Episode 59

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Mr CEO, you are dumped!. Episode Fifty nine: Amelia's feelings. Elizabeth POV Andrew didn't say anything after he received the text but I know that he's badly hurt.He just has a better way of hiding it.A month suspension from work.That is a lot and he didn't even do it.He is not a felon so why the suspension. "It's okay.Dont feel too bad about it."I consoled him and all he did was simply smile. "Yeah,I know too.It is going to get better."He said to himself. "Afterall, it's just a month.No big deal."Luke completed for him but he just smiled "I actually think it is great.You have a whole month to rest and nourish yourself, don't you think so?."I cheered him up but honestly I don't think it's great.A month suspension is too much. "Yeah,I guess so too."He said briefly and I was short of words.This is getting awkward "Just draft a bucket list and begin to tick them off.If you want,I could do it with you.I'm very sure that we are going to have loads of fun."I said while he just chuckled. "Lizzie, it's fine.It is not like I got fired or anything.It is just a suspension,I'm fine."He said with a smile. "Are you sure?."I inquired with a calm tone. "Of course,I'm.I'm very sure, you don't have to worry your pretty self.I'm not drafting a bucket list but I can already think of how I'm going to spend the holiday."He revealed and that piqued my interest. ",You do?."I questioned and he nodded his head. "Yes,I do.I'm going to find the real killer and the person who set me up to be my parents killer and when I do find him or her,I'm going to make him or her pay."He swore with determination and even I was frightened. "Ohhhh…that gave me the shrills."Amelia said and used her hand to rub her skin. "It had me frightened to,"I confessed while Luke just smirked. "Just eat your food."That was all Luke said to him and he began to eat. "This isn't even enough for me.Can I have yours…"Andrew requested. "No!.No, you can't.This is one of my favorite dishes.I'm sorry but you can't have it. I looked at Amelia's face and she shyed away.One of Luke's favorite dishes.So, that's why she made it, just to make him feel better.I hate to admit it but my friend here is a hopeless romantic. "Lizzie, can I see you?."Luke asked and I nodded my head. "Sure."I answered. "Privately?..."He asked again and that was when I realized that I was still rooted to my spot. "Oh,I'm sorry."I said as I followed him and he moved towards the balcony.Now I'm even more frightened than when I heard Andrew's plans for the killer of my parents.Is he going to talk about last night?. Is he going to ask me to stop seeing his best friend?. Speaking of which,why hasn't Dorian called me all day but I will get to that later. What else could this possibly be about?. "Why are you pale with fear?."He asked and I didn't realize that my face already chose to give me away.Traitor! "No,I'm not pale with fear.Why would I be pale with fear?."I denied nervously while touching my face. "If you say so then." "So,why did you want to see me?.Away from Amelia and Andrew at that?."I asked quickly,I needed to be over with this in order to breathe a sigh of relief. "Why?,are you in a rush?."He asked with one of his brows raised.What is this brother of mine up to?. "No,I'm not.I'm not going anywhere.So,where would I be in a rush to?."I asked myself rhetorically and rubbed my sweaty palms against my sundress. "Okay then If you say so.I wanted to talk to you privately concerning Amelia."He mentioned and my ear twitched. "Oh yeah, that's new.What do you want to ask concerning Amelia.I mean, she's right there.So,why don't you just ask her yourself?."I told him frankly and I could finally heave a sigh of relief. "I wanted to confirm with you first and remember that we are not talking." "Why are you guys not talking?."I quizzed, maybe this is my shot at hearing the truth from Luke himself. "Nothing really.We broke up and she just stopped talking to me and I also decided to let it go.But that's not what we want to talk about.I noticed that whenever I was talking, you were always looking at her.And that action started today.So,I wanted to know,did she say something about me?."He poured out his mind and sincerely speaking.I'm disappointed.I expected him to say something better. "I don't know what you are talking about."I lied and looked away. "You know you do.And I know you do.Dont play games with me Lizzie.If I wasn't sure,I would never ask you."He demanded strongly. "Whatever it is she said, whatever it is that our eye contact was all about.It has nothing to do with you.She didn't even mention you or say anything about you."I lied…again.The last thing that I'm going to do is blow my best friend cover or air her dirty laundry outside. If she feels that Luke deserves to know or if she at any point chooses to tell him, that's her choice and decision not mine. "Alright then,I just misunderstood the situation."He said and it sounded like an apology. "No problem.can I leave now?."I requested and he nodded his head. "If you are curious about something like that, just ask Amelia herself.The fact that you have broken up doesn't mean you have to be enemies."I told him truthfully before leaving the balcony and heading towards the room. When I got to the living room,it was just Amelia and Luke wasn't in sight.She was just fiddling with her phone. "Where's Luke?."I asked and she pointed to the terrace. "The guy he told about frank and I guess the network was poor here.So,he had to move away."She informed me and I was glad.This means some great news. "Oh, wonderful.I guess he already has news about Frank."I wished happily. "That would be real fast, you know."Amelia said but I just chose to not listen. Luke and Andrew walked in at the same time. "What did he say?."I asked as soon as he entered. "Take a chill pill, Lizzie and calm down.This guy I know is the one who is going to hire the private investigator.Like help us look for a private investigator.So,he just called and told me now that he has found someone who can do the job.The guy comes highly recommended and he vouches for him."He explained to all of us but Andrew looks unitersted. "Reminds me of the same way someone vouched for attorney Salvador."Luke said sarcastically. "But he still got Andrew out."I chipped in and reminded him. "Only because of the tape Richard got."Amelia added.I can't believe she's siding with Luke, already. "Enough guys,this one is different.His name is blade and finding someone is his specialty.All that blade needs now is a file and picture of Frank.And he gets to work, after we give him Frank's basic information.He is going to take it from there ,let us know how things go in the process.And I can assure you that he's going to find Frank."Luke said strongly and I believe him.I don't know why this two confused couple , Luke and Amelia are being doubtful if the guy's competence but I believe him. "I will give you all of that now."I told Luke and he kept his phone in his pocket. "Okay guys, there is something I forgot to tell all of you.I got an apartment."Andrew revealed and Amelia's face dropped!.

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