Episode 13

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Mr. CEO – You’re Dumped Chapter 13 – A friend in need Elizabeth’s’ P.O.V Andrew was all set to go back to the battlefield. According to the report they had sent him and his team, there had been a change in their base and they were heading to the dessert. It hurt so much to know that he was returning to the battleground and I sincerely didn’t want to do that. I was afraid that I would wake up one morning to a text that he was gone, and my heart couldn’t bear that thought. “Are you crying Lizzie?” Andrew asked with a smile on his face and it annoyed. “I’m not crying, I’m just practicing for when they bring back your dead body from the battlefield,” I teased with tears in my eyes. I punched him slightly on his shoulders and he laughed softly. Luke was waiting for us downstairs in the car with Andrews’ team as they were ready to go to the airport for their flight back to the battlefield. They could have requested for their chopper to land at the estate but Andrew didn’t want the attention of the press just before he leaves. “We should probably get going. I’m sure Luke and the boys are waiting for us,” Andrew said. I helped him with his luggage as we both walked down the estate stairway to the car. “Took you both long enough,” Luke smiled as we both got walked towards the car. “General Andrew! We’ve been waiting for you to arrive,” Major Landon saluted, and so did the rest of my team. “As you were soldiers,” Andrew kept a straight face as he carefully observed each and everyone of them and their form. He wouldn’t want to return to battle with a group of unfit soldiers. The soldiers loaded his bags in the car trunk and before we long; we set out on our journey to the airport. His team was in a military van behind us and it felt like the day I came back home. Only that day, I had returned in the Mondragon limo. A car loved particularly by our father for some reasons we never could understand. “You know you don’t have to go back out there,” I signed as Andrew put his arms around my shoulder. I never did favorites between him and Luke, but most times, I felt like he was the one who truly understood how I felt. “I don’t want to. But I have to. I swore an oath to defend my country remember,” Andrew said. He had a good point. One which I certainly did not care about, by the way. But I couldn’t oppose him any longer. We got to the airport a few minutes later. It wasn’t that much of a far journey. Prior to our arrival, General Scout and some of the Puerto Rico army had been waiting to bid Andrew goodbye as he prepared to return to the battlefield. “General Scout!” Andrew saluted and Scout looked so tense by his presence. It was his fault my brother was getting sent back to the battlefield. He had pulled the strings, clearly because we had a lead that had something to do with him and his actions only made my suspicions about him grow the more. “General Andrew. It’s such a shame that our time together got cut short by your superiors,” Scout said with a weak smile. “I was looking forward to working with you at our headquarters but I guess all’s good, ends well,” he added and I felt like slapping that stupid smile off his face. I took a deep breath and was about walking up to him a frown to give him a piece of my mind, but Luke stopped me right on cue before I could do something stupid. “Well, I guess I wasn’t made for the indoor work, General Scout. Besides, whoever wrote for me to return to the battlefield must have backed it up with some strong reasons.” Andrew raised an eyebrow at Scout and he did his best to maintain his composure, but boy was he failing. “Tell the Pilot to get the engine ready, I’ll meet you guys in a jiffy,” Andrew ordered Landon, and he complied without hesitation. He was about leaving when my phone rang and the name of the caller was one I didn’t expect to see in a long time. “Elizabeth? Aren’t you going to take the call? Who is it?” Like asked. “It’s Richard!” I exclaimed, and Luke yanked my phone right out of my hand. “Wait, it might be something important. I just recalled that I offered him a business proposal,” I informed my brothers, and they didn’t seem to take in what I had just told me. Seeing that their presence was no longer needed, General Scout and his troops left the airport, leaving me and my brother alone. “Hello Richard, you finally decided to contact me. You know you should have been here by now for completion of our business deal,” I said in a husked voice. “My mom needs your help,” Richard mumbled over the phone and with that, the call ended. “What was that all about?” Andrew asked me as I returned my phone to into my purse. “It’s Richard. Something’s wrong and I need to get back to him as soon as possible,” I yelled and Luke reacted just how I expected him to. “There is no way in hell that I’m going to let you go back to that coward. You guys divorced and it should remain that way,” Like protested. “Oh, come on, what’s the worst they could happen? He sounded like he needed my help. We may have divorced, but Richard is still my friend. And right now, he’s a friend in need,” I pleaded, and Andrew was on my side. “Maybe she should go, Luke. With the recent events going on. It could be like a vacation for Lizzie,” Andrew said to support my words. Luke wasn’t comfortable with the idea, but I’m very sure he as much as wanted me to get away from Uncle Constantine and Carlin, who haven’t paid me much attention for a while now. “If you’re going, then I’m coming with you. I can’t let you walk into fire on your own,” Luke said with a frown on his face. “You guys can go with the chopper. Or if you want, I can have the Mondragon private plane prepared for you before I go,” Andrew suggested, and I realized just how sweet my brothers could be. “Its fine Andrew, we’ll just board the next flight to where he is” I smiled and without saying much again, Andrew went up the elevator and boarded the helicopter to the Sahara desert. I sighed and texted Richard to know of his whereabouts and how quickly I could get there. You’re asking him where he is?” You asked me and I giggled softly. “I have a feeling that he’s not in New York. If he was, he wouldn’t bother calling me,” I replied. “And why do you say so?” Luke asked again. “Richard has a lot of friends in New York. If he was in trouble there, he’d surely know who to call that isn’t me,” I smiled at Luke and he still wasn’t convinced. “So what if he is still in New York? Does that mean there’s a possibility that this is a trap?” He said, and I nodded my head in agreement. We got back into our car to head home and prepare when I got a text from Richard. “He says he’s I’m England. And that I should meet him at St. Christopher’s Hospital.” I read the text aloud to Luke’s hearing. “Well, it’s official. Your ex-husband is trying to kill you,” Luke teased, and we both ended up laughing. “Hey, we can actually just take the Mondragon Private Plane, right?” I asked Luke with an eyebrow raised and he stepped on the car brakes. “What are you thinking, Miss. Elizabeth Mondragon?” he asked with a smile. I smiled mischievously at him as I put our Mercedes car on autopilot. “Welcome to Auto Pilot. Where are you headed today, Mondragon?” said the car’s AI and Luke didn’t seem comfortable with my idea. “Puerto Rico Airport,” I replied. The Auto Pilot quickly changed the car's direction, and we were on our way back to the airport. “What the hell Lizzie? I’m not even packed up for a vacation, and neither are you,” Luke protested and I smiled at him. “Oh, relax Luke. We’ll get new clothes at the airport or probably when we get to England. I just don’t want Uncle Constantin or Carlin, and even Uncle Bertrand, to know where we are heading to. They somehow find a way to ruin everything,” I told him and he relaxed a bit as we got to the airport in not less than ten minutes. “You have arrived at your destination,” the AI said once more before the car engine went off. “So much for a vacation,” Luke teased as we both walked into the airport to get our flight ready. Richard’s P.O.V It’s been four hours since I called Elizabeth and right now, I’m starting to think that it was a terrible idea. I didn’t inform Lillian about it and I knew she would be very furious at me for not consulting her before making such a huge decision. “Doc. How’s my mum doing?” I asked the doctor who had been assigned to my mom as he walked out of the theatre room. “Well, she’s still unconscious and right now there’s little we can do to help her unless we’re sure you’ve found a suitable donor for her,” the doctor said as he walked past me and headed to his office. I needed Elizabeth right now. She was the only one who I knew had the same blood group as my mum and was also willing to donate to her, even though my mum had been a total d**k to her. “Come on Elizabeth, where are you?” I whispered into thin air and the Gods heard my prayer. “I’m here,” I turned to see Elizabeth and a guy who she had never introduced me to before walking into the reception room. “Elizabeth, you made it.” I ran to give her a hug, but the guy who stood by her side stopped me. "And you are?" “I’m Luke Mondragon, Elizabeth’s elder brother and…” “The world’s best doctor,” said the doctor, who had just left me for his office. “Dr. Mondragon, it’s do nice to meet you. My name is Dr. Dorian,” the doc added and have him a friendly handshake. I saw the worried look in Elizabeth’s eyes. I wanted to so badly ask her why she bought my company, to find out if she still had feelings for me, but right now, my mom’s health was more important. “Dr. Dorian, she’s the blood donor I was telling you about. We can start the surgery now.” “Um, excuse me but I’m the what now?” Elizabeth asked in shock and I was really mad at myself for not telling her what was really going on over the phone. “Look I’m sorry for not telling you over the phone Elizabeth but my mum isn’t in the best health state right now and you’re the only one I could think of who would help,” I tried explaining to her but her noisy brother who followed her wouldn’t just keep his mouth shut. “So why couldn’t you just take blood from the hospital blood bank?” Luke asked. “That’s because our hospital recently ran out of blood. We’re expecting to a new shipment tomorrow but his mother simply can’t wait that long as she has only a few more hours to go without enough blood in her body system,” Dr. Dorian explained and I felt a huge relief knowing he was there. He had earlier on addressed Elizabeth’s brother Luke as the world’s best doctor and I couldn’t but wonder if he was right. “Have your guys discovered what’s wrong with her?” Luke asked Dr. Dorian, and he sighed at that question. “That’s the second problem we have. Mrs. Lim was brought in here with blood left in her. We couldn’t conduct on any test on her as the chances of her surviving it were a 70:30,” Dr. Dorian replied and a smile spread across Luke’s face. “Get me a pair of gloves and a lab coat. I think I have an idea,” Luke said and Dr. Dorian seemed so thrilled with his statement. “Luke, are you sure you want to do this? You know you don’t have to?” Elizabeth asked him, and he smiled warmly at her. “A friend in need, right?” he replied and walked into the theatre room with Dr. Dorian. “Thank you for coming,” I said as I hugged Elizabeth warmly and forget completely that Lillian had gone to grab a smoothie for the both of us. “Hey Richie, I just saw a car with Mondragon written on it. Can you believe that?” she asked as I pulled away from the hug and she saw Elizabeth. “You little b***h!”
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