to talk to me like this. "What's going to happen,what are you going to do if I insist on sitting here?"She is truly testing my patience. "Amelia,if you don't stand up and come over to the front seat.You are gonna have to get out of my car and find yourself a taxi or trek home.I don't give a damn but as long as I'm concerned, you can't sit over there like a queen of no kingdom while I drive you."I made my intentions known while her mouth was wide open. "I get that you hate me…" "No,I don't."I quickly cut her off,I'm not about to be labeled what I'm not. "You don't?."She asked and somehow sounded happy about it. "Yes,I don't.I'm not a bad person.It is more like dislike,hate is way too big and serious."I corrected her and her face fell. "Okay,I get that you dislike me.But how could you even think of dropping me off here.We have been here for a while now and no single car has passed by.How do you expect me to get a taxi here.I could even be kidnapped."She complained but that's none of my business. "No one is asking you to look for a taxi, don't you have the app.Just order for your own can.And you only have to go through this stress if you insist on sitting back there.I'm not mandating you to get out of my car."I reminded her and she scoffed. "Don't even think of touching me."She said as she got down and moved to the front seat. "You flatter yourself,I wouldn't even spare you a glance."I said as I ignited the car and I could tell that she was pained.I smiled in satisfaction. We didn't bother saying s word to each other until we got home.The silence was deafening but over my living body I would start a conversation with her. We finally got home and she opened the car immediately like she had been suffocated. I followed right after her after parking the car.When I entered I saw Elizabeth hugging her tightly.What happened again?. We are just about to celebrate Andrew's release ,what could have possibly happened again. When they disengaged from the hug,she looked really worried. I looked over to where Andrew was and he was just eating pizza without minding the two of them. "Can someone kindly tell me what's going on?."I demanded. "What do you mean?, there's nothing going on."Amelia answered but I wasn't asking her. "I didn't ask you."I said with gritted teeth because I didn't want Andrew to hear. "You mentioned someone,you didn't specify either."She countered back with a gritted teeth as well and I turned to look at her. "I'm just so glad that you guys are safe.''Elizabeth said but I was still in the dark. "I still don't get it."I cooed. "Well, apparently…Elizabeth here thought that you guys might have killed each other on the way.You need to have seen her face thirty minutes ago,it was deadpanned with worry."Andrew revealed. "You are the one who put the fear in me in the first place."She said to Andrew. "Why would we kill or try to kill each other?."I asked Elizabeth. "That's because of your silly fight so she was just trying to get you guys to…"Andrew's speech was interrupted as Elizabeth stuffed a pizza in his mouth. "Let's not listen to whatever Andrew says.He still has to go to the hospital tomorrow so that we can be rest assured that he is okay and didn't contact any disease or infection while in the cell."She changed the topic. She's right tho,Andrew still needs to go through some tests. "You can follow me to the hospital Tomorrow.I'm going to hand you over to the best doctor after me."I bragged and they all laughed except Amelia who snickered. "Best doctor, indeed."She muttered but I heard her, anyways "What did you say?."I asked her in order to confirm. "Alright guys, let's not do that again.I already invited Richard and ordered some food so that we can all celebrate.The food will be here soon and I guess Richard will be too."Elizabeth was quick to ease the tension. Elizabeth POV I'm so relieved that they didn't kill each other, maybe it was too extreme for me to have them sit together alone.I'm definitely not taking that risk again. I will just look for other ways to get them back together…maybe that is too much to ask. I will look for ways to get them to talk to each other and stop sending killer glares anytime they see each other. I heard a doorbell and I'm sure that it is either Richard or the guy that wants to deliver the food. I opened the door and it turned out it was just the delivery guy.Andrew came and helped me with the food while I paid the guy. Amelia already brought plates and I just had to dish it. "I will go and get the glass cups."Amelia notified me as she turned to the kitchen.I also turned to the bar to get a wine.Afterall,we are celebrating. What is a celebration without a wine?.Just as I dropped the wine on the table,I heard the doorbell ring. Oops, that's Richard.I quickly went to get the door and I was right. "Hey…"He greeted and raised the bottle of wine in his hand up. "Oh, you didn't have to."I said as I collected the bottle of wine from him. "You are already hosting,it is just right that I don't come empty-handed.Moreover,we are celebrating."He said as I let him in.I headed towards the dining room so that I could drop the wine on the dining table. I guess, wine can never be too much. "Thank you so much, Richard.This was all your idea.Andrew is out today because you were able to…"I was interrupted by the door bell.I didn't know that I was expecting someone else. "I will get it!."Amelia said loud enough for me to hear,so I didn't have to bother. "Andrew is out today because you were able to get the truth out of Carlin.I'm truly grateful,words can't express my feelings right now.I owe you."I said while he just smiled. "If you owe me, can I get a hug then?.I don't like the idea of being owed."He joked. "Sure, why not?."I said and moved closer to him and embraced him.The hug was tighter than I expected.I thought it would just be a brief thing. "I missed you."He muttered and I had to raise my head up and look at me.Only to see Dorian behind us.When did he get here?. Oh oh, he looks pissed!.
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