Episode 14

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Mr. CEO – You’re Dumped Chapter 14 – Trouble in Paradise Elizabeth’s P.O.V And here I was, standing face to face with the psychopath my ex-husband left me for. To think that he could actually have her in his life considering what she had been doing to his company; of course he didn’t know that. “Richie, what is she doing here?” Lillian asked Richard, and I realized he hadn’t told her before calling me to donate blood to his mom. “Lillian, before you do anything stupid, I promise you that I can explain,” Richard replied. She wasn’t interested in his explanation, neither was she willing to listen to reason. “I’m calling the cops right now!” Lillian yelled, and I chuckled softly. “You really want to call the cops on a Mondragon? Go ahead and knock yourself out,” I answered her. Richard stared at me, jaw dropped. I was no longer the quiet Elizabeth he married in the past. The one who let everyone and anyone decide how her life should be. “Listen Richard, next time you’re going to call me to come save your mom's life, at least inform this monster you call a girlfriend. I would hate to have her arrested if she lays a single one of her filthy fingers on me,” I threatened, and took a seat in the reception room while waiting for Luke and Dr. Dorian. They came out of the theatre a few minutes later and Dr. Dorian was happy as he could ever be. “Dr. Dorian, what’s her state right now?” Richard asked. “Your mother is doing just fine. I don’t think there’s going to be a need for that blood donor anymore,” Dr. Dorian replied with a smile. Luke seemed exhausted, and I knew he could use a bottle of soda, so I patiently waited to know what my genius of my brother could have done to rescue Richard’s mother. “You see, Dr. Mondragon here suggested we do something perilous which I only agreed to because I knew how goo his is at his good,” Dr. Dorian added and Richard looked at my brother with worry his eyes before fixing them back on Dr. Dorian. “And by risky, what exactly do you mean?” He asked. “Well, we only needed a blood donor because we couldn’t find out the amount of blood left in your mother's body system, but Dr. Mondragon here suggested that we remove the blood from her body and clean it.” Richard approached my brother and did his best to swallow his pride. “Thank you,” Richard greeted, and I could have sworn that Lillian’s brain must have exploded or something. She was about to leave when she bumped into a strange figure walking into the reception room. A young guy about Richard’s age, dark-skinned and had deep ocean eyes. “Hey, watch where you’re going next time,” Lillian scoffed. The gentleman helped her back to her feet, and she screeched in excitement. “Oh, my Gosh! Rafael. You finally made it!” Lillian yelled, and I felt like something big was going on. “Long time no see, Richard,” Rafael greeted, and I watched him approach Richard and pull him into a quick embrace. “Rafael, it’s good to have you back,” Richard replied. I was quiet the whole, trying to understand what was going on, and so was Luke. I had mentioned nothing about a guy named Rafael to him in all my stay with Richard, and that’s basically because I didn’t know he even existed. “Forgive me manners. Rafael, I’d like you to meet Elizabeth…” “Mondragon. Your ex-wife and big-time female billionaire,” Rafael mumbled as he completed Richard’s statement. “Okay. The whole point of me introducing you is so I could you her name and do likewise for her,” Richard added as he let out an exaggerated sigh. “It’s an honor to make your acquittance, Miss. Mondragon,” Rafael took my right hand and gave it a gentle kiss and I felt my tummy rumble from delight. There was something about him that struck me, and I couldn’t figure out what it was. Either we had met in the past and I somehow don’t remember him or I had fallen in love at first sight with this handsome stranger. “Elizabeth, this is Rafael. My best friend who hasn’t been around for quite a long time,” Richard explained, and I simply smiled weakly before turning to leave. “I need to go get some fresh air,” I said, and Luke noticed the worried look in my eyes. He always paid attention to the slightest changes in my body and attitude. One time, while we were growing up, mom would always force us to eat vegetables as he believed they would make us grow healthier and I never ate them. I believed no one would ever find out, so I kept on disposing of my own vegetables, not knowing that Luke had been watching me to do so until the day I fell sick. He helped me hide it from my mum until dad got back and the both of them took me to the hospital. Ever since that day, Luke always knew how I was doing. “Do you need some company? All this blood cleaning has filled me lungs with awful scent” he smiled but unfortunately, I needed some alone time right now and I couldn’t do it if he followed me. “Actually, Luke, I think I’ll be fine on my own for a while. You can go bond over with coffee with Dr. Dorian or even Richard,” I suggested, and left them in the reception room. I walked a few miles away from the hospital to the park just across the street. This was my first time in London without my parents. The last time we came here, it was Andrew’s eighteenth birthday. He insisted he wanted us to meet the Queen. My mother refused, but my father he saw it as a good opportunity to get on good terms with the Queen of England. “She is going to be furious if she learns I came to her city without informing her,” I sighed. I took a walk around the park, taking in the beautiful view and allowing the warmth of the wind to embrace my skin. For a moment, my head was peaceful, and I wasn’t worrying about what Uncle Constantine would do next to hurt me or what Richard and Lillian would do once they came over to Puerto Rico. “Elizabeth!” I heard someone scream my name from a distance, and it was Rafael. He was running towards me, and he looked scared. For some reason, I couldn’t figure out. I was still wondering why he was even here in the first place? I heard the tires of a car screeching as a black porch car sped past him and they stopped right in front of me. “A kidnap!” I yelled, but it was too late. Two men jumped out of the car, they put a sac over my face and the other covered my mouth tightly to stop me screaming. They forced me into the car in which I couldn’t even make out how many my abductors were. This was supposed to be a vacation for me and now there’s trouble in paradise. Luke’s P.O.V I was about leaving the hospital after sorting out a few issues with Dr. Dorian about a few patients he wanted me to look into their cases. One of them had heart cancer and was barely left with two days on this planet earth, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell her that. I had walked back to the reception room from Dr. Dorians' office, but Elizabeth wasn’t back yet. We agreed she’d come back on time, but it’s been almost three hours since she left and I had heard nothing from her. Richard and his mom were in her wardroom, and so was Lillian. But the one person missing, apart from Elizabeth, was Richard’s best friend, Rafael. I stormed into the room where Richard and his mom were, and my heart was raging with fury. “Hey, Luke. What’s going on? You don’t look so good?” Richard asked, and his ignorance made me angry all the more. Lillian, on the other hand, wasn’t also in the ward room like I had expected, so currently I had two suspects if ever Elizabeth didn’t show up as planned. I took a deep breath and approached the bed where Richard’s mom lay. She had just woken up after the surgery and I’m very sure she must have been exhausted, so I didn’t want to bother her with a fight or me raising my voice at her beloved son. “Mom, this is Dr. Mondragon. Elizabeth’s older brother and the Doctor who saved you,” Richard said. She didn’t seem so happy that I was a Mondragon and also a Mondragon who saved her life from her dying a few hours ago. “And what of Elizabeth? Why isn’t she here to know if I survived or not? Let me guess, she wanted me dead!” his mom uttered, and for a lady who was so close to her last breath, I didn’t think she would want to continue in her old ways of hating my sister, but she did. “Mom, don’t be like that. Elizabeth actually brought her brother here to treat you,” Richard lied. I knew why he had to do it, though. I’m pretty sure his mom would have freaked out if she found out that the major reason Elizabeth was here was to donate blood to her. “Richard, I’d like to talk to you outside for a moment,” I said, and his mom scoffed before letting him follow me out. “Dr. Luke. What seems to be the problem?” Richard asked, and I was fed up with his drama and good guy act. “Ok, enough with the act. Both of us know that you don’t even want me here. You just want my sister,” I yelled at him and a smirk crossed his lips. “Oh, good grief. I was this close to exploding if I kept up the good guy attitude with you,” he laughed as he demonstrated with his fingers. “Now spit it out man, why the hell do you want to talk to me in private? I hope you are not trying to take advantage of me,” Richard teased, and he finally crossed the line. I squeezed my fists tight and swung a blow to his right cheek and before he could steady himself; I hit him again on the left cheek, sending him to the floor. “What the f**k, man?” he yelled as blood dropped out of his nose. “Relax, you’re in a hospital. When I’m done beating the crap out of you, I’m very sure Dr. Dorian would be happy to treat you for a good price,” I mocked him. He staggered back to his feet and looked at him like he was about to rain out all of his anger on me, but before he could say any word, Rafael barged into the reception. He was nearly out of breath and looked a little tense. My mind started thinking of the endless possibilities as to why he could be that way, and I hoped none of them were true. “It’s Elizabeth,” he mumbled before keeping quiet for a second to catch his breath. “What happened to Elizabeth?” I asked. “I was on my way back home when I saw her in the pack. I thought of going to talk to her when I saw a black Porche vehicle speeding down the road and heading for her direction,” he said and stopped again to catch his breath. I guess he really ran a long way for him to be gassed out this much. “I tried to outrun the car and get to her but I couldn’t.” he said again and my heart went cold. “Where is Elizabeth?” I yanked up from the floor when he sat on to regain his breath and held against the wall on his neck. He struggled for his breath and tried his best to break free, but I would not let him go so easily. He was the last person who set eyes on my sister and therefore he had to give me answers. Most of the nurses had already started to gather around and some trying to break the fight apart or at least the thought it was. But the few who had gotten an inch close to me had their faces tell the story. I loosened my grip on his neck a little so as to allow him to speak, and he coughed faintly before uttering another one. “Someone has kidnapped Elizabeth,”
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