Episode 4

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Mr. CEO – You’re Dumped Chapter Four Luke’s P.O.V We got to the airport just in time for flight and we quickly boarded the plane together. I could sense how nervous Elizabeth was but knowing my sister fully well, telling her that body was tense would only worsen things for her and I deiced to keep silent and allow her calm her nerves in the best way she could. “So, how do you think they’re going to react when they see me” She asked me with a cunning look on her face. “You remember that movie we watched with Mom and Dad, about the kid who everyone died but he was still alive?” I asked her “Of course I do, oh my gosh they look on their faces was priceless when they found out the boy was still alive” she giggled “Well that’s how my uncles and most especially Carlin are going to react to see you alive and luckily for us, I’ve arranged for a grand welcome back for the Mondragon long lost heir” I smiled, giving her hand a gentle squeeze of reassurance. We arrived at Puerto Rico few minutes past three in the afternoon and we met Andrew waiting for us with a convoy of cars and military. “Andrew!!” Elizabeth screamed as she ran to give her younger brother a hug. “Hey Ely, how have you been” Andrew asked with a smile on his face. “I’m fine and boy how glad I am to see that you’re still in one piece. No missing fingers or anything” Elizabeth teased as we all burst into an uproar of laughter. “Big brother; It’s nice to see you come home again” Andrew said as he saluted me like an officer he is. “The feeling is mutual Bro. I’m truly sorry not telling you where Elizabeth was until now” I replied pulling him in for a quick embrace. “I understand. It was for her safety and you made the right choice. But we must get going, the press are at waiting at the Mondragon Estate for the return of Elizabeth Mondragon” Andrew smiled as he directed us to the limo which we would be riding in to the estate. The drive to the Estate from the airport was quite the journey but when you’re travelling with your siblings, everything far distance can be accomplished. We got to the Estate and at once, as swarm of reporters rushed over to the limo we were in but when your brother is an Army officer, there’s nothing you can’t bypass. Andrew got down from the car and at the sight of him, all the reporters made way for Elizabeth to come down from the limo. “It’s really her” said one of the reporters as multiple camera lights flashed at my little sister. “Mr. Luke Mondragon is it true that you knew the whereabouts of your sister but decided to keep it a secret from the rest of the family” a reporter asked but before I could utter a word, another reporter cut in. “Miss Elizabeth Mondragon, we heard you were shot by a mafia, how were you able survive such an incident?” said the reporter as they continued to take photos of me, Elizabeth and Andrew together for the first time in over two years. “That Is Enough” said a loud voice from the doors of the Mondragon estate and we all looked up the stairs to the estate to see a man standing just outside the door. “Uncle Constantine” Elizabeth whispered as her eyes glared up in fury. Constantine’s P.O.V I was interrupted from my meeting with a buyer interested in the Rose Corp by all the noise going on outside and I decided to check it out myself only to find my niece and her brothers standing outside the Estate. It is an old tradition for a member of the family who had been gone for more than a year is welcomed by the eldest person around at the center of the Estate compound and I was determined to honor that. I walked down to the center where Elizabeth and her brothers met me and she bowed in a little curtsy. “Elizabeth Mondragon… welcome home” I said trying my best to put on my most sincere smile. “Thank you Uncle but I’m here to go straight into business affairs” Elizabeth said with a cunning smile on her lips. “I am giving you the next three days to resign as CEO of Rose Corp. or military action will used on you” she added as she looked at her younger brother Andrew with a smile. “Elizabeth, you’ve been away from home for the longest time now and you return to make such silly claims. What is wrong with you” I spat in annoyance but her beamed ever more radiantly as the press kept taking pictures and recording what was going on. We were still there standing in silence when the man whom I had sold the rights to Rose Corp. came out due to my absence. “Mr. Smith, there’s no need for you to be out here, I’ll join you inside shortly” I said but he completely ignored and walked towards Elizabeth and her brothers. “Good afternoon ma’am. I’ve been waiting for your arrival” he said as he bowed his head a little and handed over the papers to the rights of Rose Corp. to Elizabeth. “What the hell is going on here?” I asked with anger in my eyes. “Uncle Constantine, I presume you have already met out lawyer and business representative, Mr. Smith” Luke said with a smile on his face as they all stared at the company papers. “What exactly is going on here?” said a voice rushing out of the building and I turned to see Carlin and her siblings and most of my siblings who were around. “Constantine, what happened? We heard shouts from inside” my junior brother Bertrand asked with a frown on his face and I quickly pulled him and Carlin out of ears shot. “You both assured me Elizabeth was gone for good” I whispered to them with anger. “Don’t look at me, it was your daughter that did the job of having her killed, I only did the Job of finding us a buyer for Rose Corp” Bertrand replied nonchalantly. “Well the God damn buyer you found us works for Elizabeth and now she has all the rights to the company. How could you be so careless in killing her Carlin?” “I wasn’t careless. The mafia I hired assured me that there was no way Elizabeth would her survived her wounds. He even showed me the pictures which I in turn showed all of you” Carlin answered, defending herself from her from my words. “Is anything the matter Uncle Constantine?” I turned around only to see Andrew standing over me with four armed Military officers. “General Andrew. There’s absolutely no problem, come on we need to get you guys inside for a proper discussion” I stuttered as I motioned for all of them to follow me into the Estate. I wasn’t quite sure of what was going but I didn’t like it and I was as hell going to get answers from them once we got away from the press.
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