Episode 25

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Mr. CEO - You’re Dumped Chapter 25 - The Break In. Elizabeth’s P.O.V After Uncle Constantine leaves for the office and Luke goes to the hospital, I and Amelia look around the house to be certain that it is just the both of us at home in the Mondragon Estate. “There’s no one home!” Amelia yells at the top of her voice to prove her statement and my heart smiles. “Perfect, so operation get Uncle Constantine's Security pass card is a go,” I smile but Amelia looks at me with disgust. I raise an eyebrow at her. “What’s with the look?” She laughs. “That was such a long and boring name for a mission. It is very dumb if I must say.” I fold my hands together and look at her, annoyed with her calling my idea dumb and also waiting for her to probably think of a better. “And you think you can do better with a name?” I ask. She smiles widely. “Yes… I can.” I gesture for her to continue speaking. “How about The Pass Card Heist or we could simply call it The Break In,” she suggests and both ideas are actually way cooler than the one I had come up with me. “You’re so lucky right that you’re my best friend,” I mumble as we walk majestically to my bedroom to figure out what to do next. We get to my bedroom and Amelia falls on the bed dramatically. Her phone beeps and she looks at it and smiles. I know it is my brother. “You both sure do text a lot” I tease and she cheeks turn red. “Well, I’m not the one denying my feelings for a guy who asked me out to dinner last night, and I completely refused,” she defends and I know she is talking about out Dorian. “I and Dorian haven’t sat down to have a proper discussion like ever.” “And that is because you’ve accepted none of his date invites,” Amelia snorts and I know I that I have no more excuse. “Anyway,” I change the subject. “There are three security cameras before my uncle’s room” I inform her and she looks through the blueprint of the Estate in my hands. She doesn’t understand the images in the blueprint, neither do I but I pretend to understand it and I end up saying things that don’t add up. “Why don’t we just ask Luke for help?” Amelia suggests and I drop the blue print on my dressing, sit down beside her on the bed and she tickles me from behind, a smile forces it way to my lips as I battle to rescue myself from her tickles. “Because I promised him, I’d a good girl until he was done with the surgery he is performing and this doesn’t technically count as being a good girl,” I respond. She giggles. "You are planning to break into your uncle’s bedroom, and after that, into his office. That my dear Princesse, is what I call the job of a perfectly good girl." “Very funny” I snort and she throws a pillow at me. “Instead of sitting here and thinking of how to get in to your uncle’s office, why don’t we just turn of the power.” I consider Amelia’s words for a moment. She has a point, but that would mean the house might probably be darker. “Alright, let’s do this!” I smile and she giggles. We walk out of my room and our way to the estate power switch; we bump into the last person I didn’t think I’d be seeing soon. “Dorian? What the hell are you doing here?” “Elizabeth. I was um… Luke told me to make sure you weren’t getting into any trouble of some sort,” he mumbles and using my brother's name as an excuse to come the estate annoys me. Amelia avoids eye contact with me. I know she has an idea of what is going but doesn’t want to tell me about it. She hums Beethoven, and she never does that unless she’s hiding something from me. I give Dorian a scornful look and his eyes fall on Amelia shortly before falling back on me. I grab Amelia by the hand. “What did you do?” She sighs. “Nothing that could possibly bring you harm. I can assure you that.” She attempts to run back into the estate but she can’t get free her hands from my grip. I pull close to me and quickly grab her phone from her purse which she was holding in her other hand and she panics. She tries to recover her phone from me but she fails. “Elizabeth, give me my phone!” she demands and I refuse. She whimpers like a little baby but I pay her no attention. “I can leave, if you want me to,” Dorian suggests, and I had almost forgotten if he was standing right there beside me. I ignore him. I unlock her phone and quickly open her messages and realize that Dorian was the last person she had texted. After my brother, that is. “You invited Dorian over without my permission?” I yell and she hides behind Dorian. “I was only trying to help you out. I’ve seen the way you look at him and I’m pretty sure that you like him.” “Yeah, well, I don’t have time for that. Not with the mission we’re trying to accomplish!” I yell and Dorian smiles. “So, you admit that you do like me?” he asks with a mischievous grin and I keep quiet. Stupid mouth of mine. “What mission are you talking about, anyway?” “Elizabeth and I are trying to break into her uncle’s room to get a security pass card to his office so we can look for the documents that he claims Elizabeth signed.” “AMELIA!” I cut her off, but she had already spilled everything that there was to know to Dorian. He chuckles and steps away gently from Amelia, leaving her completely defenseless. Before I can even do anything, she runs up to me and hugs me so tight I can hardly breathe. She is always looking out for me in everything, but I never expected her to act as a love cupid between me and Dorian. Although I don’t like the idea of inviting him without asking me, I am thrilled that he actually came through. “I’m really sorry Princesse. I just wanted to see you happy,” she sobs and I kiss her on the forehead. I am slightly taller than her and as a result, every time she hugs me, her heads always rest on my bosom. I think that’s actually why she enjoys hugging and cuddling me. “You’re very lucky I love you,” I sigh and she chuckles. “Anyway,” Dorian changes the subject. “I think I can help you out with breaking into your uncle’s office without entering his room.” “And how do you suggest we do that?” I ask him and a smile form on his lips. He pulls out his from his phone and makes a quick call. Gestures for us all to go inside the Estate and we head to my room which I now see is a very terrible idea. “I need to use the restroom,” Amelia says and disappears out of the room, leaving I and Dorian alone. I sit on the bed and stare out my window, acting like he wasn’t even there with me but I could feel his gaze linger on me for a moment too long. He sits beside me and brushes a part of my hair behind my ear. I take a breath and move away from him slightly. He chuckles and returns his gaze to my lips. Biting his lower lip and making me want him to kiss me so badly but I wasn’t going to break so easily. I intend to push him to his limits and find out just how much he truly cared for me and I don’t care if he gets hurt. “Who did you call when we were outside at the control room?” I ask and he shows me a text on his phone. Trix: I won’t make it to Puerto Rico in time. Send me a picture of the security lock. I can hack it from here. I stare at the text for a while, and my mind is blank. Dorian was actually helping me out break into my uncle’s office. “Who’s Trix?” I inquire of him. “He was the guy who helped us track down your phone when you went missing” he informs me. “So, he’s a good hacker?” I ask again. “Yes, he is. Amelia actually went to take a photo of the lock so we can send it to Trix,” He informs me. Amelia returns moments later with a smile on her lips. I believe she is expecting to see I and Dorian making out right after she left, but she is surprised with the distance between us on my bed. Well, I guess seeing the both of us sitting together on my bed makes her happy. She hands her phone to Dorian and he sends the picture to Trix. “This might take a while” he informs us and Elizabeth urges me to engage him in a conversation. The only reason why I don’t want to talk to Dorian is because he is my brother’s best friend and for some reason, guys have a problem with their sister falling in love with their best friend, not to talk of being in a relationship with him. On the other hand, your brother falls in love with your best friend and he suddenly expects you to be his wing man or woman and help him get in her good graces. Simply put, I am more afraid of what Luke will say if he finds out that I may or may not have feelings for his best friend, Dorian. We sit in silence for a moment longer and Dorian’s phone beeps to life. He glances through it and shows us the instructions Trix asked us to follow in order to open the door to my uncle’s office and also not trigger the silent alarm that is fixed on his phone incase people like us attempt to break in. We proceed to the hallway leading to the office and Dorian switches on the light as he claims the hallway was too dark for him to see a single thing while walking. On approaching the door, he hands me his phone to read out the instructions for him and our hands brush against each other, sending chills down my spine and we make eye contact which lasts longer than it should. “Really, you both want to do that right now?” Elizabeth scoffs and here I am thinking she will be happy that we are finally almost flirting with each other. “What’s the first step he said we should follow?” Dorian asks as he places a hand on the lock. “Um… it says here to text him once we get to the lock.” Dorian takes the phone from my hand and for a moment, a look of confusion floods his face as that is not the text he read aloud when we were in my room. He doesn’t protest. He calls Trix and he asks him to place his phone right in front of the lock and after a few seconds, the lock beeps and the door opens. “I guess he found another way around it” Amelia smiles and we proceed into my uncle’s office. It is much scantier than the last time that I remember it. There are a few documents on his table and a large bookshelf which I can’t recall being in his office the last I came in here as a child. Uncle Constantine became rather secretive the more we grew older and he stopped allowing I and Carlin come to his office to play. I and Carlin were close, very close but things changed over the years and I couldn’t just figure out why. I hoped things would be different when I returned, even though I know she had a hand in my near-death experience. I was willing to let everything go and start a new with her, but she clearly didn’t want that. Dorian looks around the office. He has no idea where to begin searching for the document, and neither do I or Elizabeth. “What the hell is wrong with your uncle?” Amelia snorts as she sinks into a couch opposite the bookshelf hopelessly. We do our best to search for the document and avoid leaving the place in ruins so that my uncle would know that someone was in his office. There are like a billion documents on his table, all which had to do with Rose Corp. And since no one then are the ones I need, I don’t bother looking through then. But one of them catches my eye. Mondragon Family. I take a closer at the document, forgetting what I am looking and I flip the document open. It contains a photo of my parents and their siblings, Uncle Constantine and Uncle Bertrand. I realize that I haven’t seen Uncle Bertrand since my trip to London. Amelia bumps my shoulder. “Is everything alright?” “Huh? I mean. Yes, there’s no problem,” confusion barely let’s me speak. Amelia notices the file in my hand and attempts to take it from me, I pull it away from her and drop back on the table. She frowns at me. “What was in that file?” “It was nothing. Just some personal files about his health and all that,” I lie but she doesn’t believe me. She lets the issue go and continues with her search for the document we came for. “Any luck?” I ask but neither her or Dorian had been able to find anything. We continue to go through the files from the top once more and we still find nothing relating to the document Frank and Paul mentioned earlier. “Maybe it’s not here,” Dorian’s voice comes out cold and emotionless. Its annoys me. “Maybe you shouldn’t be here!” The anger in my voice is clear and Amelia seems frightened by that. She knows what I am capable for doing whenever I get angry and she doesn’t want that at the moment. Especially since we are in my uncle’s office. “I think we should head out” She suggests and I believe she is right. We pack the rest of the files we brought out and as we prepare leave the office, the door swings open. “Carlin!!” I gasp. “Elizabeth! What the hell are you doing in my dad’s office?” She questions as we both stare at each other. I didn’t check where she had gone to and I had no idea she would be back soon. “What are you doing?” I ask her and she scoffs. “I’m here to see my dad. Which clearly you are not and I’m calling him right now!” she yells. She brings out her phone and to make the phone call and Amelia swiftly kicks the phone out of her hand with a perfect left swing, sending the phone crashing to the ground. “What the hell?” Carlin yells in surprise. “I really hate to do this,” Amelia mumbles and with a perfect hit of her hand to the back of Carlin’s head, she passes out. “Wow! You never told me you could do karate!” I mumble “You never asked” Amelia defends and Dorian lifts Carlin on her shoulder. He looks at the both of us with worry. “Let’s get out of here.”
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