Episode 7

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Mr. CEO – You’re Dumped Chapter 7 – One Step Ahead Elizabeth’s P.O.V It was time for my first dinner with the family after two years of being hidden away and everyone believing that I was dead. We all gathered around the dining table as the maids dished out the food on our plates. I had come to the dining, escorted by my younger brother; Andrew. “Are you sure you want to eat here?” Andrew whispered to me. He scanned the dining hall, doing his best to avoid eye contact with everyone in the dining room. “You know, when Luke said all of Uncle Constantine’s family were here, I didn’t think he meant it literally,” I sighed as children ran throughout the dining hall. It appears Uncle Constantine had invited all his relations to the Mondragon estate after he had made sure I was dead. Or at least he thought I was. “We’ll be fine, you two. We’ve just got to stay one step ahead of him and Carlin,” Luke smiled as he approached I and Andrew. He nodded his head towards the grand dining seat which Dad sat on every dinner and I knew he wanted me to go there. I was making my way to it when Uncle Constantine approached, heading for the seat and before we eat?” Uncle Constantine suggested. He smiled mischievously at me, and I know he might have been trying to scare me off, but I would not let that happen in a million years. “Everyone hold hands and close your eyes,” I said in my best impression of dad, and all at that the table asides Uncle Constantine giggled. “The Family that feeds together, stays together. That was always dad’s word at every dinner. But he is no longer here with us,” I mumbled as tears formed in my eyes. “Dear God, keep this family together, and may our Joy know no bounds, Amen,” I said in a calm voice. “Amen” chorused everyone at the table and without hesitation, I could hear the sounds of spoons and plates fighting like soldiers at war. We ate in tranquility until Andrew decided it was time for him to bring up something he wanted to discuss with us. Something he knew no one would be happy to hear. Asides I and Luke of course. “I’ll be moving down to Puerto Rico to continue my service in the military,” He smiled as everyone else stared at him in astonishment. I guess this was what Luke meant by staying one step ahead of Uncle Constantine. By the look on his face, I could tell he wasn’t expecting to have a soldier around him at a time like this. Especially since that soldier was a Mondragon. “That’s wonderful news, my boy,” Uncle Constantine applauded with a smile not so authentic. I could tell he was pissed off by what Andrew said, and that only meant our plan was working so far. “We decided it was best for him to leave the battlefield before something goes wrong one day,” I teased. I noticed Carlin staring at me. She looked like she was having dinner with a ghost from her past. Which, of course, is what I am to her right now; only that I’m as flesh as I can be. “Is something wrong, Carl?” She gulped at the sound of my voice and did her best to stay cool, like nothing had happened. “Oh, it’s nothing. I was just thinking about what your plans for the company are,” Her remark threw me off guard for a moment. Not that I didn’t have plans for the company. I just didn’t expect any of them to bring up the company at the dining table. “You have plans for the company, right?” Carlin asked once more, and a smile spread across my lips. “Oh, come on, Carlin, let’s give your cousin a break. She was just got resurrected from the dead,” Uncle Bertrand teased. There was something odd about the way he spoke. It felt like he was trying his best not to get directly involved in this scandal between me and Uncle Constantine. “Well Uncle Bertrand, I was thinking it would be best for me not to return to the office so soon” Luke raised an eyebrow to me and I stretched my hands out so I could hold his hand and give him a reassuring squeeze. Andrew, on the other hand, didn’t seem so comfortable with what I was about to do. I knew it was a risky move, but it was the only way I could ease of the tension of my sudden acquisition of the Rose Corp. Even though it is rightfully mine, something’s are just hard to explain. I took a deep breath and beamed a smile at Uncle Constantine. A part of me knowing fully well that I was going to regret this. “Uncle Constantine. I’d like you to continue your job as the CEO of the company” He gave a nervous laugh and looked at me sternly. It felt like he was trying to read my mind or something and honestly; it was kind of creepy too. “Elizabeth. Are you sure this is a good idea?” Andrew asks. “It’s not. But for the sake of Mom and Dad’s hard work, it’s what’s best for the company,” I sigh. I was about leaving the dining table with Luke when my phone rang. It was a call from Barrister Stones, my second lawyer, who I had sent to meet Richard and offer him a deal. I excused myself and walked quickly into my bedroom to answer his call. “Barrister Stones. I’ve been expecting your call hours ago. So tell me, is the deal done?” I asked, exchanging no pleasantries. “There was a little set back Miss. Mondragon,” he mumbled over the phone, and I was annoyed with that statement. “And what could that be, Barrister Stones?” He went quiet over the phone for a few moments, probably thinking of the right words to use because he knew that one wrong word, he would end up fired. “Mr. Richard rejected the proposal” I wasn’t surprised by what he said at all. I had expected Richard to pull the hard to get card on me. “Amateur,” I whispered under my breath, and a shiver of pleasure flew right through me. “Alright then Barrister Stones. I want you to go back to him, but with a different offer this time. I want you to offer him five hundred million dollars for eighty percent of his company rights,” I said confidently, and Barr. Stones laughed faintly over the phone. “Pulling out all the cards, are we? I’ll get back to you once I’m done with my meeting at his office. I don’t think he’ll want to miss this life-changing opportunity,” Barr. Stones replied, and his words boosted my morale all the more. “Thank you Barr. Stones” “It’s always a pleasure, Miss. Mondragon.” The call ended just in time as someone knocked on my door. I gently turned the door knob, expecting to see Andrew or Luke, but neither of them was my unexpected visitor. “Carlin,” my voice turns dark as I look at my cousin sister who hired my killers. “You know it’s not proper to greet your favorite cousin that way,” she says with heavy sarcasm. “What do you want, Carlin?” my voice was thick with authority and I saw the fear dance boldly in her eyes. “You are up to something,” her voice is accusing. She walks into the room without waiting for my authorization and seats comfortably on my dusty bed, which I had not asked the maids to clean up yet. “And what do you think I’m up to, oh favorite cousin?” I gave her a wan smile, and she looked uncomfortable the more she stayed in my presence. “I don’t know yet. But I plan to find out. There’s no way I’m buying the idea of you letting my dad continue acting as CEO when, right now, you are officially the owner of Rose Corps.” Carlin said with annoyance. I didn’t have time to argue with her. This was barely my first night back in the Mondragon estate and she makes it one I hope to forget. “Look. Unless your dad has something to hide, he shouldn’t be afraid to continue as CEO until I am ready to reveal myself once more in the office,” I walk to my dressing table and find a picture of my parents and my siblings when we were still little. “Rose Corp. will rise back to its feet under my leadership,” I smile, and it infuriates her. Carlin walks out of my room, slamming the door behind her. “And that’s how you deal with a witch” I giggle as I dial the room service line and a few maids come into my room to help me tidy up before I can get some sleep. “I love you, mum. I love you, Dad.” I blow a kiss into the air before falling on my bed and into the sweet embrace of sleep. Constantine’s P.O.V I got to the office a bit late, and I was more anxious about the emergency meeting the board of directors had called for. Everyone in Puerto Rico knew Elizabeth was back, but not everyone knew she was now the owner of Rose Corp. A few workers had tried to spread the rumor, but it got to my attention and I had them dismissed from their jobs immediately. We might have agreed she would take over when the time was right, but there was no way in the world I was going to let the board of directors learn such vital information from low life employees. “Mr. Constantine, the board is waiting for you in the conference room,” my secretary whispered as she followed elegantly behind me to the conference room. I walked in and saw that everyone was present. Everyone, including Elizabeth. “Uncle Constantine, you’re here. We’ve been waiting” She walked up to me and gave me a hug, which I’m sure didn’t last more than a second. “Um, Elizabeth. I didn’t expect to see you here, at a board meeting,” my voice comes out stiff and prim. “Mr. Constantine, you didn’t bother informing us that Miss. Mondragon was finally home,” said Paul, a member of the board and our highest share holder. “Well, it was all over the news. I didn’t think there was a need to say anything about that, since all of you must have heard she was back.” I laughed nervously. I was doing my best to keep myself together, but I seemed to fail. Elizabeth was really doing her best to catch me off guard. “Well, you should have informed us either way,” Mr. Frank, our company ambassador and advisor added, and he didn’t seem so happy too. The rest of the board chorused in agreement to what Mr. Frank had said and I knew what I needed to do. “Forgive my manners. Everyone, please let’s welcome Miss. Elizabeth Mondragon, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Mondragon, founders of Rose Corp. and” “The new CEO of Rose Corp.” Elizabeth blurted out without letting me finish my statement. I was in a state of awe for what felt like forever after hearing what she said and frankly; I didn’t see that coming. “Um, yes… of course, I decided to give her what rightfully belongs to her since she has returned,” I mumbled. I didn’t want them to think I was against it. I wasn’t sure how long she had been in the conference room with the board members, so only God knows what she might have told them already. “This is such a thrilling news Miss. Elizabeth. To think that you will continue your father’s legacy,” Mr. Paul said in excitement. It thrilled everyone with the sudden change of power, and I couldn’t blame them. To think I actually believed that Elizabeth would allow me to run the company while she was around. I was dumb. Having nothing else to say, she dismissed the meeting and the board members left the conference room. I stared at her in silence, and her smile radiated as bright as the morning sun. It was disturbing and I couldn’t bear it. “I’m having a bad day. I’ll be heading home. If you need me, please contact my secretary,” I mumbled and walked out of the office. It’s not been up to a week and she’s already playing boss. I guess it’s time I teach her a lesson. “Mr. Constantine, are you on your way home?” my secretary asks as I walk down to the elevator. “Yes. I am. Take care of things here while I’m gone. I think I’m going to be sick I stay here any longer” I mumbled. I enter the elevator and make my way down to the parking lot. “I will end you Elizabeth” I whisper as I hop into my car and my driver starts the engine and takes me home.
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