Episode 26

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Mr. CEO - You’re Dumped Chapter 26 - What You Need to Know Lillian’s P.O.V I wake up from the sound of the shower running in the bathroom. Richard isn’t by my side and so I believe he must want to take an early shower. We agreed we would spend the day together doing whatever I want and all I want is for him to come lay naked beside me on the bed till noon. He steps out of the shower, his towel around his waist and his hair completely damped with water that it now became curly. “How do I look?” He asks with a mischievous smile on his on face. “Okay… I guess,” I mumble, my eyes still full of sleep. “Just, okay?” He frowns. “You’d look better without the towel.” I smile and he lets his towel fall off his waist. “How about now?” He asks again. “Much better,” I smile. He walks up to me and kisses my forehead. I know I should be angry with him about what happened the other day, but when you have a fiancé as handsome and well built as mine, anger is never an option. I drag him down to the bed with me and I lay my head on his chest. His hands gently stroking my hair and holding my back. He was happy, something that he hadn’t been ever since we got to Puerto Rico and Elizabeth lost her company to her uncle, which I am very happy about. Richard will always tease me that I am jealous of Elizabeth, but I don’t mind. I mean being jealous is not a crime, and it’s not wrong of me to want to protect the man I love most from leeches like her. “Have you spoken to Elizabeth?” the question finds its way out of my lips and Richard smiles. “I haven’t heard from her since the day I went to visit. And according to the Receptionist, she hasn’t come in to work since she lost the company.” Richard’s phone beeps. He ignores it, but it beeps again. I try to reach for it, but he stops me. He doesn’t want anything to interrupt our day together but I already know that whoever is texting him will not stop until he responds and it is only of matter of time. The phone continues to beep at what seemed like an interval of five seconds. It is annoying and I can’t stand it anymore. “I think you should check who it is,” I inform Richard, but he smiles. “There’s no need for that. I will reply whoever it is later today.” “Why don’t you put it on silent?” I suggest, and he considers my words for a moment. He grabs his phone and instead of putting it on silent and dropping it back on the table; it seems the content of the message catches his attention and he decides to go through the messages. “Who is it?” I ask him but he didn’t answer. I hit him with a pillow, but he doesn’t react. He stands from the bed and walks to his wardrobe to get dressed. “Where are you going to?” “Luke wants us to meet up. He said he has something to tell me,” He informs me, but I don’t like it. “So once again you’re going to ditch me to go hang out with a Mondragon?” I snort and he sighs. He opens my wardrobe, brings out a gown and tosses it to me on the bed. “Get dressed. Let’s go together.” I consider the idea for a moment and I still don’t like it. Today is meant to be our day off from the problems of the Mondragon family and here he is getting himself entangled in their problems more than he honestly should. He looks at himself in the mirror, admiring his physique and dressing, before looking at me to find out if I was dressed or not. “Are you coming or not?” he asks. “What in the world are you even going to discuss with Luke? Last time I checked, he doesn’t even like you,” I bicker, but Richard doesn’t seem to care about what I have to say at this point. He walks out of the bedroom and I trail behind him, still in my night wear and scolding him as I followed him down the stairs. He walks into the kitchen to make himself breakfast but I don’t allow. He sighs and pushes me away from the box of cereal which he wants to take from the table and I fall to the floor dramatically, hoping that he will be sorry for what he did, but he wasn’t. “Get up, drama queen. I’m leaving the house now. I’ll be back soon,” his voice comes out cold. He walks out of the house without saying another word and I pick myself up from the floor and walk to our room with what’s left of my dignity. My phone rings, and it is Rafael calling so I take the call. “Hey Raf! How are you doing?” I ask him over the phone, trying to be nice, but he doesn’t respond yo my greeting. “Is Richard home?” he asks. “No. He is not. He just left,” I respond, and the call ends. Well, at least I have the company of my warm bed. Today could possibly not get any more annoying that it has already. Richard’s P.O.V I stand outside our door, waiting for a taxi to come pick me up, but my mind keeps racing back to Lillian and hoping she isn’t furious with me for ruining our home date. I fell justified with the knowledge that I asked her to come with me but she refused to. My phone beeps again and it’s a text from Luke. Luke: Meet me at the King’s Diner Mondragon. I guess everyone in their family ends a message in the same format. I arrive at the diner and I find Luke seated at the end of the diner with a cup of coffee in his hand. He is reading a newspaper in a very odd manner and, frankly, who still reads the newspaper in this generation. I take the seat opposite him and he pretends not to see me. He continues to read the newspaper in his hand. Taking a sip of his coffee like a king in a ninety century movie. “You wanted to see me?” I mumble and he says nothing. A waiter arrives with a cup of coffee and sets in down on the table in front of me. I frown at him. “I didn’t order coffee.” He gestures to Luke, letting me know that it was him who ordered the coffee for me and he walks back to a small room, which I am guessing is their kitchen. “You know it’s improper to invite someone for a chitchat and not say anything when he arrives,” I utter and he folds the newspaper and drops it on the table. “Mr. Lim, it’s so great to see you,” he says with his voice full of sarcasm. “What did you want to meet up with me?” “Listen, you needed this more than I needed it. I am only here to tell you what you need to know,” Luke says with a scornful look on his face. “What are you talking about?” I ask him and he laughs in an evil manner. “You want your company back, don’t you?” “Yes, I do. And what are you proposing?” I ask him and he pushes a file to me. “The document is empty. I just want us to come to a truce, for Elizabeth’s sake.” I stare at him for a moment and my mind wants me to walk away from him but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I know he has something else in mind and I want to find out what it is, one way or the other. “I and Elizabeth aren’t on speaking terms so I don’t see why you’re making such an offer at this time,” I reply and he smiles warmly. “Listen, Elizabeth’s fight with my uncle isn’t just to get back our company but also yours. I’ve heard if your little meetings with Constantine and Carlin. Like it or not, you’re involved with the Mondragon family now.” I stare at him in awe. Lillian’s warnings ring in my ear and the fear of admitting that she was right makes my heart boil. She didn’t want us getting involved in whatever family drama was going on amongst the Mondragon’s but their fight seemed inevitable as the entire nation knew about it. “Elizabeth is doing everything she can to gain back control of the Rose Corp. If you want your company back, you’re going to work with us,” Luke demands and stands to his feet. We stare at each other, eyes cold and anger raging, until my phone rings. It’s Rafael calling and I excuse myself from the table to take the call. “Rafael, what’s up?” “Where the f**k are you, Richard?” he yells over the phone. “I’m in Puerto Rico dude. You should know that.” I scoff. “I know you’re in Puerto Rico, but I don’t know where the hell you are in Puerto Rico?” And with that, it hits me. Rafael is in Puerto Rico, but how is that even possible. He didn’t have his id cards with him and with his records; I doubt the national security would let him travel around. “Rafael, are you in Puerto Rico?” I ask him over the phone and he stays quiet for a while. The call ends and a get from Rafael. Rafael: Where do I meet you? I ignore the text and walk into the diner and Luke is still seated, surprisingly waiting for me to return from my little break. He has the newspaper back in his hands and continues to sip his coffee. I think that would be his seventh cup for the day right after I got here, and it makes me wonder just how many he might have had before I had arrived. He drops the newspaper and focuses his attention on me. His coffee cup nearly empty as he gestures for the server attending to us to refill his cup. “Rafael is here!” I announce, and he raises an eyebrow at me. “Who is Rafael?” “The guy from the hospital, the day Elizabeth went missing. The guy you almost killed because you thought he had a hand in Elizabeth’s disappearance,” I say to him, putting out every detail that I can utter to him. He takes a moment to think things through and a smile spreads on his lips. I guess he now remembers who I am talking about. But I was expecting to get angry or mad with what I just told him, but he doesn’t say anything for a moment. He clears his throat. “Tell him to meet us at the diner.” I think about the idea and for me, there wasn’t much to lose so I pull out and my phone and send him the address of the diner. I wait in silence with Luke who says nothing to me. I was glad that he had stopped taking anymore coffee as I worried about his health. He is a doctor so he should know better than me of the dangers of having a lot of coffee in your body. The wait is long and weird but at last, Rafael arrives, wearing a thick black hoodie and sunglasses. I barely recognized him when he came in and by the way he dressed, I knew truly that something wasn’t right and I hoped he would tell me what is going on with him. He takes a sit, looks around the diner and takes off his sunglasses. “What are you dressed like that?” I ask him and he ignores my question. He makes eye contact with Luke who he did not know was at the diner with and I did not bother to let him know when I texted him. “What is he doing here?” Rafael scoffs and Luke ignores his question. “Richard… I’ll leave you two to do your bonding. I just hope you put what I told you into consideration,” Luke declares as he stands to his feet to leave the diner. I call him back. “Wait?” He gestures for me to keep speaking. “Why are you leaving all of a sudden. You waited for him to get here, so why not stay till we’re done?” I say and Rafael shoots me a deadly glare. He doesn’t like the idea but I need to be in good terms with at least just one Mondragon. “I did my job here Richard. I’ve told you what you need to know. And as for Rafael, I’m pretty sure he can’t stand the sight of me just as much as I can’t stand the sight of him,” Luke smiles as he proceeds out of the diner. We both watch him leave the diner and Rafael heaves a sigh of relief. He is tense and practically fidgeting as he attempts to take the cup of coffee which is placed before him and the cup slips from his hand and falls to the ground, shattering in all directions and attraction the attention of all the workers in the diner. “I’m truly about that. I’ll handle the expenses,” I declare and a janitor comes to clear the broken pieces of the coffee cup on the ground. “What the hell is wrong with Raf?” I scold him but he doesn’t react to what I said. A black car pulls up just in front of the diner and four men dressed in black hoodies, identical to that which Rafael is wearing alight from the vehicle. One of the seems to be wearing a mask, and the rest just cover their faces with sunglasses. “We have to get out of here!” Rafael pulls off his hoodie and drops it on the table. He drags me by the arm and we run to the counter where the guy taking orders is and he informs me that Luke had taken all care of all payments for the coffee. The Mondragon family seem to enjoy handling all deals and payments that they get involved in and while battling with the bartender, the men walk into the diner and Rafael ducks just beneath a table to avoid being seem by them. “He was here” comes the voice of one the men as they examine the hoodie Rafael had dropped closely. “Spilt up and find him!” says cold deep voice wearing a mask as he walks into the diner. The men quickly start breaking up dates and tables, hoping to find Rafael and he tucks me by my trousers gently. “Create a distraction so that I can get out of here. Meet me outside!” Rafael whispers and the first thing that comes to my head is to yell out to the men looking for him. “There he is!” I yell, pointing to a guy who was clearly running for his dear life outside the diner and the men dash after him, giving Rafael the chance to make a run for it. I quickly trail behind him and meet outside already waving down a taxi. “Who were those men, Rafael?” “I got involved with the Mafia again. I’ll tell you all about it once we’re someplace safe so please, let’s go,” he pleads and we hop into the taxi and head to my house.
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