Episode 54

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Mr CEO,I dump you! Chapter fifty four: Dorian or Richard?. Elizabeth POV The look on Dorian's face didn't go past me and I realized that he must have misinterpreted the situation and position Richard and I were standing at.He didn't even tell me that he was coming. If it were to be me as well,I would have misinterpreted the situation.I wouldn't also be comfortable with the idea of seeing my boyfriend with a woman in such a close embrace.I could deal with a brief or side hug but definitely not a long or tight hug.I don't even know how long he has been standing there. I moved away from Richard, quietly in order not to arouse suspicion.Suddenly leaving him might cause Dorian to think that we were doing something that we shouldn't be doing. "Hi dearie."I greet him and pulled him in for a hug just for him to take his eyes off Richard. He hugged me back and I was glad because that meant that there was no misunderstanding. I pulled away from the hug and stretched my hands towards Richard. "Dorian, this is Richard.He was the one who helped to get Andrew out of prison by getting Carlin to tell the truth and recording it."I explained with smiles. "Oh,I see."That was all Dorian said and I cleared my throat. "Um, Richard.This is Dorian…" "Her boyfriend."Dorian completed for me.I saw Richard open his mouth to say something but he was interrupted by a call. "Excuse me,I have to take this."He said and excused himself."Dorian still didn't pass any comment on Richard.He could have just said it's nice to see you. "Where have you been?."I asked Dorian the moment it was just the two of us. I'm sick and tired of him disappearing from my life every now and then and that is one of the reasons why I believe that he's only seeing me for the s*x and it honestly hurts. "There was no call or text from you and you didn't return my calls either.what exactly is going on with you, Dorian?."I demanded and he simply came closer and grabbed me by the waist. "There is nothing going on.I have just been so busy.That is all.And I'm here anyways, aren't I?."He tried to sneak his way out like he always does. "Too busy to even return a text?."I asked but this time around,he just maintained eye contact with me and after a while , he placed a longing kiss on my neck. "Here we go, again.Does Dorian even love me,am I just wasting my time?."I thought within me. "I missed you."He whispered huskily with his mouth still on my neck. "Me or a particular part of me?."I voiced out my thoughts without even knowing.There is nothing I can do again,it is already out. "What is that supposed to mean?."He asked and raised his mouth from my neck. "I don't know,what is it supposed to mean?."I asked and folded my two hands under my bosom.Since I already blurted it out,we might as well have this conversation. "Lizzie,I don't understand you."He asked looking confused.For all I know,he could be faking it. "What is there not to understand.You only show up when you need me,you never show up when I need you.You are literally never there for me or when I'm going through a rough patch or when I need to make an important decision.And trust me,I'm starting to feel like you are only around me because of the sex.And I don't see any reason why I shouldn't feel like that with your attitude."I poured out and he looked gobsmacked and I guess he wasn't expecting that outburst. "I came as soon as I heard that Andrew was released."He said. "Heard?,from where?,from who?."I asked him and he was suddenly speechless.why is he though? I asked a simple question. "I heard from the news…of course."He finally found his voice after going quite for a while. "See…, you are my boyfriend and you are hearing news about me from the press.You should have been there with me at the court.You should have been there when the judge pronounced him innocent and I needed someone to hug badly."I complained to him sadly and he hugged me. "I'm sorry, okay.I'm really sorry."He apologized but his apology doesn't even mean a thing to me anymore, it's not a big deal again. "Why weren't you there?."I asked as I disengaged from the hug. "You can't understand but I promise it won't happen again."He promised but that don't mean a thing either. "What's there not to understand?."I asked him. "Y…" "Hey guys, dinner is served and we are just waiting for you two."Amelia announced cutting Dorian off in the process. "Let's have this conversation later.lets go celebrate your brother's freedom."He said and held my hands and that cheered me up a bit. When we got to the dining area,the rest were already seated.Dorian pulled out a chair for me and I sat down. "Thank you."I mouthed and he smiled,he also took a seat next to me. "Alright, everyone… let's dig in."Luke said and we all started eating,it was an ordered food so there wasn't much to do on the table.Everyone already had their food served on their various plates. The food went on without anyone saying a word to each other and it seemed boring to me.It is not like we are fighting a war or anything.so,why is the dining table so quiet?. "Why is the atmosphere like this?.I thought we were celebrating."I said to no one in particular and they all looked at each other.I now get the scenario. Amelia and Luke aren't vibing, Andrew isn't really cool with Richard due to our divorce.I guess he only agreed to sit here with him because he helped his case.Dorian and Richard don't really know each other that well. "Let's just pour ourselves drinks and celebrate."I said and picked the wine up and both Dorian and Richard made an attempt to collect it from me. Now, this is awkward.I wouldn't want Richard to feel bad and I don't want Dorian to think that I'm choosing him over my ex husband. Does Dorian even know that Richard is my ex boyfriend?. Who do I give it to?.
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