Episode 3

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Mr CEO - You're Dumped Chapter Three Elizabeth’s P.O.V I woke up to a text from Lillian threatening to kill me if I ever came back to their lives again and not being satisfied with that, she called me on phone. I ignored the call the first time, second and third until she called the fourth time which I angrily answered. “It was wise of you to leave Richard….” “Listen real good Lillian. The next time I get a call or text from you, threatening my life or anyone I love because of some low life man you call a husband, I swear on my late parent’s grave that I’ll put a bullet through your skull” I sanctioned her and I could have sworn I heard her gulp at the sound of my voice but I knew she wasn’t going to give up that easily to avoid appearing weak before me. “You are all bark but no bite Elizabeth. I dare you to do your worst” she said doing her best to hide the fear in her voice. “How about I start by telling Richard that you sent ten million dollars to your brother or should I say ex-boyfriend” I added with a mischievous smile on my face which I now wished she could see from wherever she was. There was a long silence from the other end of the phone as she remained stunned by what I had just told. It was a secret she hoped no one would ever find out, but somehow I managed to figure it. “You’re a b***h” she said as she ended the call with no further tough girl act. I stood up from my bed and walked into the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the big day. I was going home after what seemed to be years of running from home and I wasn’t so sure I was ready but there was no need staying in the dark anymore. I got dressed and was about leaving to go have my breakfast when I heard a knock on my room door and I opened to see my brother standing outside with a smile on his face. “Luke! You’re here so early” I said wrapping my arms around him. My parents gave birth to three children, me, Luke and Andrew. Luke was their first child, an accomplished doctor well known and respected across the entire country what most people didn’t know was that Luke was a computer wizard. He could hack into any security system, company account and whatsoever you wanted him to hack into. Our last and my younger brother Andrew is a soldier. A lot of people say he’s cold and ruthless which is absolutely true by the way but there was more to him than that which met the human eye. Andrew can sometimes be an over emotional person but that’s only if he likes you a lot. So you see, my parents raised the toughest kids any one could ever produce and I was so hell bent on getting revenge for their death and knowing my brothers had my back was one thing that gave me courage each day to go on. “I’m glad to see you missed me you little Rascal” Luke teased as he gave me a kiss on the forehead. “And I’m glad you’re no longer worrying yourself by the thought that you couldn’t save Mum and Dad” I replied with a concerned look on my face and I could tell he didn’t like it. “Hey, wipe that frown off your face. I’m fine” he added as he let go of me. “Where’s Andrew?” I asked scanning the hallway to see if my little brother was still on his way to my room but I didn’t see him. “Andrew has a mission he’s handling but he promised to meet us at Puerto Rico once he’s done” Luke answered as he placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “We both know he’s going to die in battle field one day right?” I said jokingly “I don’t think that’s part of his life plans” Luke added laughing at what I had said. “Come on let’s go bond over breakfast, our flight isn’t until later in the day so I’m pretty sure we have enough time to discuss our next phase of action” I said making way for the door. “Alright Sis, but we have to pack your bags and put them in the car at once so that we can leave for the airport after breakfast” “Fine, let’s go” We packed my bags into the car and I went to the reception to check out of the hotel and return my room card before heading out to have breakfast in my favorite place in London. “McDonald’s!!” I yelled as I rushed in through the door. “I can’t believe you were actually married” Luke teased as he went to place our orders. “Neither can I?” Luke got our orders and met me at the table where I sat. He smiled as he dropped my favorite breakfast snack before me. “Chocolate wafer tower; I can’t believe you still remember” I smiled as I took a bite of my breakfast. “Hey, you were only gone almost a year and you think I would forget such little details about you” “It’s highly possible you know” I giggled but all at once the thought of seeing my uncles clouded my mind. “What’s bugging you” Luke asked as he noticed the sudden frown which now occupied my lips. “I’m just thinking of facing Carlin for trying to have me killed and our uncles. To think that they actually had our parents killed” I spat with anger in my eyes. “I want to see them suffer” I added stabbing my knife into the rest of chocolate wafers. “Well then you’re in luck. Carlin’s dad, Uncle Constantine was the one appointed as CEO of dad’s company the Rose Corp. after you suddenly vanished and I and Andrew stepped down when we heard of the life threat you got” “How does that help me?” I asked with a frown “Well as you know, Carlin’s dad has never been good at finance management and as a result, he practically put the company in a debt of twenty-two million naira and right now he’s begging for a helping hand” Luke added with a smile that said he had something up his sleeve. “What do you have in mind?” I asked him intrigued by what I was hearing so far. “Mum and dad left you the biggest cash share of inheritance. A total of forty billion dollars and with your permission, I’ve already sent a delegate to the Rose Corp. to pose as business man looking to buy the rights of the company and liberate them of their debts” Luke said with a smile on his face. “What did you offer them” I asked “I or sorry, our delegate went there with a proposal of hundred million dollars for the rights to the company and a bonus of ten million dollars for Uncle Constantine if he agrees to our proposal” Luke was still speaking when he got a text from the delegate he sent to the Rose Corp. “Looks like we have ourselves a deal with Rose Corp. for full ownership and claim to the company rights” he said as he smiled at the text on his phone. “Then I think it’s time we paid a little visit to the biggest family in Puerto Rico” I said as we both got ready to meet up with our flight.
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