Episode 12

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Mr. CEO – You’re Dumped Chapter 12 – Hidden Secrets 2. Constantine’s P.O.V “You’re very sure that this is their plan?” I asked Carlin, who had walked into my room early in the morning and woken me up from my sleep. “Yes Daddy. They think that General Scout is hiding vital information that could help in their parents’ case,” Carlin told me, and a smile formed on my lips. “And they didn’t know you were eves dropping on their conversation?” I asked her as something felt wrong with her knowing such information and none of them trying to stop her from telling me. “Well, I don’t actually know. The door to Elizabeth’s room was barely closed when I heard them discussing,” Carlin admitted and I could sense a trap all over their plan. “Elizabeth and her brothers value privacy. If they were to discuss something this big, they would have made sure they sealed the door tight before uttering a single word,” “So, you think it’s a trap?” Bertrand asked as he walked into my room. I and Carlin had actually thought that he had already left the country or something since we hadn’t seen in for a while but looks like he finally realized that we’re in this together. “Bertrand. You’re still… alive?” I smiled at him and his face didn’t light up at my little joke. “Look. Let’s handle this situation maturely. If truly they’re trying to set up a trap, what do they hope to discover when we fall for it?” Bertrand asked me and his words filled with so much wisdom. “That’s because it’s not a trap. More like a diversion,” Carlin said with a frown, and she had a point. “So where could they possibly want to go to?” Bertrand asked, and I knew the right answer. Well, technically not the right answer, but it was close. “That’s where General Scout comes in. If we notify him about what Andrew plans to do, he’ll surely know where they are headed,” I informed both of them, but Bertrand wasn’t comfortable with the idea. “If General Scout knows of what Andrew plans to do and gets proof about what ever secret break in that they’re attempting, he could be sent back to that battlefield or even lose his rank,” I smiled as Bertrand as he realized that was my plan all along. “So then, we have a little courtesy visit to pay to General Scout, if I say so myself.” I walked confidently out of my room and down the stairs, followed behind my daughter, Carlin, and my younger brother Bertrand. We got to the station an hour later and there weren’t many soldiers on duty. I’m guessing they had the day off or something, but that wasn’t why we came here. We needed to find General Scout before he left the office and tell him about what was going on.’ Bertrand and Carlin stayed back in the car and were on the lookout just in case Elizabeth and her brothers showed up here out of nowhere and I didn’t bother arguing it with them. I walked into the reception room, and I was greeted by a soldier. Judging by his badge, he was still a lieutenant, and it looked like he knew why I was here. “Good Morning Mr. Mondragon” he saluted, and I did the same in an awkward manner that made him laugh softly. Ever since my elder brother’s sudden death and Elizabeth's disappearance, I took my time to build and strengthen my relationship with the national security agencies. Most especially the military, and I was the most recognised Mondragon among them. “I believe you know who I’m here to see,” I said to the lieutenant, and he smiled widely at me. “Right this way, Mr. Mondragon. General Scout has been wanting to pay you a visit ever since the return of your long-lost niece, but certain duties haven’t allowed him to move about freely as he would have pleased,” the lieutenant said as we both walked to General Scouts office. “Well, he won’t have to worry about that anymore,” I replied. We got to his office, and the lieutenant knocked gently on the door before pushing the door knob. General Scout had his face buried in papers and from the look of things, he hadn’t gone home last night or even for the past few days, if possible. “General Scout, it’s a pleasure to see you again,” I said as I walked into his office and closing the door behind me. He seemed startled by my presence and also uncomfortable for some reasons I could honestly guess what they were. “Mr. Mondragon, what a pleasant surprise. Looks like I must have found favor in the sights of the God for two Mondragon family members to grace the floors of my office in under a week,” he scoffed as he closed the document which he had his head buried in earlier. “Please have a seat,” he pointed to the seat that faced his table and I didn’t see it necessary. “Oh, don’t worry, General Scout. I have no intentions of being here for too long,” I smiled, and he raised an eyebrow at me. He stood to his feet and fixed a narrowed look at me. He was tense, afraid, and I planned to take advantage of that. “You have something that my nephew and niece want. Something that could bring me down.” I smiled weakly and his lips folded into a frown. “General Andrew plans to break into your office and steal some important. And me finding out simply means he wasn’t referring to this office,” I stated, and Scout's eyes widened in surprise. “Mr. Mondragon, I refuse to get involved in this scandal between you and your family!” “But you already are, my dear General. You are an accomplish to murder!” I yelled and in a blink of an eye, General Scout dashed in front of me and was literally about to strangle me to death. “I wouldn’t do that if I was you General,” I mumbled with the little breath left in me and he let go of me hesitantly. Terror had already seized me, but with the way he acted out, it proved that I had him right where I wanted him. “What do you want, Mr. Mondragon?” “Now you’re acting more mature, General Scout” I smiled, but he didn’t seem interested in the long chit chat any more. “General Andrew and his sibling will attempt a break in tonight. I’m not sure of the time, but I just have one offer for you. " General Scout pondered over my words for a moment and, seeing that he had no other option, he obliged to my humble request. “What do you want me to do?” He asked with a frown. “Obviously you can’t have them arrested and trialed for trespassing in your house tonight, but you can always request that Andrew and his team be returned to the battlefield,” I walked over to the weapons that decorated the walls of his office and admired them briefly before continuing with what I was saying. “Andrews’ presence is a big risk to the both of us. And if he stays here any longer, they could expose your secret and mine any minute,” I added, and he saw the facts in my words. He sank into his office chair as he considered the offer I was proposing. Scout was a very stubborn, and he didn’t accept my offer immediately. “I’m afraid I won’t be of any help, Mr. Mondragon. You may leave my office at once,” he demanded, but I chuckled. He was being foolish at this point, and both of us knew it. He had no other option than to do what I was asking, and I was going to make sure he did, by all means. “That’s too bad General. I hoped it wouldn’t come to this but I’ll have you know that my younger brother is outside and has a document which shows all the money you’ve looted from the military and all the crimes you’ve covered up because someone you loved was involved,” I sighed and walked to the door slowly and determined that he would act fast before I left the office. “All I need do right now is call him and the entire world will find out what General Scout of the Puerto Rico Military has been doing with his power,” I smirked and he folded his fists and slammed them hard on his table. “Wait!” he uttered with a soft voice and I turned to face him with a flair. “I’ll do it,” he added “You’ll do what, General Scout?” I wanted to hear him say it. I wanted to hear him say those words aloud. “I’ll have General Andrew sent back to the Battlefield and I’ll also make sure that they don’t get their hands on any file tonight.” He mumbled, and I felt a sudden surge of relaxation flow through me. “That wasn’t so hard now, or was it, General Scout? And don’t worry, you hidden secrets are safe with me.” I bowed gracefully to him and walked out of his office. Engaging no other officer into a discussion, I walked back to my car where Bertrand and Carlin were seated and waiting patiently for me to arrive. “Did you succeed?” Bertrand asks and I smile without saying another word. “Let’s head home and enjoy the rest of today,” I said as my driver started the car engine and set course for the Mondragon Estate. Andrews’ P.O.V It was three hours until the gathering of Generals downtown, which meant three hours until we embark on our mission to General Scout’s house. I and Luke hadn’t told Elizabeth that our destination was General Scout's private property as we both knew she would never agree to the plan if it meant we would trespass into someone else’s property. I had just packed up my bag for the heist when I got a text on my phone. It was from my superior at the battlefield and I didn’t want to read the body of the message until we had completed our mission for the night. “Andrew, we’ve got a problem!” Luke yelled as he barged into my bedroom. “Dude, there’s something called Privacy!” I scoffed, but whatever had him worried seemed to be very important. He put on the television in my room and switched to the news channel. They were discussing the military gathering of generals downtown, and that wasn’t the problem Luke was referring to. They had moved the location of the meeting to General Scouts' house. “What the f**k is going on?” I wasn’t expecting what I had just seen in the news. Was Elizabeth right after all? Should have stopped Carlin from over hearing our discussion last night. “I think Uncle Constantine has something to do with this. That’s the only explanation for this sudden change of venue.” Luke mumbled, and we both knew that our mission was as good as canceled. “That place is going to be crawling with Soldiers. There’s no use trying to break in,” I admitted, and decided to check the text I had gotten from my superiors at the battlefield. “Oh, you have got to be joking right now. " “What’s the matter Andrew?” Luke asked with a worried look on his face and I simply gave him the phone to read the text my superior had sent me. “They want you and your team back at the field tomorrow!” Luke screamed at the top of his voice as he read the text. “How is that even possible? I thought you got transferred to the Puerto Rico Military office legally,” Luke asked me and I couldn’t even think of the right answer to give him. Elizabeth ran into my room in a rush. I figured she must have heard Luke scream when he read the text I showed. “What’s going on? I heard Luke scream. Is everything alright?” she asked, her face looking even more pale than it was last night. I pointed to the television screen and Elizabeth didn’t quite understand what was going on. “They moved the gathering to General Scouts’ house? Isn’t that a good thing for us? He won’t be in his office tonight.” She mumbled, and I could sense she was afraid of whatever it was she was about to find out from me and Andrew. “Lizzie, the files are in Scout’s house and we needed him safe guarding his office at the military headquarters,” Luke said to her and she acted like she hadn’t heard what he had just said to her. “Andrew, Luke is just joking around, right? We are still going to retrieve the documents tonight, right?” Elizabeth asked me in hushed tones and I could sense the anger in her heart boiling up. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything more to her, so just like with Luke, I simply gave her my phone to read the text I had received from my superiors. “He was one step ahead of us,” Elizabeth whispered as she returned my phone to me and gently wiped the tears that her covered her eyes. She didn’t seem so shaken by what had happened. Well, between the three of us, she was more prepared for something like this to happen than I and Luke were. “Are you mad at us, Elizabeth?” Luke asked her with an apologetic tone and she pulled us both into an embrace. “It’s fine. Secrets can’t stay hidden forever,” she whispered, and I felt my sting in my heart as her words fell into my ears. We should have listened to her and maybe, just maybe; none of this would have happened. I sighed as she let go and walked out of my room with Luke by her side. “I guess I might as well inform my Major and the rest of my team that they have cut our transfer short,” I sighed as I fell on my bed and forwarded the text I had received to all of them. Today indeed was one heck of a day.
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