Episode 11

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Mr. CEO – You’re Dumped Chapter 11 – Hidden Secrets Elizabeth’s P.O.V I didn’t feel like going to the office today, so I had my secretary send me most of the documents that they needed me to look into, in the house. So far, things have moved according to plan. We still had the upper hand against Uncle Constantine, but for some reason, Andrew had been uncomfortable ever since he resumed his duties at the Puerto Rico Military Headquarters. I believed being closer to home would make him happy, but I’m starting to believe otherwise. Luke was returning today from the surgery he had gone to attend to. He actually turned it to a vacation for himself as he believed he wouldn’t have any more me time once he got back to Puerto Rico. I and Andrew waited for him in my bedroom until he arrived and we discussed our next play and when to carry it out without Uncle Constantine finding out about it. “Luke... you’re finally back,” I smiled as he walked into my bedroom and pulled me in for a hug. He sniffed my hair, which was very weird, but I couldn’t help but laugh about it. He was always the funnier one among the three of us and I don’t know what I would do sometimes without him here to cheer me up. “How’s my little sister been fairing while I was gone?” he asked “I’m fine. Superb actually,” I giggled while hugging him once more. “How about you General Andrew, how are you doing?” Luke asked him and Andrew didn’t respond. He was deeply lost in thoughts and I, for one couldn’t wait any longer to find out what was bothering him ever since he resumed at the office. “He has been this way for some time now. Refused to tell me anything until you got back,” I told Luke and he put a hand on Andrew's shoulder to make him loosen up a bit and, frankly, it worked. “So, what’s going on, General? Why are you so tensed out?” Luke asked him and he sighed heavily before looking at them both. “There’s something we’re not being told about Mum and Dad’s death” he spat out and it came rather as a disappointment that a shock to I and Luke. “Andrew, we all know that there’s something missing. I didn’t think that was what actually made you this way.” I sighed, but he kept looking out the window. “I think the military are hiding something about our parents’ death,” Andrew uttered, and that was the shocker I and Luke were expecting from him. It sounded very crazy and dumb, but the least we could do was to hear him out and find out why he thinks there’s something up. “What makes you say that, Andrew? You’re a high ranked officer in the military. I don’t see why something would be hidden from you,” Luke asked him, finding it hard to believe that the military would hide such a big information from Andrew. With his rank in the military, I found it hard to believe too that they’d been keeping a secret from him, but right now; we needed every single clue we could find. “Would you care to dive deeper into why you’re thinking that way, Drew?” I and Luke stared at him expectedly, waiting for his answer, but he seemed bothered about it. He walked out of my room and looked around the hallway to make sure no one was probably eves dropping on us before telling us what he suspected. He took a deep breath and sat on the couch opposite my bed. “When I reported to the office with my second in command and the rest of my team. I had a talk with the general in command. " “And??” I asked, hoping he would continue and not keep us in suspense. “Well, I asked him about the investigation they conducted after our parents' death and he seemed secretive about the results of the investigation,” Andrew uttered and even though I saw little to be worried about, we need to look into all the possible angles. “So you think he knows something?” I raised an eyebrow at him. “I don’t think he knows something. I know he’s hiding something, a sensitive information that could reopen the case of our parents' murder,” Andrew said and the three of us considered the idea for a while. I sat beside him on the couch and rested my head on his shoulder. I was worried about how things were about to go. We hadn’t been home for more than a month and now, we actually had our very first lead to our parents' death. Luke seemed to weigh the options, which I’m clearly sure that there wasn’t much of it. Either we take this chance and find out something or we throw it away and never know what we would learn. “So what’s the plan? Should we look into it?” Andrew asked, and I figured we should, but it hard to be a collective decision. “I think it’s best we hire a private investigator to look into it. Keep ourselves off the radar and avoid getting the attention of the cops on us so soon.” Luke sat on my bed as he waited for our earnest reply to his idea. I couldn’t sit around any longer and let Uncle Constantine get the upper hand on us. We needed to act fast on every information we could get at this moment and so far, this was the juiciest information we’ve got ever since returning to Puerto Rico. “There’s no time for a private investigator, Luke. I think we should handle this by ourselves. Most especially since this is the first lead we’ve got,” I suggested, and they both nodded their head to agreement. “So when do we break into the military headquarters?” Luke declared, and Andrew wasn’t quite comfortable with that idea. “I don’t think we necessary need to call it a break in Luke. We’re just going to look around their files and see what we can find out about our parents' case,” Andrew replied, and I chuckled softly. “So we go tonight, then?” I asked, and Andrew shook his head. “The General is going to be in the office tonight. He said he has some over due report that he has to finish up and send to the National Military headquarters,” Andrew informed us and honestly I was already to itching to find out whatever it was the General was keeping from us. Andrew gently patted my head, and I almost fell asleep with the both of them in my room. My heart felt heavy suddenly and my face pale due to worry and fright. “Lizzie? Are you alright? You don’t look so good.” Luke stated, and I realized how obvious it was that I didn’t look so good. “What if they get to me again, like last time? And what if you can’t save me this time around? What if neither of you can save me from them?” My voice cracked. Fear filled my heart. The fear of being shot a second time, the fear that I could actually die without getting justice for my parents. “No one is ever going to lay a finger on you, sis. As long as we’re both here. They’re not even going to think about hurting you,” Andrew smiled and hugged me tightly. I felt so safe with him and Luke around me. Like I could handle whatever the world throws at me. With Andrew and Luke by my side, I knew I had nothing to worry about. “Andrew is right Lizzie. Not even Uncle Constantine is going to lay a finger on you as long as we’re here,” Luke said to reassure me and my heart felt whole again. “You guys always pick the worst moments to be so cute,” I teased as Luke joined in on the family hug. “We’ll go to General Scouts office tomorrow evening. There’s a military gathering of Generals downtown and he’s among the special invites. He leaves the office by nine pm and will return by ten thirty,” Andrew stated as he wrote important points on my notebook. Seemed like he had everything planned out already and well, when your brother is in the military and makes an awesome plan for your little heist, then who are you to refuse it? “So just to be clear, we have barely an hour and thirty minutes to find out what General Scouts' hidden secret is?” I asked Andrew. He nodded in affirmation, and I saw Luke smile. I guess that meant we had a plan. We heard a noise just outside my door, like someone had actually been doing the one thing we desperately wanted to avoid and that was eves dropping on us. “Someone is at the door, Drew.” I looked at my brothers, worried about how long the person could have been at the door and just how much of our conversation that they heard, but my brothers didn’t seem worried about it. “Oh, don’t worry about that, Lizzie. I’m pretty sure it was Carlin,” Andrew smiled and I couldn’t believe it. “Um. That’s exactly why we should be worried. Carlin might have overheard our plans and end up spilling them to her dad.” I added, and Luke laughed at me softly. I was absolutely confused. Why weren’t they worried? They do realize that this could ruin our mission tomorrow? Why are they so relaxed? “Are they both of you insane right now? Why are you guys so merry about this?” I was scared for a moment and the thought that maybe my brothers had turned on me just when things were getting messy scared me. I stood up from the couch and walked restlessly across the room. Stamping my feet in frustration and annoyance. I hated it whenever they both of them knew something that I didn’t and right now, they clearly had something in mind. Something that they had no plans of letting me know until the time was right. “Lizzie. Relax, ok? There’s no need for you to be so worried. We’ve got this,” Luke smiled at me and it made me more annoyed at him. “How can they both of you expect me to be calm at a time like this?” I yelled. “Maybe because you’ve got the best brothers in the entire universe and you should know that we’ve got your back, girl,” Andrew replied and he and Luke laughed at me once more. They seemed to enjoy this awful torture of wanting to make me trust them at the most difficult times, and I didn’t like it. I trust them with my life, but I have learnt the hard way that most times, Luke and Andrew could not be trusted with a razor blade. “Alright. Give me one good reason why I should listen to the both of you and not barge out this door and make sure Carlin didn’t hear anything and if she did, give me one good reason why I shouldn’t shut her up myself?” I asked them both, and they exchanged a knowing look before staring back at me. “Do you remember what we once told you when we got back?” Luke asked me and my mind was blank on ideas. “I don’t remember you guys saying anything motivational to me,” I lied. They said something to me, but I couldn’t quite pin it down. They had actually told me a lot of things since we got back, but this one felt different. Andrew smiled at me as he stood from the couch and held my hand, giving it a gentle reassuring squeeze. “We told you we always need to one step ahead of Uncle Constantine, didn’t we?” Andrew smiled and I could only think that they had a trick up their sleeve. “For this to work, we need Uncle Constantine to know exactly where and when we’d leave tomorrow.” Luke added, and a smile formed on lips. “So, in other words, he’s going to think he knows what we plan to do, but somehow he doesn’t really know?” I stated and the both of them smiled. “So relax, dearest sister. Take a shower, have your dinner and get your beauty rest,” Luke smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving my room. “Just leave everything to us, Elizabeth. For now, you just need to get enough sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a big day,” Andrew smiled. He kissed me on the forehead and hugged me tightly before walking out of my bedroom. Well, I guess I have no other option than to trust them both in whatever they plan on doing tomorrow. “Dear God, save us all!”.
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