Taking a day off

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Mr. CEO - You're Dumped Chapter 34 - Taking a day off. Richard’s P.O.V It’s been two days since Rafael passed on and I haven’t quite been able to get over his demise. I knew he would one day be killed by the mafia, but I didn’t think it would happen so soon and right before me. I lay on my bed, having no strength to get up to my feet and do anything. Lillian has done her best to get me back on my feet, but she failed every time she tried. She makes me breakfast in bed, but I refuse to eat and I haven’t showered for two days as well. Lillian walks into the room. “You still won’t get up, will you?” “What for?” I ask her with a frown and she sighs. She proceeds to the bed and lies beside me. Her hands gently massaging my bare chest and kiss my cheek. “Have you read the letter he gave you?” she asks and I shake my head to say no. “Rafael wouldn’t want you doing this to yourself, Richie. I know you miss him, but the best thing we can do right now is to move on and bring his killers to justice,” she says, and a smile forces its way to my lips. Lillian has been much more hopeful than her usual self. Full of smiles and wise words ever since our accident. I am starting to think that after hitting her head, she must have somehow brought out a new her. Elizabeth told me about the both of them hugging and I thought she was lying to me at first, until Luke and Amelia confirmed to me that they had met Lillian sleeping like a baby on Elizabeth’s thigh. I am happy that she is beginning to loosen up a bit around Elizabeth, and I hope they can finally have a fresh start as friends. “You’re right. Rafael wouldn’t want me sulking on my bed every day without my fiancée,” I tease, grabbing her waist and swiftly placing her above me. She giggles and with a twirl of her hair, she moves her hips in an up and down motion and a moan escapes my lips. “You’re being a naughty boy for someone who is moaning the death of his best friend,” Lillian jokes and brings her lips closer to mine for a kiss, which I deny her. She tries again and once more, I deny her the kiss, smiling and she isn’t happy about it. “Playing hard to get, huh?” she asks and I say nothing to her. She continues to move her hips on me, and I find it harder to resist her charm. I move my hands, slowing to the small of her back, and swiftly take off her gown. She smiles as I slowly undress her and a knock on our door interrupts us. “I should go get the doorbell,” Lillian smiles and I don’t want her to. I place my hands on her waist and hold her down on me tightly. The door rings again, and I sigh dramatically. “Maybe we could take whoever it is to leave us alone and get on with what we’re doing?” “Now that, Mr. Richard Lim, is a very terrible idea,” Lillian giggles and stands to her feet, pulling me up with her and for a moment, all I can do is stare at her now uncovered body. She moves to the wardrobe and brings out a shirt for me to put on. I get dressed and also help her get into her dress. With that taken care of, we walk down the stairs side by side. The doorbell rings again and we open the door together and find Elizabeth and the rest of her gang standing outside. She has a smile on her face and I gesture for them to come into the house. “Nice place you’ve got here, Richard. I never checked out this house before we bought it,” Elizabeth smiles and I nod my head in approval to her words. Luke and Dorian stand behind her looking all protective, and I notice that Amelia isn’t with them. Lillian didn’t make eye contact with Elizabeth. She is still feeling embarrassed after what happened at the hospital. Elizabeth tries to indulge her in a conversation, but she snubs her. “Where’s Amelia? Why isn’t she here with you?” I ask, and none of them respond to my question. “How are you holding up, Richard?” Elizabeth asks, changing the subject. She takes a seat on the couch and observes my slightly messy living room. Dorian stands by her right hand and Luke by her left. She has tickets on her hand and I wonder what they’re for. “I’m okay Elizabeth. But I must ask again. Where is Amelia?” I respond and Elizabeth scuffs. “Amelia is on her way, but before she gets here, Lizzie has something to show you,” Luke responds and I turn my attention to Elizabeth. Elizabeth’s P.O.V Richard glares at me, waiting for whatever it is I have to show him, but I delay, hoping that Amelia would walk in before I make my wonderful announcement, which only Luke knows about. We wait patiently a little longer and there’s a gentle knock at the door. Lillian goes to the door and opens it to find Amelia at the door. She is wearing a short silky red gown, slightly transparent and stopping right above her knees. Luke can’t seem to get her eyes off her as she walks into the house slowly. “I’m sorry that I’m late,” she declares and I scuff. “I’m just glad you made it here safely,” I respond with a weak smile, and she pays me no attention. She keeps a distance from I and Luke, standing close to Lillian and avoids eye contact. I want to say something to her but I am afraid that I might spit out the wrong words like I have been doing lately since our little fight started and I couldn’t say sorry to her for some reason. The silence between us lasts longer than we expect it to and no one has the courage to say a word anymore, asides from Richard. “So, Elizabeth. You said you have an announcement to make?” Richard asks, breaking the awkward silence among us. “Yes, I do.” I stand to my feet from the couch and fling the tickets in my hand in the air, but nobody seems excited. Maybe because they didn’t understand what I was holding in my hand. “Well, I know things have been pretty rough recently, especially with Rafael’s death, so I thought it would be cool if we go on a little vacation to Hawaii ad knock our socks off. Call it a day off,” I announce and everyone is full of smiles, asides Richard and Lillian. He walks up to me and pulls me in for a quick hug, which earns me deadly stares from Lillian. I take a step back from Richard and nod my head towards Lillian and he giggles. “It’s fine. She has gotten over her jealousy of you,” Richard informs me, but the glare I got from her said quite the opposite. “So why don’t you seem excited about what I said?” I ask him. “Well, with things not going so good here for me and my company. I and Lillian have decided to return to New York for a couple of days to discuss with my shareholders and also pay my mum a visit. I haven’t heard from her since making it here to Puerto Rico,” Richard explains, and I understand his point. “Well, that’s alright. I hoped we would get some time to clear our heads after everything that had happened recently. Maybe some other time?” I ask, and he nods his head in approval. “Thank you for everything, Elizabeth.” I turn my attention to Lillian, who hides her face after saying the words I didn’t think she would. I smile at her and proceed to give her a hug. Amelia scuffs and I ignore her. “Our plane leaves soon Elizabeth,” Luke whispers to my ear, and I let go of Lillian, who is now smiling. “I think we can cancel the flight, Luke. I just wanted something to distract Richard and Lillian but since they are travelling, I guess it’s best we stay at the estate and relax,” I suggest and they all nod their heads in approval. “Anyway, I and Lillian have to get ready. She booked us a flight which leaves in the next two hours,” Richard informs me and we wave him goodbye before stepping out of his house. Richard’s P.O.V Our flight touches down in New York, and Lillian seems tired from the flight. I grab the few bags we arrived with as we await a taxi to come take us back home. We hadn’t informed my mum that we would be coming home today, and I knew she would be glad to see us. After getting back to the mansion, we knock on the door gently and Mum opens the door for us. “My handsome son is back home!” she declares and hugs me so tight my lungs could pop. She is doing better and looks well rested. I help Lillian in and take her up to our room to continue her sleep. I help her undress and change into something more comfortable for her nap before I return to the living room to have a little chitchat with my mum. “You’ve gone for almost three months, Richard, and not once did you bother to pick up the phone and call your mother or even respond to my messages,” she complains, and I chuckle. “I’m truly sorry, mum. I wanted to call, but things have been really hectic ever since I left.” She scuffs and walks to the kitchen. She returns a few moments later with food, but I am not hungry. She sets the food down at the dining table and calls out for me to come join her. I can not decline my mother’s food, especially since I have been away for an awfully long time. I walk slowly to the dining table and discover that she had simply prepared pizza and I haven’t had pizza in a while. “So how about Elizabeth? Where you able to find out who she stole all that money from to become rich?” mum asks and I chuckle. “Mum, Elizabeth didn’t steal money from anyone and she definitely didn’t steal from my company,” I respond and my mum scuffs. She is convinced that Elizabeth must have done something illegal in order to get such wealth in a blink of an eye. “Does that mean she got married to some rich politician in Puerto Rico and killed him so she could keep all his wealth?” she asks and I laugh so loud, I’m very sure that I must have woken up Lillian from her sleep. “Elizabeth did none of that, mum. There is no need for you to think that, as a matter of fact, business has been good so far with her,” I lie. Business has been terrible for me ever since I sold off my company to Elizabeth. I couldn’t bring myself to tell my mum the truth because I knew she would be very angry at me for not returning home the very second that things got out of her. “Lim Sardines have been scarce in New York since you left. Your share holders had come here a few times looking for you,” mum informs me and I am relieved that none of them was here when I arrived home. Lillian walks down the staircase; she is crying and looks very pale. My smile fades into worry as she proceeds towards me and gives me a hug. “I had a bad dream, Richie. I saw them in my dream,” she informs me and I know it is still her traumatic experience with the mafia hunting her. “What is she talking about, son? Who did she see in her dreams?” mother asks and Lillian looks at me, amazed by my mother's question. “You haven’t told her?” She asks, and I remain silent for a little longer than I know I should. “Haven’t told me what?” my mother asks and I take a deep breath before looking at her. Rafael didn’t have any other family members, at least none that I knew of, and so my mother took him as her second child and she loved Rafael just as much as she loved me. I don’t know how to break the news to her because I am afraid that she might collapse again like the last time I was with her and there is no Luke or Dorian to operate on her. “She doesn’t need to know,” I say to Lillian, and my mother frowns at me. She stands to her feet and stares at me and Lillian. I gulp at my mother’s terrifying sight and Lillian looks at expectantly to say something to my mom. I look around the house for a moment and my eyes stop at a picture of I and Rafael by the way. My mother follows my gaze, and she becomes worried as she understands what I am looking at and the sad expression on my face. “Richard Lim! What is going on?” my mum demands. I take a deep breath and look into her eyes. “Mum, I came home to inform you that Rafael is dead.”
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