Episode 55

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Mr CEO,I dump you!. Chapter fifty five:Next course of action. Elizabeth POV This is getting awkward,I must admit.Richard dud help me but Dorian is my boyfriend.Regardless of who I give it to,the other is going to feel bad. "What do I do?."I thought to myself. "Let me help you with that."Luke collected the bottle from me without even waiting for my response or opinion and I couldn't be more glad. "Thank you, Luke."I said and shifted a little bit uncomfortable on my seat.Luke popped the wine bottle and we all raise our glasses up so that he could pour into. Luke had to stand up in order to be able to pour into everyone's cup.Amelia was the closest to him but he started with me. When are they going to stop?.This is very boring and childish.Even teenagers in high school don't become enemies simply because they broke up.And they are adults for crying out loud. Luke poured everyone else before he poured for Amelia.He even poured for himself before he poured for her.And when he eventually did,it was smaller compared to what the rest of us had in our glasses. I had to try not to laugh,once Luke poured for everyone.He took his seat and we all raise our glasses up. "To Andrew."I cheered. "To Andrew."They repeated and we all clinked our glasses and as expected, Amelia and Luke didn't clink their glasses. "To freedom."Richard said and we all raised our glasses again. "To freedom!."We chroused together and took another sip. "I heard what you did for me, Richard.I'm truly grateful."Andrew said and turned to face Richard. Hmm,I sense a new friendship blooming. "And also to everyone of you who tried to get me out.If you had at any point in time given up on me.I would still be locked up behind bars and getting punished for something that I didn't do."Andrew said sadly and I could feel his plans. "Thank you, prison is not a place that anyone deserves to be."Andrew added. "And you wouldn't ever again, none of us would experience it."Luke assured him. "Still, you should try to go to the hospital one of these days.In order to be sure that health wise…you are fit."Richard suggested. "Oh,we already discussed that.He is following me to the hospital tomorrow.Thanks for your concern."Luke answered for Andrew. "So,I'm curious.How did Richard help with all of this.This case and trying to get Andrew out had proven difficult.So, what exactly did Richard do in such a short period of time.I mean,we have all been trying.Even hiring the best lawyer after Barrister stones."Dorian asked and I'm not surprised.He hasn't been around since Richard came back.We are still going to have that discussion nonetheless. "Yeah.He was able to get Carlin to spill the truth and recorded her.Carlin came to me herself and told me that she was going to help and in return I get Richard to go on a date with her.I fulfilled my part only for Carlin to decide to testify against Andrew."I explained to me and Andrew looked like he wasn't cool with the idea of me divulging to Dorian.But I gave him a reassuring smile. Dorian is a good person after all.He is just unsure and not socially outgoing. "She was going to help in return for a date with Richard?."He asked unbelievably and I scoffed. "She also claimed that it's because Andrew is her favorite cousin but we all know that is crap.She just has a thing for Richard,we all know that."Amelia finally said something after the dinner began. "Wow!."Dorian simply exclaimed. "Whoa!."Luke also exclaimed and both Amelia and I shared glances. "I didn't even notice that you are still seated at this table.I thought you had excused yourself or was it that you suddenly went mute.''Luke bickered at Amelia.I didn't know Luke to be such a trouble maker.What exactly has gotten into him. It's like he changed and is all out to torment Amelia ever since Andrew has been released. Amelia glared at him but he acted like he didn't see her and continued drinking his wine. "This is actually a fine wine."He commended. "But some people might not have the taste bud to detect it just like they suddenly went mute."He added and Amelia hit her fork on the table loudly. "Lord Jesus, give me the strength not to commit murder."She prayed outloud and we all bursted into laughter, except Luke of course. Even my uptight boyfriend couldn't help but laugh. "Do you have something to say to me,if you do.Why don't you just go ahead and stop acting like a kindergarten student?."She yelled at Luke while he pretended to be shocked by raising his leg up and curled himself up even while . We all bursted into another round of laughter. "You are the one who is being a kindergarten student by not talking to me simply because we broke up."Luke said seriously this and Amelia was quiet for a while. "Well, you stopped talking to me first."She argued and Luke chuckled. "And also,we already broke up.What could we possibly have to talk about again?."She asked him. This isn't going to go so well, maybe they need to talk about it alone.Without the presence of others.I need to restrategize their makeup. "Alright guys,we are celebrating.let's not get tense and ruin the moment.''I tried to ease the tension , none of them said anything to each other.Amelia simply downed everything in her cup at once and poured herself another glass. Okay, someone is actually pissed. "That's right ,we are celebrating.There is nothing to fight about or be sad about and if there's.It is the fact that my parents killer is still out there roaming freely."Andrew said and Dorian suddenly choked on his drink. "Oh my God!.Are you okay?."I asked as I picked up a serviette to help him clean his shirt. "I'm fine,I guess I rushed it.I will go clean up in the bathroom."He said and left for the bathroom.Coincidentally,at that moment Richard also had a call and he looked at my face first.I guess he wasn't comfortable with picking it up in front of us. "You can use the balcony."I offered and he stood up. Now, it was just me , Andrew, Luke and Amelia. "Now that Andrew is out and declared innocent.What is the next plan?.What is our next course of action?."Amelia was the first to ask. And I already thought about it,it is definitely to get my family company back,my company back. "It is definitely to get my company back."I told them and they didn't really look surprised.I think they already took a guess and just wanted me to confirm it. "I need to find a way that my uncle Constantine got the company illegally and take it from him."I told them and they all nodded their heads,I guess they were all on board with me. "And also,I need to find my parents' killer.Someone did kill them,it just wasn't me.The real killer is out there, moving about…freely.I need to find him or her."Andrew also decreed. "Her?."Amelia asked. "Yes, maybe we have been looking at this wrongly.What if we haven't caught the culprit because we all assumed he is a male.What if the culprit is a female?.''He suggested and I reasoned with him.Maybe he is right after all. "I don't even think so, none of the evidence points to a female."Amelia chipped in and that is also true. "Which is why this time around,we are going to turn every stone.My biggest guess is still uncle Constantine."I revealed and Amelia flapped her lips. "Oh please, isn't it time that you remove uncle from that man's name.He means you no good.Just consider him someone that you know,he has never treated you like a family.He has always been against you.Lets just investigate him.I'm sure,we are going to find the evidence that he killed your parents."Amelia said, sounding very confused. "One of us has to be right but first.Before we take any other action…we need to find Frank!." Dorian POV I know very well that Elizabeth is hurt by the fact that I'm never around for her.I hate it too but as much as I hate it…I still can't.I just can't. When I entered and saw with that guy called Richard,I wasn't really happy.It seemed like he was filling my space and it also seemed like I gave him the chance to. And then hearing Elizabeth go on and on about him is definitely sad.She keeps reminding me of the fact that Andrew is free because of him and it doesn't really make me happy.It seems like ever since this Richard of a guy showed up,I suddenly have to fight for Elizabeth. I had to leave and excuse myself when they mentioned Elizabeth's killer.I'm still not comfortable with that idea. I walked back to the diner after a while and they seemed to be having a conversation but what was most surprising about it was the fact that they stopped talking the moment they saw me. "Guys,I still want to celebrate but I'm very tired and sleepy."Elizabeth said and stood up. "Good night everyone,I guess Richard is still taking a phone call.My regards to him."She said and stood up.I held her hand and followed her to her room. She got in before me and I helped her to close the door. She turned her back to me and I knew she wanted me to help her with her zipper.I helped her with her zipper but I didn't let her clothes drop because I held her in place. I started planting kisses from her nape,to her neck and then her back.As I moved down,I let the cloth drop slowly. Soon enough, she was bare to me in just her undies. "I'm less worried now that Andrew is out of prison.I feel like I'm going to sleep soundly tonight."She said as she turned to me. "And I can also tell that I'm going to have sweet dreams and not nightmares."She added with a smile. "Let me make it better for you."I uttered and brought our bodies closer.I kissed her with urgency, it's been a while.Maybe not that long but it's been a while. She also kissed me back with the same urgency and before I knew it she was already dragging my buttons while I moved her closer to the bed.In no time,my shirt was out of the way and she was now concentrated on my belt but I wanted to take her all the way.I reached for her back and unclasped her bra strap while nibbling on her neck. As soon as the bra was out of the way.I nibbled on something even better.Elizabeth had her head thrown to the back as I continued with my ministry. At one point,she held my head In place and begged me not to stop and I have never disappointed or disobeyed her. I squeezed and sucked at the same time and I also felt myself going taut.Elizabeth began to shake slightly,I could hear her uneven breath and the tremors raking out of her body. My reward is on the way. "My sweet nectar!." I kept sucking and used my other hand to trail the line of her panties and the tremor increased. I finally found what I was looking for"Your siblings are in still in the living room,I haven't heard any car go out.Try not to scream" I gave her head ups and plunged two fingers in!.
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